Blogul entuziast al experientelor interesante!
Charles Kingsley: "...tot ce ne trebuie pentru a fi fericiti este sa fim entuziasmati de ceva. /
...all we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about."
The reasons why we 'repulse' something or someone are apparently extremely varied. I say apparently, because I can still fit them into two categories. An unpleasant past experience, which I often generalize, superimposing it on something similar from the present, which could be a mistake. Because I'm only talking about a reaction based on an old emotion and not on analyzing the present context.
Then there is a much more mysterious category. Rejections accompanied by the idea: I don't know why I don't like it, that's how I felt. Or: I have a state of displeasure, I can't identify a cause, just like that...
In the meantime, I discovered that this 'simply' could hide rejections based on energetic, magnetic, vibrational aspects, that is, some applied physics not taught in school, but increasingly present in many books and studies. Whatever the reasons, I have come to the conclusion that it is worth delving deeper into the causes of some rejections, to see if I should not change habits and programs here and there.
What I must think about, however, is when certain ideas are insinuated from the outside, which are in contradiction with personal decisions or ideas. These are worth filtering and analyzing, so as not to make mistakes that can affect my own path. And obviously to repulse them, if necessary. Because ignorance will not absolve me of the
effects of the mistakes I made.
Motivele pentru care 'respingem' ceva sau pe cineva sunt aparent extrem de variate. Spun aparent, pentru ca totusi le pot incadra in doua categorii. O experienta trecuta neplacuta, pe care de multe ori o generalizez, suprapunand-o peste ceva similar din prezent, ceea ce ar putea fi o greseala. Pentru ca vorbesc doar despre o reactie bazata pe o emotie veche si nu pe analizarea contextului prezent. Apoi mai este o categorie cu mult mai misterioasa. Respingeri insotite de ideea: nu stiu de ce nu imi place, asa am simtit. Sau: am o stare de neplacere, nu pot identifica o cauza, asa, pur si simplu... Intre timp am descoperit ca acest 'pur si simplu' ar putea ascunde respingeri bazate pe aspecte energetice, magnetice, vibrationale, adica ceva fizica aplicata neinvatata in scoala, dar din ce in ce mai prezenta in multe carti si studii. Oricare ar fi motivele, am ajuns la concluzia ca merita sa adancesc cauzele unor respingeri, pentru a vedea daca nu ar trebui sa mai schimb pe ici, pe colo, obiceiuri si programe. La ceea ce insa este obligatoriu sa ma gandesc, este cand se insinueaza din exterior anumite idei, ce sunt in contradictie cu deciziile sau ideile personale. Pe acestea merita sa le filtrez si analizez, pentru a nu comite greseli ce pot afecta propriul drum. Si evident sa le resping, daca este cazul. Pentru ca nestiinta nu ma va absolvi de efectele greselilor comise.
This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'SKILL'.
'Priceperea este conlucrarea stransa dintre experienta, intelect si pasiune'.
I am tempted to say that we came here, in this 3D world, to experiment. This is NOT my own idea, it has countless variations of formulations, but I have come to believe it is correct. And I also believe that every person has a special skill that will strengthen the person's path, or even shape the life path. This depends on how quickly people discover their main talent and how persistent they are in developing their passion. It is true that when people live their lives in parallel with their own skill, which stagnates or it's only budding, they inevitably reach a crossroads and wonder, confused, which path to follow. It takes some courage to get out of the ordinary, but the joy of blossoming is truly wonderful. I have certainly said it before. Whatever we do and brings us joy, becomes part of our life experiment. I have no doubts about that!
'Capacitatea de a invata este un dar; abilitatea de a invata este o deprindere; vointa de a invata este o alegere'.
