This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'COLOR'.
There are certain ideas that generate many paths. Then, even if I stop to observe
them, to somehow sort out the importance of their destination, it is difficult to impossible
for me to identify the one that would be useful to go to. Sometimes the logic does not help,
whatever information is at hand. Maybe a pendulum would work...😊
The colors, which I love, somehow generate such a knot.
Because it is not always about
art and its colors.
There are other possible paths, a fascinating array of special topics. It can be about
the aura, the chakras, the universe, light, crystals, fractals, color therapy...
Wherever we look there are colors, but some of them we have the ability to see
only by practicing...

Sunt anumite idei ce genereaza multe carari. Atunci, chiar daca ma opresc sa le
observ, sa le sortez cumva importanta destinatiei, mi-e greu spre imposibil sa o
identific pe cea pe care ar fi util sa merg. Uneori logica nu ajuta, oricate informatii
are la indemana. Poate ar ajuta un pendul...😊
Culorile, pe care le iubesc, genereaza intr-un fel un astfel de nod.
Pentru ca nu intotdeauna este vorba despre arta si culorile ei.
Mai sunt si alte drumuri posibile, un evantai fascinant al unor subiecte deosebite.
Poate fi vorba de aura, de chakre, de univers, de lumina, de cristale, de fractali,
de terapie prin culoare...
Oriunde privim este vorba de culori, doar ca pe unele nu avem capacitatea de a
le vedea decat exersand.
#Fiction Monday (165) - Stop a little bit
The world of hidden 3D Stereograms / Lumea stereogramelor 3D ascunse
How to view stereograms / Cum sa vedem stereograme
'Easy stereograms for beginners' / 'Stereograme pentru incepatori'
Update 1: Cateva stereograme pe blogul Potecutei.
Update 2: Iluzie optica in trei dimensiuni.