This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'GIFT',
together with the word 'MIRACLE', from previous game.

There are so many possibilities to understand the Whole through the ideas of
miracles and gifts, that the choices are difficult, complicated, challenging,
surprising and... incomplete!
When I am stopping and choosing, a lot of other possibilities simply disappear, just
by the simple fact that I stopped and I chose.
I find fabulous those sensations and thoughts before a decision regarding a choice.
Its significance is not important, but the process itself it is: the mechanism with which
we were endowed and which we access permanently, at every step we take.
This seems to me the miraculous gift offered to us by the Creator.
But it is so subtle and so embedded in us!
Honestly, I don't know if anyone could teaches us about such a mechanism.
Its discovery is our moment of grace and definitely changes completely the
perspectives about us and the world. If we dive with our whole being at this moment,
the illusions begin to fade fall apart and we (re)learn to see what until then, seemed
impossible to perceive. And this simply because then, the existence of intuition and its importance, is subtly revealed to us.
I think it is the key through which the received gift can be opened...
Sunt atatea posibilitati de a intelege Totul prin prisma miracolelor si darurilor,
incat alegerile sunt dificile, complicate, provocatoare, surprinzatoare si...
Atunci cand ma opresc si aleg, o multime de alte posibilitati pur si simplu dispar,
doar prin simplul fapt ca m-am oprit si am ales.
Mi se par fabuloase acele senzatii si ganduri anterioare unei decizii privind o
alegere. Nu conteaza importanta ei ci procesul in sine: mecanismul cu care am
fost inzestrati si pe care il accesam permanent, la orice pas pe care il facem.
Acesta mi se pare darul miraculos oferit noua de catre Creator.
Insa este atat de subtil si atat de incifrat in noi!
Sincer, nu stiu daca despre un astfel de mecanism ne poate invata cineva.
Descoperirea lui este momentul nostru de gratie si cu siguranta schimba
complet perspectivele despre noi si lume.
Daca ne scufundam cu toata fiinta noastra in acest moment, iluziile incep sa se
destrame si (re)invatam sa vedem ceea ce pana atunci parea imposibil de
perceput. Si asta pur si simplu pentru ca atunci ni se reveleaza subtil existenta
intuitiei si importanta ei.
Cred ca ea este cheia prin care darul primit se poate deschide...
Sometimes the frame is just a (de)limitation that belongs to us! Uneori rama este doar o (de)delimitare care ne apartine!
6 Sfaturi pentru cresterea vibratiei:
1. Zambeste 2. Misca-ti corpul 3. Respira constient 4. Ai credinta 5. Sa facem ceea ce iubim 6. Ai incredere in intuitia ta