luni, 7 octombrie 2024

#Fiction Monday (190) -
Thoughts about stages -
Ganduri despre etape

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'STAGE'.

At one point I started to wonder how this division of the stages of life was made?
It was taught to me once, but I didn't like the main ideas, a bit too linear I could say.
They conflicted with my love for spirals. Difficult to impossible to resolve such a conflict.
So it's worth focusing on other subjects. For example, I have to understand my path and
its destination. And how it integrates among  of other people's paths?
What do bad events mean, that happen for my ultimate good?
Can I perceive this idea anytime, or do I have to reach a certain stage of life?
Is it complicated or am I complicating things? How could I dissolve my ego to remain
the self and the connection with the source to become permanent?
Would that be possible?  It is said that anything is possible when I channel my intention
to solve something or to understand something.
Which means that the stage of the mind must be free from ballast!
And only then my mind will be satisfied! And I'll begin to understand...

La un moment dat am inceput sa ma intreb cum s-a facut imparteala asta,
a etapelor vietii? Mi-a fost predata candva, insa nu mi-au placut ideile principale,
cam prea liniare as putea spune. Au venit in conflict cu dragostea mea pentru spirale.
Greu spre imposibil de rezolvat un astfel de conflict. Asa ca merita sa ma concentrez
pe alte subiecte. De exemplu trebuie sa-mi inteleg traseul si destinatia lui.
Si cum se integreaza el printre  traseele celorlati oameni.  Ce inseamna evenimente
rele si care totusi se petrec spre binele meu suprem? Sunt in stare sa percep ideea asta
oricand, sau trebuie sa ajung intr-o anume etapa a vietii?
Este complicat sau complic eu lucrurile? Cum mi-as putea dizolva ego-ul pentru a ramane
sinele si conexiunea cu sursa sa devina o permanenta? Ar fi posibil?
Se spune ca orice este posibil cand imi canalizez intentia spre a rezolva ceva sau spre a
intelege ceva. Ceea ce inseamna ca scena mintii trebuie sa fie eliberata de balast!
Si abia atunci va fi si ea multumita! Iar eu voi incepe sa inteleg...

'Pretuieste fiecare moment cu cei pe care
ii iubesti, in fiecare etapa a calatoriei tale'.

#Fiction Monday (189) - A safe filter

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