duminică, 26 ianuarie 2025

#Fiction Monday (204) -
A green pretext - Un pretext verde

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'DELAY'.

I don't know about you, but many times I decided on things with delay. But I still
ended up doing them and I didn't regret in the end. From which I drew the conclusion
that when I propose to do something, I shouldn't delay my decisions, because it's probably
not by chance that I have a certain inner impulse. Every time it was for my good in some
way. But not necessarily in the short term. So I decided to analyze these impulses, even
if I don't understand their meaning at first. But as Benjamin Franklin said:
'You may delay, but time will not'.

You may wonder what the meaning of the title of this text is? Well, taking the ornaments
off the Christmas tree, I noticed that it's still very good, its needles aren't falling, it's still
dripping water from the stand, so we decided to delay the moment of separation.
I put two bird decorations on one of the branches and took pictures to show you.😊
I'm curious how events will unfold.

Nu stiu cum e pe la voi, insa de multe ori mie mi s-a intamplat sa ma decid cu
intarziere asupra unor lucruri. Insa am ajuns totusi sa le fac si nu am regretat
finalul. De unde am tras concluzia ca atunci cand imi propun sa fac ceva, sa nu
intarzii deciziile, pentru ca probabil nu intamplator am un anume impuls interior.
De fiecare data a fost intr-un fel spre binele meu. Insa nu neaparat pe termen scurt.
Asa ca mi-am propus sa analizez aceste impulsuri, chiar daca sensul lor nu il inteleg
din prima. Insa asa cum spunea Benjamin Franklin:
'Poti intarzia, dar timpul nu o va face'.
Poate va intrebati ce sens are titlul acestui text? Ei bine, scotand ornamentele de
pe bradut, am constat totusi ca este inca foarte bine, nu ii curg acele, inca mai trage
apa din suport, asa ca am decis sa intarziem momentul despartirii. Pe una din crengi
am pus doua decoratiuni pasari si am facut fotografii sa vi-l arat.😊
Sunt curioasa cum vor evolua evenimentele...

#Fiction Monday (203) - I need answers

Speaker: Andrew Huberman

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