This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'MIND'.
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Source (author: Anna-M. W.) |
The subject is a little bit difficult for such a game, but maybe that's the
beauty of it!
A few words about complicated ideas…
At some point I came to understand that thinking does not necessarily
means reading and learning. How to make connections in the present or
on the axis of time, to evaluate the learned information, to draw
conclusions and how to do it, is not very much taught in school.
I don't know if it will be a discipline that teaches us how to think.
However, in time, we begin to understand the mechanism, either from
books, or through observations, either through people who illuminate
our path a little bit, even from events that we could understand after
a while, as lessons and not as bad luck…
When we begin to understand what the mind is, we begin to wonder
to what extent we really use it and how effective…
I am grateful for the discovery of a book that almost cast a sort of
spotlight upon my ignorance
about many subjects:
“The Biology of Belief – Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles” by
Dr. Bruce H. Lipton.
Of particular importance to me was the idea of epigenetics and how the environment and the mind
control our body, along with many explanations of the mechanisms by which they do
I also liked this Mahatma Gandhi’s quote, referred in the book:
The author points out very correctly:
“Wouldn't be easier to be educated from the beginning of our life, so that
we can reach our genetic and creative potential? ”
...I wonder how would the world change with such an approach?
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So many roads! Atat de multe drumuri! |
Subiectul este cam dificil pentru un astfel de joc, dar poate ca tocmai asta
frumusetea! Putine cuvinte despre idei complicate…
Am ajuns la un moment dat sa inteleg ca a gandi nu inseamna neaparat a
citi si a invata.
Modul de a face conexiuni in planul prezentului sau pe axa
timpului, de a evalua informatiile invatate, de a trage concluzii si cum sa
faci asta, nu prea se preda in scoala.
Nu stiu daca va exista o disciplina care sa ne invete cum sa gandim.
Totusi in timp, incepem
sa intelegem mecanismul, fie din carti, fie prin
observatii, fie prin intermediul unor oameni
pe care ii intalnim si care
ne lumineaza un pic calea, fie chiar din intamplari pe care le-am putea
intelege dupa un timp, ca pe niste lectii si nu ca pe niste ghinioane...
Cand incepem sa pricepem ce este mintea, incepem sa ne intrebam in
ce masura o
folosim cu adevarat si cat de eficient...
Sunt recunoscatoare pentru descoperirea unei carti care aproape ca a
proiectat un fel de
reflector asupra propriei necunoasteri privind o
multitudine de subiecte:
"Biologia credintei – Eliberarea puterii constiintei, a materiei si a miracolelor",
de Dr. Bruce H. Lipton.
De o importanta speciala mi s-a parut ideea de epigenetica si de cum
mediul si mintea ne controleaza
corpul, alaturi de multe explicatii privind
mecanismele prin care o fac.
Mi-a placut si reintalnirea cu acest citat din carte, apartinand lui
Mahatma Gandhi:
Autorul puncteaza foarte corect:
“ Oare nu ar fi mai usor sa fim educati inca de la inceputul vietii in asa fel
incat sa ne putem atinge potentialul genetic si creator?”
Ma intreb oare cum s-ar schimba lumea daca s-ar porni de la o astfel de abordare?
#Fiction Monday (34) - A transformation
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...There is always a way of playing... ... Intotdeauna exista o cale de-a ne juca... |