duminică, 17 noiembrie 2024

#Fiction Monday (196) -
To sigh or to smile?
A ofta sau a zambi?

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'SIGH'.

'Cand necazurile ma vaneaza, trebuie sa oftez?
Nu, mai degraba zambesc disperarii'.

I know that to sigh is inevitable at certain moments in life. Not doing it does not necessarily
mean that regret, pain, loss, longing, suffering, do not exist. It just means that we strive to
learn to be wiser in relation to the events. That we discovered a kind of power that helps us overcome unpleasant situations. And in this way we help both ourselves and those who sigh
on our shoulder. Since I discovered the idea that everything that happens (to me) has a
meaning that sometimes I don't see immediately, I can say that I have turned it into a
kind of leverage or support  to overcome certain blockages or sufferings.
Looking for the hidden meanings, I noticed the appearance of shades that I had not even
thought of and which seem to have the role of screening the pain that generates sighs.
Surely everything is only going on in my mind, though the effects of this process were always welcome.
I can say that I love the sigh of relief when I finish small projects, because the things have
progressed to the expected or desired end.
And just as much I love the sound of the wind ruffling the leaves of the trees and which
seems to flood my soul with beneficial vibrations.
Or the sound of the sea, which seems to reveal through a special sigh, the silences of the deep. Regardless of what it is about, the sigh seems to be a kind of valve that lets out a too full
of soul, to balance our energies...

"Cand aud pe cineva oftand, 'viata este grea',
sunt mereu tentat sa intreb, 'comparativ cu ce'?"

Stiu ca a ofta este in anumite momente din viata inevitabil. A nu o face nu inseamna
neaparat ca regretul, durerea, pierderea, dorul, suferinta, nu exista.

Inseamna doar ca ne straduim sa invatam sa fim mai intelepti in relatia cu evenimentele.
Ca ne-am descoperit un fel de putere ce ne ajuta sa depasim situatiile neplacute.
Si in felul acesta ne ajutam atat pe noi, cat si pe cei care ofteaza pe umarul nostru.
De cand am descoperit ideea ca tot ceea ce (mi) se intampla are un sens pe care uneori
nu il vad imediat, pot spune ca am transformat-o intr-un fel de parghie sau sprijin, in
a depasi anumite blocaje sau suferinte. Cautand sensurile ascunse, am observat  aparitia
unor nuante la care nici nu ma gandisem si care parca au rolul de a ecrana durerea
generatoare de suspine. Cu siguranata  totul se deruleaza doar in mintea mea, insa
efectele acestui proces au fost mereu binevenite.
Pot spune ca iubesc oftatul de usurare cand termin mici proiecte, pentru ca lucrurile
s-au derulat pana la finalul asteptat sau dorit.
Si la fel de mult iubesc sunetul vantului ce ravaseste frunzele copacilor si care parca
imi inunda sufletul cu vibratii binefacatoare. Sau zgomotul marii, ce parca devoaleaza
printr-un suspin special, tacerile adancului.
Indiferent despre ce este vorba, oftatul pare a fi un fel de supapa ce da drumul unui
prea plin sufletesc, pentru a ne echilibra energiile...

'Adu locul tau fericit cu tine, oriunde
poti merge. Simte pacea din sufletul
tau care aduce un oftat de usurare.
Serenitatea din mintea ta calmeaza
intregul corp. Simte dragostea in inima
ta care iti scanteiaza in ochi. Bucura-te
de ceea ce ai si profita de fiecare zi.'

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