This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'FOLD'.
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'Prietenia este trandafirul care respira, avand dulceata in fiecare cuta.' |
I can't do origami-style folding. It's a hidden reason deep inside me that I haven't
discovered yet, but that won't stop me from resuming the subject, until I manage
to do something.
But I don't want to tell you about this kind of subject, but about a new one, discovered at
one point and which had ended up in a shadow cone in my book library. However, it
suddenly gushed, reading the word, which it means that it is mandatory to resume it again.
The Viktor Grebennikov' s discoveries, related to anti-gravity, starting from observing
the flight of beetles and analyzing the way their wings are constructed and folded, seemed fascinating to me.
From his book, 'My World', I discovered only one chapter, but it contains enough interesting ideas, worth repeating. And a special thought was written there:
'Invention without insects is not possible.... Without insects I would not have succeeded...
Thus, safeguard their world, the ancient wonderful world of insects...for it is an infinite,
unique treasure of Nature's mysteries.'
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'Impatureste-ti grijile in avioane de hartie si transforma-le in dracii zburatoare.' |
Impaturirile in stil origami nu prea imi reusesc. Este un motiv ascuns adanc in mine
pe care inca nu l-am depistat, insa asta nu ma va opri din a relua subiectul, pana cand
voi reusi totusi ceva.
Insa nu despre asa ceva vreau sa va spun, ci despre un subiect inedit, descoperit la
un moment si care ajunsese intr-un con de umbra din biblioteca. A tasnit insa brusc,
citind cuvatul, ceea ce inseamna ca este obligatoriu sa-l reiau.
Descoperirile lui Viktor Grebennikov, legate de anti gravitatie, pornind de la observarea
zborului unor carabusi si analizarea modului cum sunt construite si pliate aripile acestora,
mi s-a parut fascinanta.
Din cartea lui, 'Lumea mea', am descoperit doar un capitol, insa contine destule
idei interesante, ce merita reluate. Si mai este scris acolo un gand deosebit:
'inventia fara insecte nu este posibila....Fara prietenii zburatori nu as fi reusit...
Protejati Lumea Straveche si minunata a insectelor, care pastreaza, fara limite, Taine
unice ale Creatiei'.
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'Cea mai mica abatere initiala de la Adevar este multiplicata mai tarziu de o mie de ori.' |
#Fiction Monday (170) - The impossible could be possible