duminică, 19 ianuarie 2025

#Fiction Monday (203) -
I need answers -
Am nevoie de raspunsuri

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'ANSWER',

The natural sequence would be a question and then ... an answer. This assumes that I have
a topic that I want to clarify / resolve and then I start searching. 
I think that in my mind, a kind of logical scheme of searches is created almost automatically,
until I get an answer acceptable to be experienced or until I eventually understand something.
Of course, stopping the loop can be total or temporary, depending on many details of ... life
and the need to resume the searches.

But it is clear to me that the questions are the important ones. I can formulate them correctly
or almost correctly, if I know what I am looking for. If I only have assumptions, the searches become very interesting. Because by groping and reformulating the questions, I often arrive
at topics even more interesting than the starting point. The process of discovering the answers
is a fascinating one, but it can generate many unknowns and it takes willpower to shorten
or even cancel it, if it is too far from the main goal.

There are also answers to unthought-of questions, but I found their necessity in a reasonably short time after discovering them. For these situations, it is complicated with opinions.
But there is certainly a process of the subconscious that takes place conscientious, because it
knows much better than I do what I need and when. Maybe that is why I am attracted to the lectures of some people, who make the effort to talk about these processes, so that I 
understand what I can do with myself and how much I can do.

Now, I would really like to have an answer - an explanation regarding the first image.
It is a simple, not very successful watercolor, after a place that appeared in a dream.
Just when I was about to go through that 'gate', I woke up...😊
The second image is the negative of the first...

However, there are also answers to our prayers. I have my certainties that we receive them,
even if their language is very different from ours. But I have discovered that when there are differences between what we want and what we receive, we should not be surprised, because
we do not truly know what our highest good is...

I think it's worth letting ourselves be inspired to ask questions, even to the Universe
and obviously to perfect our intuitions in discovering the answers. And this every day,
because it would be a shame to lose precious ideas...

Succesiunea fireasca ar fi o intrebare si apoi ... un raspuns. Asta presupune ca
am un subiect ce vreau sa il clarific / rezolv si atunci m-apuc sa caut.
Cred ca in mintea mea se creeaza aproape automat un fel de schema logica a
cautarilor, pana obtin un raspuns acceptabil pentru a fi experimentat sau pana
eventual inteleg cate ceva.
Bineinteles ca oprirea buclei poate fi totala sau temporara, in functie de multe
detalii ale ... vietii si de  necesitatea de a relua cautarile.

Insa mi-e clar ca intrebarile sunt cele importante. Le pot formula corect sau
aproape corect, daca stiu ceea ce caut. Daca am doar supozitii, cautarile devin
foarte interesante. Pentru ca tatonand si reformuland intrebarile, ajung de multe
ori la subiecte chiar mai interesante decat punctul de plecare. Procesul descoperirii
raspunsurilor este unul fascinant, insa poate genera multe necunoscute si trebuie
vointa pentru a-l scurta sau chiar anula, daca este prea departe de scopul principal.
Exista  si raspunsuri la intrebari negandite, insa am constatat necesitatea lor
intr-un interval de timp rezonabil de scurt dupa descoperirea lor.
Pentru aceste situatii este complicat cu parerile. Insa cu siguranta este aici un
proces al subconstientului care se deruleaza constiincios, pentru ca el stie mult
mai bine ca mine ce am nevoie si cand. Poate de aceea ma atrag prelegerile unor
oameni, care isi dau silinta sa vorbeasca despre aceste procese, ca sa inteleg si eu ce
pot face cu mine si cat de multe pot face.

Acum, chiar as vrea sa am un raspuns - explicatie privind  prima imagine.
Este o simpla acuarela nu prea reusita, dupa un loc aparut in vis. Tocmai cand
urma sa trec prin acea 'poarta', m-am trezit...😊
A doua imagine este negativul celei dintai...

Sunt insa si raspunsuri la rugile noastre. Am certitudinile mele ca le primim, chiar
daca  limbajul lor este mult diferit de al nostru. Insa am descoperit ca atunci cand
exista diferente intre ceea ce ne dorim si ceea ce primim, nu ar trebui sa fim surprinsi,
pentru ca nici noi nu cunoastem cu adevarat care este binele nostru suprem... 

Cred ca merita sa ne lasam inspirati in a pune intrebari, chiar si Universului
si evident sa ne perfectionam intuitiile in a descoperi raspunsurile. Si asta zilnic,
ca ar fi pacat sa pierdem idei pretioase...

'Daca nu intrebi, raspunsul este mereu NU'.

'Trei  reguli simple in viata:'
1. Daca nu mergi dupa ceea ce vrei, nu vei avea niciodata.
2. Daca nu intrebi, raspunsul va fi mereu nu.
3. Daca nu faci un pas inainte, vei fi mereu in acelasi loc'.

#Fiction Monday (202) - The silent limits


2 comentarii:

  1. Cineva spunea ca uneori e mai important drumul/calea decat linia de finish.

    1. Sunt multi oameni care spun asta. Si de multe ori am simtit ideea, poate pentru ca tinta este foarte departe si nici nu stiu daca o vad clar, in timp ce drumul este prezentul. Poate fi si asta o interpretare. Si apropo de tinte, si pe la tine am citit, posibil sa fie si pe parcursul mai multor vieti, chiar daca ideea este SF, ca tot imi place fiction-ul... 🙂.
