This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'SENSE'.
It was a warm and clear September evening. Silvian sat in the rocking-chair, on the balcony, preparing himself for meditation, a special moment which he was
consistently doing, since something strange had happened to him on his first attempt:
It was also evening. With his eyes closed, following his breath, he tried to detach himself from all the emotions and thoughts of the day. Suddenly, he sensed something strange.
A sort of presence. He thought it was just a sensation, but some words followed:
"-It was the time to start ..."
An emotion gripped him. It certainly wasn't his thought! So he risked an answer:
"-Are you my guide?"
"-You can call me that too, if your instinct suggested this. What you do, it's one of the possible
ways of knowing. ... Because you want to know. Correct?
… And find out that it is enough just to think the words, to understand each other… ”
"-Obviously I want to know if the Universe allows me to do so!"
"-I see you've done your homework, but these things aren't that simple. It's not like
preparing for an exam and picks a ticket with a specific subject. The whole perspective
on life changes. You have to reevaluate everything! Do you feel capable?
"-Honestly, I have no idea! I just know that I want that. And I know it's up to me."
"-That's how it is! But the intention is also extremely valuable.
It somehow gives you a sense finder.”
That's how the first attempt went. And he was convinced he was on the right track!
Era o seara calda si senina de septembrie. Silvian se aseza in scaunul balansoar de pe balcon, pregatindu-se de meditatie, un moment special pe care-l facea consecvent de cand i se intamplase ceva ciudat la prima lui incercare:
Era tot seara. Cu ochii inchisi isi urmarea respiratia, incercand sa se detaseze de toate emotiile si gandurile zilei. Brusc, simti ceva ciudat. Un fel de prezenta. Crezu ca este doar o senzatie, dar urmara cuvintele:
“-Era si timpul sa incepi...”
O emotie il cuprinse. Cu certitudine nu era gandul lui! Asa ca risca un raspuns:
“- Esti ghidul meu?”
“- Imi poti spune si asa, daca instinctul ti-a sugerat asta… E una din caile posibile pentru a sti.
...Pentru ca tu vrei sa stii. Corect?
Si afla ca e suficient doar sa gandesti cuvintele, pentru a ne intelege…”
“- Evident ca vreau sa stiu, daca Universul imi permite acest lucru!”
“- Vad ca ti-ai facut lectiile, numai ca aceste lucruri nu sunt chiar atat de simple. Nu este ca si
cum te pregatesti pentru un examen si tragi un bilet cu un subiect anume.
Intreaga ta perspectiva
asupra vietii se schimba. Trebuie sa reevaluezi tot! Simti ca esti in stare?
“-Sincer, habar nu am! Stiu doar ca vreau asta. Si mai stiu ca depinde doar de mine.”
“-Asa este! Dar si intentia este extrem de valoroasa. Iti da cumva un indicator de sens.”
Cam asa s-a derulat prima incercare. Si s-a convins ca era pe drumul cel bun!
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Cand chackrele sunt deschise si echilibrate yin si yang sunt in armonie, ceea ce inseamna, intre multe altele, un om constient de sine si de ceea ce-l inconjoara, constient de legea care guverneaza Universul. 😊
RăspundețiȘtergereWeekend frumos iti doresc, Suzana draga! ❤️ Pupici! 😘
Echilibrul, contienta, legile Universului, chackre, armonia win-yang! Sunt atatea idei importante, ascunse privirilor de o realitare nasparlie! Macar cand si cand sa le avem in vedere, ca poate percutam altfel...😊
ȘtergereUn weekend cat mai frumos, Diana draga! Pupici!❤️😘
Enola Holmes - Viitorul tău depinde doar de tine.
RăspundețiȘtergereEste evident! Si o continuare a lui Holmes parca se simtea nevoia... Oricum un netflix inca nu e pe agenda, dar cine stie...
ȘtergereUn weekend placut, Catalin!
Parerea mea este ca oricare dintre marile religii conduc la cunoasterea de sine. Inclusiv crestinismul...
RăspundețiȘtergereEste evident, doar ca ne trebuie perseverenta in a le descifra cheile. Si pentru acea cunoastere de sine de care spui, tot perseverenta este necesara. Evident dupa ce ne hotaram pe ce cale mergem si de ce am ales-o!
ȘtergereMultumesc, Daurel pentru ca ai imapartasit din ideile tale la acest gen de postare, mai altfel...😊
O seara frumoasa si o saptamana la fel!
The intention is valuable, absolutely. When we are ready to receive the Universe's wisdom, profound things happen.
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you for sharing this lovely story with us, Suzana. :)
Thank you Vinitha for your kind words of appreciation and for this lovely game. And we have to be alert and attentive to the signs!
ȘtergereWishing you a fine week ahead!