This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'REGRET'.
'Regretele sunt iluminari venite prea tarziu'. |
I've talked about regrets before. To truly eliminate the energy of this word from
our mind is possible, but only through the desire and will to truly understand the negative
effects of this energy. However, even if we understand the theory, the gap between the
causes and the effects of some events, it makes us lose sight of the overall picture, for
the simple reason that it is possible to have something forgotten along the way and
therefore the correlations cannot be made.
So, if I were to say my own conclusion, it would sound something like this:
Time is too precious to waste regretting things not done. If I still make this mistake,
I change my thoughts to the idea that it was necessary for my own good.
Emotions switch to other frequencies, sadness disappears, the image of the present
also changes, dissolving regrets that ultimately prove useless. With the feeling that I have
solved an important problem, I feel ready for new experiences, which I can achieve with joy, which will certainly not generate regrets...
Even if this approach seems too simplified, I found that it is perfectly functional...😊
'In final, noi regretam sansele pe care nu le-am luat in considerare'. |
Despre regrete am mai vorbit. A elimina cu adevarat energia acestui cuvant din
mintea noastra este posibil, insa doar prin dorinta si vointa de a intelege cu
adevarat efectele negative ale acestei energii.
Totusi, chiar daca intelegem teoria, decalajul dintre cauzele si efectele unor
evenimente, ne face sa pierdem din vedere imaginea de ansamblu, din simplul
motiv ca este posibil sa fi uitat cate ceva pe traseu si deci corelarile nu se pot face.
Asa ca, daca ar fi sa spun propria concluzie, aceasta ar suna cam asa:
Timpul este prea pretios pentru a-l pierde regretand lucrurile nefacute.
Daca totusi fac aceasta greseala, comut gandurile pe ideea ca asa a fost
necesar pentru binele meu. Emotiile se muta pe alte frecvente, tristetile
dispar, imaginea prezentului se modifica si ea, dizolvand regretele ce se
Cu senzatia ca am rezolvat o problema importanta, ma simt gata pentru
noi experiente, pe care sa le realizez cu bucurie, ceea ce cu siguranta
nu va genera regrete...
Chiar daca pare prea simplificata aceasta abordare, am constatat ca este
perfect functionala...😊
'Sa nu regreti ceea ce s-a intamplat in viata ta, ce nu poate fi schimbat, anulat sau uitat. Asa ca ia-o ca pe o lectie invatata si mergi mai departe'. |
#Fiction Monday (187) - The grudges are not good
An old wish... / O dorinta veche...