Blogul entuziast al experientelor interesante!
Charles Kingsley: "...tot ce ne trebuie pentru a fi fericiti este sa fim entuziasmati de ceva. /
...all we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about."
This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'TRAP'.
'Limpezesteti gandurile, nu crede orice gandesti, s-ar putea sa fie o capcana inauntrul lor'.
I rarely looked at events through the lens of the idea of a 'trap'. Not necessarily because it wasn't a possibility, but simply because initially, I viewed it as part of the adventure books and that's it. Now, I could really give them other interpretations,
at least for the sake of the game. Some referred to the time trap. Things to solve against the clock. If we master the subject, in principle they are easy to overcome. But if not, we have a big problem. Because we also need to add the information. If it's an exam, only the memory saves the day.
Then, there's the feeling of captivity in a specific place. With a temporary status of the situation, we can manage. In the long run, however, it's very complicated. Over time, I began to notice that the surrounding reality generates enough traps,
difficult to avoid or even impossible. A system perfectly molded to its needs and not mine. From the moment I realized this, I wondered if there could be solutions to seemingly impossible situations. No matter how I arrange the ideas, they are quite few. And without any connection to the outside, but only to the inside of my mind. Namely, a careful development of thinking, which would generate a different understanding of the events and automatically a different approach to the relationship with them. And on this occasion, maybe even discovering how to avoid them or use them as a springboard to something useful for us. But the goal of being better, I think, could make us overcome the idea that the process is complicated and persevere in achieving it.
' O capcana este doar o capcana daca nu o stii. Daca o stii, este o provocare'.
Arareori am privit evenimentele prin prisma ideii de 'capcana'. Nu neaparat pentru ca nu ar fi fost o posibilitate, ci pur si simplu pentru ca initial le priveam ca facand parte din cartile de aventuri si atat. Acum, chiar as putea sa le dau alte interpretari, macar asa, de dragul jocului. Unele se refereau la capcana timpului. Chestii de rezolvat contra cronometru. Daca stapanim subiectul, in principiu sunt usor de depasit. Insa daca nu, avem o mare problema. Pentru ca mai trebuie adaugata si completarea informatiei. Daca insa este vorba de un examen, doar memoria mai salveaza ziua. Apoi mai exista senzatia de captivitate intr-un loc anume. Cu un statut de situatie temporara ne mai descurcam. Pe termen lung insa, este tare complicat. Cu timpul, am inceput sa observ ca realitatea inconjuratoare genereaza destule capcane, greu de evitat sau chiar imposibil. Un sistem perfect mulat pe necesitatile lui si nu pe ale mele. Din momentul in care am intrezarit acest fapt, m-am intrebat daca pot exista si solutii ale situatiilor aparent imposibile. Oricum s-ar aranja ideile, sunt cam putine. Si fara legatura cu exteriorul, ci doar cu interiorul mintii mele. Si anume o dezvoltare atenta a gandirii, care sa genereze o alta intelegere a evenimentelor si automat o alta abordare privind relatia cu ele. Si cu aceasta ocazie, poate chiar descoperirea modului cum sa le ocolim sau sa le folosim ca trambulina spre ceva util noua. Insa tinta de a ne fi mai bine cred ca ne-ar putea face sa depasim ideea ca procesul este complicat si sa perseveram in a o atinge.
'Nu exista nicio capcana atat de mortala ca cea pe care ti-o intinzi singur'.
Carmen a redeschis jocul 'Reflexii in oglinda', preluandu-l de la Sorin, Este o alta modalitate de a impartasi descoperiri speciale!
(Sursa imaginilor) Mai rar am postat imagini in alb si negru in jocurile noastre. Totusi pentru ca am descoperit niste imagini premiate, mai deosebite, las cateva aici, cu linkuri catre fotografi. Seria completa o puteti viziona pe linkul sursa.
This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'PUZZLE'.
I like to work on a puzzle from time to time. I don't know if it is useful for what I feel it is. Namely, developing a certain type of thinking based on strategies for organizing the pieces and assembling them and on connections between shapes and colors, mandatory for completing the assembly. I always start with the 'frame - edge', so that I have a certain orientation in space. I kind of call it the compass of the work.
Then everything unfolds in stages. I don't like to spend hours working on it. I found that it is much more useful to squeeze it into the schedule, among other activities, in small breaks of 10-15 minutes, which seem really disconnecting to me. I am surprised to find that there is a subconscious process that unfolds between these stages and
that makes it easier for me to find the connections between the pieces. Obviously, it is just an opinion, but I think that in the subconscious, an assembly 'program' begins to unfold, the results of which I notice when I resume the activity.
In another train of thoughts, there are times when I wonder about the hidden meanings in the expression 'life as a puzzle'. I no longer believe in chance and luck, but only in causes and effects. This expression generates various questions for me. Is the 'frame' its
limit? The pieces are the moments lived? And what if this 'limit' is not like that at all and signifies the target of our evolution for several lives? Even more complicated and without an obvious answer. As you can see in the second image, a piece teleported somewhere
through the house and hid it well. That is truly the risk of working with breaks!😊 I hope to find it, because I don't have time for a repair scheme right now.
