duminică, 9 februarie 2025

#Fiction Monday (206) -
A memory and some brain exersises -
O amintire si exercitii pentru creier

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'CRASH'.

The word chosen for this week, brought to my mind a short film I saw almost 24 years ago,
about controlled crashes of the buildings. That's when I learned that there are specialized
companies that can be hired to carry out such a procedure. The documentary referred to
the demolition of an abandoned, multi-floors building, that would have been used as a car
park. The problem was that it was very close to a residential area and several precautionary measures had to be taken, so that the area would not be affected. The operation was carried
out after several weeks of analyzing the resistance of the structure, in order to decide where
the explosives would be placed and the order in which these points would be activated, so
that the area within which the building would crash would be as small as possible.
Even if I didn't find what I had seen back then, I still found something that explains the
main ideas quite well. If you don't like such topics, I also found some exercises for
synchronizing the hemispheres of our brain. 😊

Transformation of a broken glass

Cuvantul ales pentru aceasta saptamana mi-a adus in memorie un filmulet vazut
acum aproape 24 de ani, despre caderi controlate a unor cladiri.  Atunci am aflat
ca existe firme specializate, care pot fi angajate pentru a realiza o astfel de procedura.
Documentarul se referea la demolarea unei constructii abandonate, cu mai multe etaje,
ce ar fi avut ca destinatie parcarea masinilor.
Problema era ca ea se afla foarte aproape de o zona rezidentiala si trebuiau luate mai
multe masuri de precautie pentru ca acestea sa nu fie afectate.
Operatiunea s-a executat dupa mai multe saptamani de analiza a structurii de rezistenta,
pentru a se putea decide punctele in care va fi plasat explozibilul si ordinea in care
vor fi activate aceste puncte, astfel incat suprafata in interiorul careia cladirea urma sa se
prabuseasca, sa fie cat mai mica.
Chiar daca nu am regasit ceea ce vazusem atunci, am gasit totusi ceva ce expliciteaza
destul de bine ideile principale. Daca totusi nu va plac astfel de subiecte, am gasit si
niste exercitii pentru sincronizarea emisferelor creierului nostru. 😊

Free documentary

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