Sunt tentata sa spun ca am ajuns pe aici, in aceasta lume 3D, pentru a experimenta. Ideea NU este proprie, are nenumarate variante de formulari, insa am ajuns sa o cred corecta. Si mai cred ca fiecare om are o abilitate mai speciala ce ii va consolida drumul, sau chiar ii va forma traseul vietii. Aceasta depinde de cat de repede isi descopera talentul principal si cat de perseverent este sa-si dezvolte pasiunea. Este adevarat ca atunci cand oamenii isi traiesc viata in paralel cu talentul propriu, ce stagneaza sau este doar imbobocit, ajung inevitabil la o rascruce si se intreaba nedumeriti, pe ce cale sa o ia. Iti trebuie ceva curaj sa iesi din obisnuit, insa bucuria infloririi este cu adevarat minunata. Cu siguranta am mai spus-o. Orice facem si ne aduce bucurie, devine o parte din experimentul vietii noastre. Nu am niciun dubiu in privinta aceasta!
'Toate talentele se pot invata'.
'Cred cu adevarat ca fiecare are un talent, o deprindere sau o abilitate, care il sustine si face sa reuseasca in viata.'
Carmen a redeschis jocul 'Reflexii in oglinda', preluandu-l de la Sorin, Este o alta modalitate de a impartasi descoperiri speciale!
Stiu ca aceste poze sunt cam ciudatele, dar mi-a placut prea mult o bucata de rasina transparenta, in care este creata imaginea unui lup. Asa ca am vrut sa ramana pe aici. Update: dupa cum am vazut cum apar aceste creatii, nu este rasina transparenta, ci sticla... Este micuta, avand inaltimea de ~5 cm si latimea de ~ 3.5 cm. Diana are multe postari despre lupi. Le-am lasat aici, sa pot sa le mai citesc.
This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'THANKS'.
'Fii recunoscator pentru orice ti se intampla in viata; totul este o experienta'.
I once wrote a few words:
I have no memories, but I believe in beautiful ideas.
And I don't understand how it happened, that as
I grew, learned, discovered, lived experiences,
thought experiences, it happened a great forgetfulness!
Is it genetic programming or
I simply lost my way?
I would like to know!
Please, if possible, answer me, when You can!
In the meantime, I will always be on reception,
to understand Your signs!
Thanks for your answer!
And now I am on reception. In the meantime I have discovered other questions.
Some I have deciphered, for others I am still looking for answers.
Sometimes these come so surprisingly, that the amazements are very
great. But if the heart confirms them through the sent intuitions, I feel that I am walking
on a firm path and I can move on. This means that I have not
lost my way and whatever happens on this journey, it was meant to happen.
So I always say thank You, for all the inspirations I received feeling them as support and guidances.
'Multumeste pentru putin si vei gasi mai mult'.
Candva am insirat cateva cuvinte:
Amintiri nu am, dar cred in ideile frumoase.
Si nu inteleg cum s-a intamplat, ca pe masura ce am crescut, invatat, descoperit, trait experiente, gandit experiente,
s-a petrecut asa, o mare uitare!
E vorba de programare genetica sau pur si simplu
mi-am pierdut drumul? As vrea sa stiu!
Te rog, daca se poate, sa-mi raspunzi, cand poti!
Intre timp, voi fi mereu pe receptie, pentru
a-Ti intelege semnele! Iti multumesc pentru raspuns!
Si acum sunt pe receptie. Intre timp am descoperit si alte intrebari. Pe unele le-am descifrat, pentru altele mai caut inca raspunsuri. Uneori acestea vin atat de surprinzator, incat uimirile sunt foarte mari. Dar daca inima le confirma prin intuitiile trimise, simt ca pasesc pe un drum ferm si pot merge mai departe. Asta inseamna ca nu mi-am pierdut drumul si orice se intampla in aceasta calatorie, trebuia sa se intample. Asa ca mereu spun multumesc pentru toate inspiratiile pe care le primesc si pe care le simt sprijin si calauze.
'O inima recunoscatoare nu este numai o mare virtute, dar este si sursa tuturor celorlalte virtuti'.