This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'EXPRESS'.

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'Fii cu oameni care te incurajeaza sa te exprimi'. |
How strange it sounds to say that I wrote the last game an year ago!
So I want to express my joy of sharing our ideas again, in another
beginning, which
I hope will be according to our desires. I'll also add wishes of health, joy,
fulfillment and... whatever else you want, but I feel it's not enough.
Why? Because everything in our reality runs by laws that I still
don't fully understand,
but intuitively I feel they are right.
Everything we think and say rolls into an energy field
surrounds us. I believe it's really alive and energetically feeding off of everything
we offer it.
With good and bad, love and hate, pain and joy, with all the emotions
come from our beliefs. And, as it is saying, all these energies
put together, create the
surrounding reality.
If something is not right, it's a kind of signal of understanding that
we form
a WHOLE, we are part of an organism whose functioning depends on each of us.
Just like the billions of cells that make up our body. And even though
we don't know much
about the details of how they function, we can observe
their work by looking in the mirror.
I hope we can truly understand the subtle mechanisms
around us and create a reality that
is as real as our desires
full of light!
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'Nu-ti tine sentimentele la adapost, exprima-le. Nu lasa niciodata viata sa te faca sa taci.' |
Ce ciudat suna sa spun ca jocul trecut l-am scris acum un an! 😊
Asa ca vreau sa-mi exprim bucuria de a ne impartasi ideile din nou, intr-un alt
inceput, ce sper sa ne fie dupa dorinta. Voi adauga si urari de sanatate, bucurie,
pace, impliniri si... ce mai vreti voi, dar simt ca nu e suficient.
De ce? Pentru ca totul in realitatea noastra se deruleaza dupa legi pe care eu inca
nu le inteleg pe deplin, insa intuitiv le simt corecte.
Tot ceea ce gandim si rostim se rostogoleste intr-un camp energetic care ne
inconjoara. Eu cred ca e chiar viu si se hraneste energetic cu tot ceea ce ii
oferim. Cu bine si rau, dragoste si ura, dureri si bucurii, cu toate emotiile
izvorate din credintele noastre. Si, asa cum se spune, toate aceste energii
adunate, creeaza realitatea inconjuratoare.
Daca ceva nu este bine, este ca un fel de semnal al intelegerii ca noi formam
un TOT, suntem parte a unui organism a carui functionare depinde de fiecare
dintre noi. La fel ca miliardele de celule care ne formeaza corpul. Si chiar daca
nu stim mare lucru despre detaliile functionarii lor, putem sa le observam
munca uitandu-ne in oglinda.
Imi exprim speranta ca vom putea intelege cu adevarat mecanismele subtile
din jurul nostru si ne vom crea o realitate pe masura dorintelor noastre
pline de lumina!
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'Exprima-te! |
#Fiction Monday (159) - A short dialog
Communicate with the Universe.
Comunicati cu Universul.
Si ceva descoperit azi...
Something discovered today...
Toți oamenii au dorințe pline de lumină ? :)
RăspundețiȘtergereAsta e concluzia ta...?🙂
ȘtergereCred ca fiecare om are si ceva ganduri luminoase. Insa poate le inmultesc... 🙂
Retrospectively, my few friends do encourage me to express myself.
RăspundețiȘtergereYou are twice blessed. First that you have such friends!
ȘtergereSecond... that you discovered them as friends!🙂
All the best to you!
If you always be the best you then you will find you're really good at it.
RăspundețiȘtergereWhat a fine personal quote, Terry!
ȘtergereThank you for sharing what you think!
Ar fi minunat sa putem schiba bine. De fapt putem sa ne schimbam pe noi - primul pas sa fim schimbarea pe care o vrem in lume, Desi uneori e epuizant.. frustant, deprimant... si parca totul pare fara iesire...
RăspundețiȘtergereDar chiar si atunci avem posibilitatea de a alege sa mergem inainte cautand binele si pretuind clipa de aici si acum.
Iar daca uneori chiar ne simtim depasiti, cred ca e ok sa ne descarcam putin de energia negativa acumulata - poate sa plangem putin, sau prin creatie.
Ganduri luminoase sa fie! Pupici!!
In toate meditatiile despre care am citit si cred ca si tu ai citit la fel, se spune ca trebuie sa percepi emotia realizarii inainte de a ajunge la ea.
ȘtergereCreierul nu percepe diferenta! Insa avem atatea dualitati in cap... Asta facem cu totii, in fond. As vrea... dar...Cam asa vorbim noi cu noi. La ce efect ma pot astepta, daca nu schimb 'retorica' gandurilor? Mi se pare cel mai complicat.
Insa gasim si solutiile, sunt convinsa.
La fel si tie, draga Rux! Pupici! ❤️😘
I love the quote you shared, Suzana. We must express our feelings even when life tries to shut us up. :)
RăspundețiȘtergereI have published the latest Fiction Monday post on my other blog. Here is the link:
I will publishing new posts only on this blog from now on - just wanted to let you know. :)
Have a wonderful week ahead, Suzana. 🧡
Thank you, Vinitha, for telling me. And success with this new path. I put it in the blog roll.
ȘtergereYes, we must, but I am not quite sure we do this...
All the best in this new week! ❤️😘