This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'HOPE'.
There is a saying, several hundred years old, which says that
"the hope is the last thing that dies in man", by François de La Rochefoucauld.
As long as we are alive, it seems natural to me to hope that there is a solution
for our problems and what is more important, that we will find it.
We often say that tomorrow will be better, that we will feel fine, that trouble will pass.
But I still wonder what we have to do today that hope to be materialized and indeed
tomorrow to be better!
A fervent prayer is valuable in generating positive energies.
But how do we think and especially how do we act to discover the solutions we need?
Or maybe the very idea of hope is the solution?
Because that means believing that we will be inspired to overcome obstacles and
our journey will go on.
This belief is the best travel companion...
Exista o zicere, veche de cateva sute de ani, care spune ca
“speranta moare ultima in om”, a lui François de La Rochefoucauld.
Cata vreme suntem vii, mi se pare firesc sa speram ca exista o
solutie pentru problemele
noastre si ceea ce e mai important, ca o vom si gasi.
De multe ori spunem ca maine o sa fie mai bine, ca o sa ne simtim mai bine, ca raul va trece.
Insa ma intreb totusi, ce trebuie sa facem azi pentru ca speranta sa se materializeze si
maine sa fie mai bine!
O ruga fierbinte este valoroasa in a antrena energii pozitive.
Insa cum gandim si mai ales cum actionam pentru a descoperi solutiile de care avem nevoie?
Sau poate insasi ideea sperantei este solutia?
Pentru ca asta inseamna credinta ca vom fi
inspirati in a depasi obstacolele si a ne
continua drumul.
Aceasta credinta este cel mai bun
tovaras de calatorie!
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"The most beautiful gift given to someone is the hope" |
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"The hope is a dream with open eyes" |
# Fiction Monday (45) - A few words about a game
Sigur ca da! Total de acord! :)
RăspundețiȘtergere😊 Multumesc, Cristi! O saptamana frumoasa!
ȘtergereSperanța este o comoară, de acord. Dar și un plan de acțiune pentru a ne împlini speranțele e bun! ☺
RăspundețiȘtergereSă ai o săptămână excelentă, dragă Suzana! ♥
Ambele idei merita impletite. A spera doar visand cred ca nu e suficient. Un mic plan de actiune mi se pare obligatoriu, pentru ca asta inseamna decizii la care ne gandim.
ȘtergereIar Divinitatea ne inspira, insa cu siguranta nu ne baga in straista... Aceasta activitate ne cam apartine!
Multumesc, draga Zina! O saptamana excelenta si tie!❤️
La esperanza, es lo último que se pierde. Siempre la debemos de conservar...¡Que sería de nosotros si perdiéramos la esperanza!...seguro que acabaríamos por sumirnos en una angustiosa depresión.
We have to be very careful with this precious treasure. Without it I think we are somehow empty!
ȘtergereThank you Antonia.
Have a beautiful week full of hope!
You're right,'s the going against what we cal the obstacles that gives us hope to go on, when all else has failed. I totally believe that we all need that to get on with life. The quote by Rochefocauld is so true.
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you for stopping by, Esha and sharing your opinion about this text.
ȘtergereWithout hope it's a sort of emptiness in our soul... It's a very powerful word and idea.
All the best and a beautiful and inspired September.