However, I think that 'reality as a puzzle' sounds closer to the truth to me. Even if I don't see its limit and the pieces aren't exactly obvious, some fits still appear, or at least that's what I think. But deciphering it would seem like a fabulous target to me. Maybe some people have already managed to partially decipher it, but there is still a long way to go. That is unless each of us contributes to its dynamic modification and then the strategies must be changed and discovered on our own, through the informational puzzle in which we swim...
Imi place sa lucrez din cand in cand cate un puzzle. Nu stiu daca el este util la ceea ce simt eu ca este. Si anume dezvoltarea unui anume tip de gandire bazat pe strategii de organizare a pieselor si de montare a lor si pe conexiuni intre forme si culori, obligatorii pentru a realiza asamblarea. Incep intotdeauna cu 'rama - margine', ca sa am o anume orientare in spatiu. Ii spun cumva cap compasul lucrarii. Apoi totul se deruleaza in etape. Nu imi place sa stau ore in sir sa il lucrez. Am constatat ca este mult mai util sa il strecor in program, printre alte activitati, in pauze mici, de 10-15 minute, ce mi se par chiar deconectante. Ma surprinde constatarea ca exista un proces subconstient care se deruleaza intre aceste etape si care ma face sa gasesc mai usor conexiunile intre piese. Evident ca este doar o parere, insa cred ca in subconstient incepe sa se deruleze un 'program' de asamblare, ale carui rezultate le observ cand reiau activitatea.
In alta ordine de idei, sunt momente cand ma intreb despre semnificatiile ascunse in expresia 'viata ca un puzzle'. Nu mai cred in intamplare si noroc ci doar in cauze si efecte. Aceasta expresie genereaza pentru mine diferite intrebari. 'Rama' este limita ei? Piesele sunt momentele traite? Si daca aceasta 'limita' nu este deloc asa, si semnifica tinta evolutiei noastre pentru mai multe vieti? Si mai complicat si fara raspuns evident. Dupa cum vedeti in a doua imagine, o piesa s-a teleportat undeva prin casa si s-a ascuns bine. Asta intr-adevar este riscul lucrului cu pauze!😊 Sper sa o gasesc, pentru ca nu am timp acum de o schema de reparatie.
Totusi, cred ca 'realitatea ca un puzzle' imi suna mai aproape de adevar. Chiar daca nu ii vad limita si nici piesele nu sunt chiar evidente, totusi ceva potriveli mai apar, sau cel putin asa cred. Insa descifrarea lui mi s-ar parea o tinta fabuloasa. Poate ca deja unii oameni au reusit o descifrare partiala, insa mai e mult pana departe. Asta daca nu cumva fiecare dintre noi contribuie la modicarea lui in mod dinamic si atunci strategiile trebuie schimbate si descoperite pe cont propriu, prin puzzle-ul informational in care inotam...
This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'CRASH'.
The word chosen for this week, brought to my mind a short film I saw almost 24 years ago, about controlled crashes of the buildings. That's when I learned that there are specialized companies that can be hired to carry out such a procedure.
The documentary referred to the demolition of an abandoned, multi-floors building, that would have been used as a car park.
The problem was that it was very close to a residential area and several precautionary measures had to be taken, so that the area would not be affected. The operation was carried out after several weeks of analyzing the resistance of the structure, in order to decide where the explosives would be placed and the order in which these points would be activated, so that the area within which the building would crash would be as small as possible. Even if I didn't find what I had seen back then, I still found something that explains the main ideas quite well. If you don't like such topics, I also found some exercises for synchronizing the hemispheres of our brain.
Cuvantul ales pentru aceasta saptamana mi-a adus in memorie un filmulet vazut acum aproape 24 de ani, despre caderi controlate a unor cladiri. Atunci am aflat ca existe firme specializate, care pot fi angajate pentru a realiza o astfel de procedura. Documentarul se referea la demolarea unei constructii abandonate, cu mai multe etaje, ce ar fi avut ca destinatie parcarea masinilor. Problema era ca ea se afla foarte aproape de o zona rezidentiala si trebuiau luate mai multe masuri de precautie pentru ca acestea sa nu fie afectate. Operatiunea s-a executat dupa mai multe saptamani de analiza a structurii de rezistenta, pentru a se putea decide punctele in care va fi plasat explozibilul si ordinea in care vor fi activate aceste puncte, astfel incat suprafata in interiorul careia cladirea urma sa se prabuseasca, sa fie cat mai mica. Chiar daca nu am regasit ceea ce vazusem atunci, am gasit totusi ceva ce expliciteaza destul de bine ideile principale. Daca totusi nu va plac astfel de subiecte, am gasit si niste exercitii pentru sincronizarea emisferelor creierului nostru. 😊