marți, 29 noiembrie 2022

Miercurea fara cuvinte (339) -
Creatii din fructe cu coaja tare -
Crafts with fruits with hard shells

A venit randul meu sa gazduiesc  jocul "Miercurea fara cuvinte", preluat de la  Zina si
initiat de
Carmen.  Un schimb de idei - imagini care ne coloreaza ziua si imaginatia!
   Postarea participa si la WW:
pe blogul 'Image-in-ing';
pe blogul 'Bethere2day';
pe blogul 'Myworldthrumycameralens';
pe blogul 'Comedy-plus';
pe blogul 'My Holidays photos';
pe blogul 'RamblinwithAm';
pe blogul
'Cats-astropic Events'
pe blogul 'Katheworsley';
pe blogul 'Brianshome'
pe blogul 'Meeyauw'
pe blogul
'Jaipur Gardening';

Urmatoarele trei jocuri vor fi la interval de doua saptamani si tabelele vor fi
deschise respectand aceste perioade, daca vreti sa participati.
Mai exact datele vor fi: 13.12.2022; 27.12.2022; 10.01.2023.
The next three games will have the table open for two weeks, so you can enter your posts.
The dates are 13.12.2022; 27.12.20022; 10.01.2023.

De aceasta data Niko ne-a oferit surse de inspiratie despre fructe cu coaja
tare si am continuat si eu cautarile! Sursele sunt la imagini.
This time Niko offered us some sources of inspiration with fruits with hard shells,
so I continue the researches! The sources are at the images.

Crafts with pistachio shells

Nut garland

DIY Christmas decorations

Pistachio shell flowers

Pistachio shell mosaic

Projects with acorns

DIY acorns crafts

Doodling on chestnuts

Inchei aceasta serie de idei creatoare ce a inceput cu flori, apoi au urmat
fructele si crengile. M-as bucura daca v-au oferit carari - idei noi pentru
inspiratiile voastre de orice natura ar fi acestea!
I end this series of creative ideas that started with flowers, then  followed by the fruits
and branches. I would be happy if they offered you paths - new ideas for whatever
your inspirations may be!

Happy Twice WW!

MFC (338)


Pe 30 noiembrie este sarbatorit Sfantul Apostol Andrei.

tuturor celor care sarbatoresc aceasta zi!
Sa va fie cu bucurie voua si celor dragi voua!


luni, 28 noiembrie 2022

#Fiction Monday (109)
The path called gratitude
Calea numita recunostinta

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'GRATITUDE'.

Source (...Practice gratitude...)
Recunostinta schimba totul

From the idea of ​​betrayal to the idea of ​​gratitude during a week?
Maybe something similar of going from agony to ecstasy?
With the transition from a low frequency to a high one, really beneficial?
If people would at once (!) stay on high frequencies, the world would change for the better.
Why isn't this happening? I have no idea what reason to choose. I don't like whatever I
choose, so it doesn't make sense this road.
They say that where I focus my attention goes my energy. So of course I choose gratitude!
As I think about the reasons why I am grateful, the list goes on. And I think it's the best
exercise at the beginning of each day and at the end of it.
As I realize the importance of this kind of behavior and its effects, I notice that there are
more and more moments when I feel the need to express myself in this way, because
I feel  in my heart a great joy that fills me with energy.

The next step of the exercise, I understood, is the gratitude for the fulfillment I am waiting
for as if it had already happened.

In a three-dimensional space it seems difficult to understand such a concept, but I always
have to be open to other possibilities that exist, even I don't know them yet and gratitude
can be a way to discover them!

I conclude by saying that I am grateful that this game exists and through it we can intersect
our thoughts in the energy field that connects us!

Source "Invata tot ceea ce poti, oricand poti,
de la oricine poti - va veni un timp cand vei fi
recunoscator ca ai facut-o".

De la ideea de tradare la ideea de recunostinta pe parcursul unei saptamani?
Poate ceva similar cu a trece de la agonie la extaz?
Cu trecerea de la o frecventa joasa, la una inalta, cu adevarat benefica?
Daca oamenii s-ar hotari odata (!) sa ramana pe frecvente inalte, lumea
s-ar transforma in bine. De ce nu se intampla asta?
Habar nu am ce motiv sa aleg. Orice as alege nu imi place, asa ca nu are sens
acest drum.
Se spune ca acolo unde imi indrept atentia se duce si energia mea. Asa ca este
firesc sa aleg recunostinta! Pe masura ce ma gandesc la motivele pentru care
sunt recunoscatoare, lista se lungeste.  Si cred ca este cel mai bun exercitiu la
inceputul fiecarei zile si la finalul ei. Pe masura ce constientizez importanta
acestui fel de comportament si efectele lui, constat ca sunt din ce in ce mai multe
momentele in care simt nevoia sa ma manifest in acest fel, deorece simt in inima
o mare bucurie ce ma incarca cu energie.

