sâmbătă, 8 martie 2025

#Fiction Monday (210) -
Belonging to the Whole
Apartenenta la intreg

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'WHOLE'.

'Iubirea este totul. Suntem doar bucati'.

I think we use this word quite often. In relation to a day, a night, a dream, a trip, a book,
a friendship, a body, a landscape or even talking about the whole life and the planet we
currently exist on. But maybe it would be worth somehow changing the perspective from
which we look at the whole. Obviously I also wonder if this imagination exercise is necessary. After all, any imagination exercise can be useful, but this one could be special in terms of consequences. We contain billions of cells. They miraculously engage forming our entire body.
We still don't know how such a thing is possible , but we see ourselves clearly in the mirror...
If we managed to 'see' the energies emitted by thoughts, words, heart, surely, not only would
we be amazed, but I think we would instantly change our behavior, understanding more
about the effects of the invisible on us and the space in which we evolve. We are generators
of effects for better or for worse. No matter how much is written about it, we find it hard
to believe that we can affect ourselves and others, just because our gaze does not perceive
the 'unseen'.
I know that I cannot yet see these energies, but I can be more attentive to certain effects of
the field that surrounds us all. It is true that manifestations are not instantaneous, perhaps
only in miracles, but we must first believe in the possibility.
Is there something stopping us? After all, we are part of a WHOLE, even if something
prevents us from seeing the truth of this belonging.
But whatever we feel, the effects are unfolding!

'Nu trebuie sa vezi intreaga scara
pentru a face primul pas'.

Cred ca destul de des utilizam acest cuvant. In relatie cu o zi, o noapte, un vis,
o excursie, o carte, o prietenie, un trup, un peisaj sau chiar vorbim de
viata intrega si de planeta pe care momentan existam.
Insa poate ca ar merita sa schimbam cumva perspectiva din care privim intregul.
Evident ca ma intreb si daca este necesar acest exercitiu de imaginatie. 
La urma urmei, orice exercitiu de imaginatie poate fi util, insa acesta ar putea fi
special prin consecinte. Noi continem miliarde de celule. Ele se angreneaza
in mod miraculos in intregul numit corpul nostru. Inca nu stim cum este posibil asa
ceva, insa ne vedem clar in oglinda... Daca am reusi sa 'vedem' energiile emise de
ganduri, cuvinte, inima, cu siguranta, nu numai ca am fi uimiti, insa cred ca ne-am
schimba instantaneu comportamentul, intelegand mai multe despre efectele
invizibilului asupra noastra si a spatiului in care evoluam.  Suntem generatori de
efecte in bine sau in rau. Oricat s-ar scrie despre asta, suntem greu de convins ca
putem sa ne afectam singuri si sa ii afectam si pe ceilalti, doar pentru ca privirea
noastra nu sesizeaza 'nevazutul'.
Stiu ca nu pot inca sa vad aceste energii, insa pot fi mai atenta la anumite efecte
ale campului care ne inconjoara pe toti. Este adevarat ca manifestarile nu sunt
instantanee, poate doar in miracole, insa trebuie mai intai sa credem in posibilitate.
Ne impiedica oare ceva? Pana la urma suntem parte a unui TOT, chiar daca ceva
ne impiedica sa vedem adevarul acestei apartenente.
Insa orice am simti noi, efectele se deruleaza!

'Pentru ca o comunitate sa fie intreaga
si sanatoasa, trebuie sa se bazeze pe
dragostea si procuparea oamenilor
unii pentru altii'.


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