This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'PRECIOUS'.
Hello friends. How are you?
Look carefully: what do you think it is precious inside you, or around you?
The gratitude is a key ingredient in our precious life, so a daily practice
is necessary...
I'll tell you a few words about the image. If you pay attention, you can see birds.
There are seagulls... in town. First, I heard them and when I looked to the sky
I saw them flying. The image is vague but they were there! For me it was a
precious moment. When I took a shot without seeing, due to the sun light,
I asked myself what it will look like. Was it possible to appear something
different, or special or angelic? This time was only an effect due to the camera,
I suppose. Maybe next time...😊

This strange photo is the result of an old skein from which I wanted to form a
clew, for using it in some projects. I did a huge mistake in doing this operation,
so I created an unbelievable tangle. I still work at my clew, as you can see.
But this event made me think that our reality looks exactly like this mess.
What was important it was to discover the location of the start point of the thread.
I was lucky and I fount it. From now on this problem can be solved only with
perseverance and paying attention to the details of the thread twists and its tracks.
If I rush and force the thread I complicate things or I destroy what I've achieved.
This approach I think is precious in all the complicated situations, in which
the mess could be invisible, so we have to use our imagination to discover the
start point of the events and their twists and tracks...
Till the end it's always about our mind...

Salut prieteni! Ce mai faceti?
Priviti cu atentie: ce credeti ca este pretios in interiorul vostru, sau in jurul vostru?
Recunostinta este un ingredient important in pretioasa noastra viata, asa ca
o practica zilnica este necesara...
Va voi spune cateva cuvinte despre prima imagine. Daca veti privi cu atentie
veti vedea pasari. Sunt... pescarusi in oras. Mai intai i-am auzit si apoi privind
spre cer i-am vazut zburand. Poza este vaga, dar au fost acolo. Pentru mine a
fost un moment pretios. Cand am facut fotografia fara sa vad, din cauza luminii
soarelui, m-am intrebat cum va arata. Era posibil sa apara ceva diferit, sau
special sau angelic? De aceasta data a fost doar un efect datorat aparatului,
presupun. Poate data viitoare...😊
Aceasta poza stranie este rezultatul unui scul din care am vrut sa formez un ghem
pentru a-l utiliza la niste proiecte. Am facut o mare greseala facand aceasta
operatiune, asa ca am creat o imensa incurcatura... Inca lucrez la ghem, dupa cum
puteti vedea! Dar acest eveniment m-a facut sa ma gandesc la realitatea noastra,
care arata exact ca aceasta harababura!
Ceea ce a fost important a fost sa descopar punctul de inceput al firului.
Am avut noroc si l-am gasit. Din acest moment problema poate fi rezolvata numai
prin perseverenta si fiind atenta la detaliile rasucirilor si traseelor firului.
Daca ma grabesc si fortez firul, complic lucrurile si distrug ceea ce am obtinut.
Aceasta abordare cred ca este pretioasa in toate situatiile complicate, in care
harababura poate fi invizibila, asa ca trebuie sa ne folosim imaginatia pentru
a descoperi punctul de start al evenimentelor si rasucirile si traseele lor...
Pana la urma este intotdeauna vorba despre mintea noastra...
#Fiction Monday (84) - Different meanings for still