This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'WRITE'.
We learned to write in school or sooner. I mean we learned to use the letters
in an understandable way, with right lines, with curved ones, vertical or italic,
nothing special, just learning the alphabet.
The next step was to form words, trying to make connections between the thought
about a word and how it is written or spelled.
And this was the beginning of the journey! I may say that I was lucky to have
some teachers who spread around us the seeds of love for reading and provoked us
to share with the colleagues our ideas and opinions about different readings in
writing or with loud voice. And sometimes, our thesis at literature were full of
metaphors, incredible or strange compositions and it was so good!
Later on, I stopped this exercise because I followed a technical faculty and
the literature was not in the curriculum...!😊
But we had a course of history for a semester and we arrived at the final thesis.
I had to choose between two subjects. My selection was related to the proofs of
continuity of Romanian people in our territory. I stayed a few minutes looking
at the blank page. As a matter of fact more than a few...
And something happened. Like something inside me wanted to go out.
And I start writing a composition, like in high-school. I could not change
this situation. Because I felt very much alive writing about our roots, about
my roots. It was fabulous.
When our teacher came with the thesis, he makes a small introduction about
the kinds of discovered answers. And one of them was: some personal interpretation
of the history! That it was mine... And he interpreted in a good way, with the
maximum mark.
I shared with you this moment, because sometimes when writing wants to
manifest, could be a beautiful experience that must not be stopped!

Am invatat sa scriem la scoala sau mai devreme. Adica am invatat sa folosim literele
intr-un mod de inteles, cu linii drepte, cu linii curbe, verticale sau italice, nimic
special, doar invatam alfabetul.
Urmatorul pas a fost sa formam cuvinte, incercand sa facem conexiuni intre gandurile
despre un cuvant si despre cum se scrie sau pronunta. Si acesta a fost inceputul calatoriei!
Pot spune ca am fost norocoasa sa am niste profesori care au raspandit in jurul nostru
semintele dragostei pentru lectura si ne-au provocat spre a impartasi colegilor ideile si
opiniile noastre despre diferite lecturi in scris sau cu voce tare. Si uneori, tezele noastre
la literatura erau pline de metafore, compozitii incredibile sau ciudate si a fost atat de bine!
Mai tarziu, am oprit acest exercitiu pentru ca am urmat o facultate tehnica si literatura
nu era in programa...!😊
Dar am avut un curs de istorie de un semestru si am ajuns la teza finala. A trebuit sa
aleg intre doua subiecte. Selectia mea a fost legata de dovezile de continuitate ale
poporului roman pe teritoriul nostru. Am stat cateva minute sa ma uit la pagina goala.
De fapt, mai mult de cateva...
Si s-a intamplat ceva. De parca ceva in mine ar fi vrut sa iasa. Si am inceput sa scriu o
compozitie, ca in liceu. Nu am putut schimba aceasta situatie. Pentru ca m-am simtit
foarte vie scriind despre radacinile noastre, despre radacinile mele. A fost fabulos.
Cand profesorul nostru a venit cu tezele, a facut o mica introducere despre felurile de
raspunsuri descoperite. Si unul dintre ele a fost: o interpretare personala a istoriei!
Cred ca asta a fost teza mea... Si a interpretat-o favorabil, cu nota maxima.
Am impartasit cu voi acest moment, pentru ca uneori scrisul, cand doreste sa se
manifeste, ar putea fi o experienta frumoasa care nu trebuie oprita!
#Fiction Monday (62) - What is above the courage?
"Cand radacinile sunt adanci nu exista nici un motiv sa ne speriem de vant".