Urmatoarea etapa a exercitiului, am inteles ca este recunostinta pentru
implinirile pe care le astept ca si cum acestea s-ar fi intamplat deja.

Intr-un spatiu cu  trei dimensiuni pare dificil de inteles un astfel de concept,
insa mereu trebuie sa fiu deschisa spre alte posibilitati ce  exista, chiar
daca inca nu stiu, iar recunostinta poate fi o cale de a le descoperi!

Inchei prin a spune ca sunt recunoscatoare pentru ca acest joc exista si
prin el ne putem intersecta gandurile in campul de energie ce ne conecteaza!

#Fiction Monday (108) - Just a few thoughts

marți, 22 noiembrie 2022

Miercurea fara cuvinte (338) -
Creatii utilizand crengi-
Crafts ideas with branches

A venit randul meu sa gazduiesc  jocul "Miercurea fara cuvinte", preluat de la  Zina si
initiat de
Carmen.  Un schimb de idei - imagini care ne coloreaza ziua si imaginatia!
   Postarea participa si la WW:
pe blogul 'Image-in-ing';
pe blogul 'Bethere2day';
pe blogul 'Myworldthrumycameralens';
pe blogul 'Comedy-plus'
pe blogul 'My Holidays photos';
pe blogul 'RamblinwithAm';
pe blogul
'Cats-astropic Events'
pe blogul 'Katheworsley'
pe blogul 'Brianshome'
pe blogul 'Meeyauw'
pe blogul
'Jaipur Gardening';

The table will be created on Tuesday evening.
Just be aware that I'll update the links to your posts till the end of  Wednesday.

De aceasta data Niko ne-a oferit surse de inspiratie despre crengi si
am continuat si eu cautarile! Sursele sunt la imagini.
This time Niko offered us some sources of inspiration with branches, so I
continue the researches!
The sources are at the images.


80 projects with branches

80 birdhouse designs

13 ideas with tree branches

40 diy branch art installations

18 tree design images

Tree branch decor

Happy WW! 

MFC 337

Amazing results with super glue and baking soda
Rezultate suprinzatoare cu lipici (super glue) si praf de copt.


luni, 21 noiembrie 2022

#Fiction Monday (108)
Just a few thoughts -
Doar cateva ganduri

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'BETRAYAL'.

"Fiecare tradare incepe cu incredere"

I wonder if I were to establish a scale of betrayal, to what level would I reach?
Can it really be quantified? The effects, at least partially, can be quantified, even they
manifest differently, depending on age, environment, beliefs, even if it is about one
affected person or several.
It is practically impossible not to have met with betrayal directly, in person, or indirectly
from stories, testimonies, writings from the present or the past. And not to have felt their
effects. Effects that are terribly strong, even if we have the feeling that they are fading,
trying to forgive or forget.
Forgiving a betrayal requires, I think, a mental mechanism that must be built on the
awareness of the importance of forgiveness for ourselves. It's obviously complicated and
there are so many related ideas involved in this process. But the effort is worth it.
Because we should not forget the two words: 'cellular memory'. Willing or not, it exists
and influences us. It's a topic that deserves to be explored and pursued it can lead us to
many answers to questions spoken or not yet expressed.

There were only a few lines about a complicated subject, which affects us in many ways
our lives and whose presence is one of the proofs that the evolution of humanity still
has a very long way to go...

"Chiar pierderea si tradarea ne pot
aduce trezirea"

Ma intreb daca as stabili o scala a tradarii, pana la ce nivel as ajunge?
Se poate cu adevarat cuantifica? Efectele, cel putin partial, pot fi cuantificate,
chiar daca
se manifesta diferit, in functie de varsta, mediu, credinte, chiar daca este
vorba de un om afectat sau de mai multi.

Este practic imposibil sa nu ne fi intalnit cu tradarea direct, pe persoana fizica, sau
indirect din relatari, marturii, scrieri din prezent sau din trecut.  Si sa nu-i fi simtit
efectele. Efecte ce sunt  teribil de puternice, chiar daca avem senzatia ca se estompeaza,
incercand sa iertam sau sa uitam.
A ierta o tradare presupune cred eu, un mecanism mental ce trebuie construit
pe constientizarea importantei iertarii pentru noi insine. Este evident complicat
si sunt atatea idei conexe implicate in acest proces. Insa efortul merita facut.
Pentru ca nu ar trebui sa uitam doua cuvinte: 'memoria celulara'. Vrem, nu vrem,
ea exista si ne influenteaza. E un subiect ce merita a fi explorat si a merge pe firul
lui ne poate conduce spre multe raspunsuri la intrebari rostite sau inca neexprimate.

Au fost doar cateva randuri despre un subiect complicat, ce ne afecteaza in moduri
diferite vietile si a carui prezenta este una din dovezile ca evolutia umanitatii mai are
un drum foarte lung de parcurs...

#Fiction Monday (107) - Autumn coincidence