This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'BLIND'.
And it is surrounded by other words not necessary related, but that crossed
my mind in the first moment. This is the list. I want to share with you what
I found about them. I'll give you links and some details.
That's all. Till last, it's only a game...😊
Acesta este un joc in joc. In centrul primei imagini este un cuvant sau un concept.
Si este inconjurat de alte cuvinte nu neaparat legate, dar ele mi-au trecut prin minte in
primul moment. Aceasta este lista. Doresc sa va impartasesc ce am gasit despre aceste
cuvinte. Aveti mai jos link-urile si ceva detalii. Asta-i tot. Pana la urma e doar un joc.😊
"Blind connection - Universal containment" Author: Cristian Rubcich |
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"Blind date" - 1987 Film |
I did not now that there are so many blind animals .
But of course they have other characteristics!
Nu stiam ca exista atatea animale oarbe. Insa evident ca ele
au si alte trasaturi mai aparte!
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The blind memory 'showed' me some music and a rock guitarist,
Aici am descoperit ceva muzica a unui chitarist de rock.
Even it's strange to associate blind and mind, I discovered a concept
mind-blindness, with medical ideas. Complicated for me, but I feel that
it is a blurred veil around us and this concept fit properly in our reality...
Chiar daca e bizar sa asociezi astfel de idei, am descoperit un link interesant,
cu idei medicale. Complicate pentru mine, insa simt ca este un val blurat
prin preajma si ca acest concept se potriveste in realitatea noastra.
The next subject from my perspective is fabulous.
Maybe you want explore it too.
Urmatorul subiect este fabulos din perspectiva mea.
Poate veti dori sa-l explorati si voi!
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Unconscious mind - Exploring the hidden mind |
#Fiction Monday (79) - A special event
Sunt lubrefiate toate rotițele ? :)
RăspundețiȘtergereNumai tu puteai avea o astfel de idee!😊
Ștergere... Cred ca nu!😊
That was very interesting, you did great with that word. I immediately thought of a blogging friend of ours from the Netherlands who is blind.
RăspundețiȘtergereMaybe you share this blog.
ȘtergereSometimes if we want to discover new things, it's a way...
Thank you, Brian!
Have a beautiful week!
Universul acesta al mintii - al creierului - e fantastic!
RăspundețiȘtergereDe multe "orbiri" mai avem parte.
Consider super-interesanta ideea ta de a "uni" "blind" cu celelalte.
Saptamana minunata iti doresc, Suzana draga! ❤️ Pupici! 😘 Toate bine sa iti fie! 💕
Recunosc sincer ca nu ma simteam in stare de mai mult!
ȘtergereAsa ca ideea mi s-a parut simpatica, desi presupun ca am citit despre ea, insa nu recent, asa ca nu pot spune unde.
Insa voi mai recidiva si cu alte subiecte, pentru ca surprizele pot fi mari de tot. Ca ultimul link. Chiar daca poate nu atinge tot, este suficient de mult pentru a ne schimba anumite idei.
Multumesc mult, draga Diana! Pupici si o saptamana cu spor!
Your illustration reminded me of mind mapping. Thank you for sharing, Suzana. :)
RăspundețiȘtergereMind mapping? I am not sure. But you open a new road.
ȘtergereThank you Vinitha for hosting the game. It's so nice!
Have a beautiful week!❤️