This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'NATURE'.

I know that we can talk about nature endlessly. But I feel that the only appropriate key
is to say that we are part of it. We and the nature form a WHOLE. From here springs our
essence, the essence connected to the Source.
However, the present reality distances us
from this ability of connection, through different methods, more or less subtle.
It is the most important subject on which it is good to meditate and understand, because
it is for our good.
I think that the words can express too little. However, the emotions, thinking about this
WHOLE, are the important ones, even if sometimes we may not think this way.
As much as I like metaphors and even if I fail to express them as I would like, there are
also many special things that still have nothing to do with metaphors.
You can see an example in the first two images. A small proof of the electricity of our body.
You can develop this idea and its consequences, if and when you have time. And I add
something related to our magnetism,
an idea taken from the book that I have already
referred to several times, by Dr. Bradley Nelson (The Emotion Code), namely a 'magnetic
field deficiency syndrome'.
An idea that I heard about for the first time here, but it seemed important to me, so I added it, to provoke your curiosity.
There are infinite ideas about
human nature. Many, however, reach us with difficulty and when they do, we still need
to deepen them. But I say, as before, that our inner discovery deserves to be in the first place.

Stiu ca despre natura se poate vorbi infinit. Simt insa ca singura cheie potrivita
este sa spun ca noi facem parte din ea. Noi si natura formam un TOT.
De aici izvoraste si esenta noastra, esenta conectata la Sursa.Realitatea prezenta insa ne indeparteaza de aceasta abilitate a conexiunii, prin
diferite metode, mai mult sau mai putin subtile.
Este subiectul cel mai important asupra caruia este bine sa meditam si sa-l
intelegem, pentru ca este spre binele nostru.
Cuvintele cred ca pot exprima prea putin. Emotiile insa, gandindu-ne la acest
TOT, sunt cele importante, chiar daca uneori poate nu gandim in felul acesta.
Oricat de mult imi plac metaforele si chiar daca nu reusesc sa le exprim asa cum
mi-as dori, sunt si multe lucruri deosebite care totusi nu au nicio legatura cu
metaforele. Un exemplu puteti vedea in primele doua imagini. O mica dovada
a electricitatii corpului nostru. Puteti dezvolta aceasta idee si consecintele ei,
daca si cand aveti timp. Si adaug ceva ce are legatura cu magnetismul nostru,
idee preluata din cartea pe care am referit-o deja de mai multe ori, scrisa de
dr. Bradley Nelson (Codul emotiilor) si anume un 'sindrom al deficientei campului
magnetic'. O idee despre care am auzit pentru prim data aici, insa mi s-a parut
importanta, asa ca am adaugat-o, ca sa va provoc curiozitatea.
Sunt infinite idei despre natura umana. Multe insa ajung greu la noi, iar cand
ajung, mai trebuie sa le adancim. Insa zic ca si alta data, ca descoperirea noastra
interioara merita sa fie pe primul loc. 'Natura nu se grabeste si totusi
totul se realizeaza'. #Fiction Monday (204) - A green pretext