sâmbătă, 28 septembrie 2024

#Fiction Monday (189) -
A safe filter - Un filtru sigur

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'SAFE',
connected with 'FILTER', from the missed game.

Between a pot coffee and a filter coffee, I prefer the first one. I don't know if it's because
of the aroma, the bubbles, the memories or the possibility to see the images in the
... These words were the only ones preserved from my first text. And this, because in the meantime I... changed my mind.
Maybe because of those images of the clouds that were passing quickly, filtering the sunlight. Even if it was impossible for me to put them aside or influence their direction, they playfully showed me a metaphor of a screen of the mind, on which only images filtered by all useless
ideas would appear. Which I can imagine as clouds that pass quickly and disappear, leaving
only the essences and the truths on the screen.
Nothing new in these words. Everything has been written, it has been said, it has been experienced, it has been shared. The important thing is not to get stuck in the net of the past
and to allow myself to change my own limitations and somehow accord them with other,
much wider limits...
I think that those truths that remain after we filter the useless, can generate a
safe tuning...

I know that you may consider that this paragraph is somehow unrelated, but it is not
really so. Because in the last year, a special method of obtaining answers, kinesiological
testing or muscle testing, came back to me in different ways. It is a method by which we
can get answers from our fabulous subconscious. I can consider them safe, as long as our subconscious knows us best, on all levels, and has answers that we consciously formulate
with great difficulty or not at all.
I think that the links shared in the game 180- related to Dr. Bradley Nelson's book -
The Emotion Code, can be a good start to train us to get useful answers for our life.

Intre o cafea la ibric si cea la filtru o prefer pe prima. Nu stiu daca e din cauza aromei,
bulbucilor, amintirilor sau a posibilitatii de a vedea imaginile din zat..!😊

... Aceste cuvinte au fost singurele pastrate din primul meu text. Si asta, pentru ca intre timp
m-am... razgandit. Poate din cauza acelor imagini cu norii ce treceau rapid, filtrand
lumina solara. Chiar daca mi-era imposibil sa-i dau la o parte sau sa le influentez directia,
ei imi aratau jucaus o metafora a unui ecran al mintii, pe care sa apara doar imagini
filtrate de toate ideile nefolositoare. Pe care sa mi le imaginez ca pe niste nori ce trec rapid
si dispar, ramanand pe ecran doar esente si adevaruri.
Nimic nou in aceste cuvinte. Totul a fost scris, a fost spus, a fost experimentat, a fost
impartasit. Important este sa nu ma blochez in plasa trecutului si sa imi dau voie sa imi
modific propriile limitari si sa le acordez cumva cu alte limite, mult mai vaste...
Cred ca acele adevaruri ce raman in urma filtrarii inutilului, pot genera un acordaj sigur...

'Inainte de a vorbi, treceti
cuvintele prin trei porti:
Este adevarat?
Este necesar?
Este prietenos?

Stiu ca poate sa considerati ca acest paragraf este cumva fara legatura, insa
nu e chiar asa. Pentru ca in ultimul an a revenit spre mine, pe diferite cai, o metoda
speciala de a obtine raspunsuri, testarea kinesiologica sau testarea musculara.
Este o metoda prin care  putem obtine raspunsuri de la fabulosul nostru
subconstient. Le pot considera cele mai sigure, atata timp cat el ne cunoaste
cel mai bine, pe toate planurile si are raspunsuri pe care in mod constient le
formulam foarte greu sau deloc. Cred ca linkurile impartasite in jocul 180 - legate
de cartea dr. Bradley Nelson -  Codul Emotiilor, poate fi un bun inceput
pentru a ne antrena pentru a obtine raspunsuri utile vietii noastre.

#Fiction Monday (188) - Regrets reloaded


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