This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'TURBULENCE'.
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'Turbulenta este forta vitala. Este oportunitate. Sa iubim turbulenta si sa o utilizam pentru schimbare'. |
I hadn't looked for quotes about 'turbulence' until now and what I discovered amazed me,
so I'll definitely continue the idea again, in another dedicated game.
In an older dictionary, the definition I found referred to:
"1. clamor, noise; disorder; disobedience, revolt.
2. state of movement of a fluid in which there are whirlpools."
There are many meanings that send on extremely interesting paths and that seem to
fit perfectly with the dynamics of life, whether we are talking about nature or society.
But about the whirlpools, I think the first useful thing I found out was that if I rotate a
glass wand in the glass with water, it oxygenates the fluid and is better for the body.
I know that there are many systems for improving the quality of drinking water, but
I resonated with the idea of creating whirlpools, before other sophisticated system.
Then I read about the energy vortex in the areas of our chakras, whose understanding,
however complicated it is, I think it is a way to understand something more about us.
To be honest, if I don't understand something, or if I ignore certain information, I don't
even know how to search further, something that could be useful to me.
But the most complicated to master, I think is the whirlwinds of thoughts. Sometimes
I called them distaffs. Because I see them undulating, entwining and crossing each other,
making me no longer understand anything and I no longer see much through the mesh
created by them. Every time, the idea of the energy of thoughts appears in the landscape
and I admit, as I read different things about it, I realize that it is not just a metaphor.
It actually influences me, and not only me, it shapes my actions and relationships,
and I have to take it into account, if I want my way to be easier to the target that I have.
There are so many shades and paths of this subject, that it is worth continuing it.
And because I remembered what the character Yoda said, I leave his thought:
"May the Force be with you".
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'Exista mai mult in viata decat supravietuirea. In mijlocul fiecarei turbulente, exista un calm - o farama de lumina ingropata in intuneric.' |
Nu cautasem pana acum citate despre 'turbulente' si ceea ce am descoperit m-a
uimit, asa ca sigur voi relua ideea intr-un alt joc dedicat.
Intr-un dictionar mai vechi, definitia pe care am gasit-o se referea la:
"1. galagie, zgomot; dezordine; nesupunere, revolta.
2. stare de miscare a unui fluid in care exista vartejuri."
Sunt multe sensuri ce trimit pe carari extrem de interesante si care par sa se
potriveasca perfect cu dinamica vietii, fie ca vorbim de natura sau de societate.
Insa despre vartejuri, cred ca primul lucru util pe care l-am aflat, a fost ca daca
rotesc o bagheta de sticla in paharul cu apa, aceasta se oxigeneaza si este
mai buna pentru corp. Stiu ca exista multe sisteme de inbunatatire a calitatii
apei de baut, insa eu am rezonat cu ideea crearii de turbioane, inainte de orice
alt sistem sofisticat.
Apoi am citit despre vartejurilor de energie din zonele chakrelor noastre, a caror
intelegere oricat de complicata este, o vad ca pe o cale de a pricepe ceva mai mult
despre noi. Ca sincer, daca nu inteleg ceva, sau daca ignor anumite informatii,
nici nu stiu cum sa caut pe mai departe, ceva ce mi-ar putea fi util.
Insa cel mai complicat de stapanit, mi se par turbioanele gandurilor. Uneori le-am
numit fuioare. Pentru ca le si vad unduindu-se, impletindu-se si incalcindu-se,
facandu-ma sa nu mai inteleg nimic si nici nu mai vad prin plasa creata de ele
mare lucru. De fiecare data apare in peisaj ideea energiei gandurilor si recunosc,
ca pe masura ce mai citesc una, alta, imi dau seama ca nu este doar o metafora,
ca efectiv ma influenteaza, si nu numai pe mine, ca imi creioneaza actiunile si
relationarile, ca trebuie sa tin cont de ea, daca vreau ca sa imi fie drumul mai
fara hartoape, catre o tinta pe care mi-o propun.
Sunt atatea nuante si carari ale acestui subiect, incat merita continuat.
Si pentru ca mi-am adus aminte de ceea ce a spus personajul Yoda, las si gandul lui:
'Fie ca Forta sa fie cu voi'.
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'In vremuri de turbulente si schimbari rapide, trebuie sa ne reevaluam constant in raport cu noile realitati'. |
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'Cel mai mare pericol in vremuri de turbulente nu este turbulenta; este sa actionezi cu logica de ieri.' |
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'O pasare careia ii este frica de turbulente nu va sti niciodata cat de sus poate zbura'. |
#Fiction Monday (179) - Looking for the equilibrium
PS - In a previous post I mentioned a book of dr. Bradley Nelson - 'The Emotion Code',
in Romanian language. I discovered that there is the second one, about the
'The Body code'. I found this one, in English.
Update: 'The Emotion code', in English.
Am descoperit ca acea carte despre care v-am spus, 'Codul emotiilor',
are o continuare, pe care am gasit-o doar in engleza. Vedeti linkul mai sus.
No idea if these recipes work, but I love the parsley...
Nu am idee daca retetele functioneaza, dar imi place mult patrunjelul...
I wish you a good start in Summer!
Va urez un start bun in vara!