This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'PROMISE'
and an image.
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I always thought that a 'to do' list is important. First, because it is a
reminder for key subjects that I have to solve. I thought about them
and 'declared' them needed and important in a certain period of time! 😊
Second, it is like a promise to myself in doing them and a promise
must be kept!
But the concept of doing this list must be wise...
When I heard about the idea of 'eating the frog' I discovered a simple
way of doing a list, starting with the hard activities. The idea of hard
means in reality what I do not like but I have to do. When they were
completed, I was so happy that the other subjects were like a piece of cake!
And by switching the lines of a list I can keep my promise to myself,
which is perfect!
"Fiecare apus de soare aduce promisiunea unui nou rasarit"
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Am crezut mereu ca o lista cu subiecte de rezolvat este importanta.
In primul rand pentru ca este un memento pentru subiectele cheie care
trebuie solutionate. M-am gandit la ele și le-am 'declarat' necesare și importante
intr-o anumita perioada de timp!😊
In al doilea rand, este ca o promisiune fata de mine insami in realizarea lor și
o promisiune trebuie respectata!
Dar aceasta lista trebuie realizata cu intelepciune...
Cand am auzit despre ideea de 'a manca broasca' am descoperit un mod simplu
de a face o lista, incepand cu activitatile grele. Ideea de greu inseamna in realitate
ceea ce nu-mi place, dar trebuie sa fac. Cand le-am finalizat, am fost atat de
bucuroasa incat rezolvarea celorlalte subiecte a fost floare la ureche!
Și schimband liniile unei liste pot sa-mi tin promisiunea fata de mine,
ceea ce este perfect!
#Fiction Monday (21) - It's everything about choises
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My special watch |