This is my project for the next challenges:
Acesta este proiectul meu pentru urmatoarele provocari:
- Butterflyspotchallenge: #59 Butterflies + P is for Punches and Pink;
- Craftyhazelnut'sPatternedPaper: August Challenge.
Materials and techniques:
Materiale si tehnici:
- the base is a normal card stock;
- the smaller layer is a patterned pink paper punched with a multi-shaper tool;
some of the remained cut pieces are also bonded;
- the two hearts are also punched and bonded;
- the butterfly is a self-adhesive sticker;
- inside the hearts I used acrylic colors and on the edges "inka gold" color.
Some working details are presented in the next mosaic:
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Detalii de lucru |
- baza este un carton obisnuit de felicitare;
- pe el e lipit un carton roz, mai mic, cu model realizat prin perforare, ca si cateva
din bucatelele rezultate;
- cele doua inimi sunt realizate tot prin perforare si sunt lipite;
- fluturele este un sticker autoadeziv;
- in interiorul inimilor am folosit culori acrilice, iar pe margini culoare tip "inka gold".
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Previous project |
Migalos, migalos si foarte frumos! :)
RăspundețiȘtergereCe fain ca stii sa confectionezi si felicitari! Le poti trimite celor dragi felicitari personalizate, unicate, de colectie. :)
Spor la tot ce ai de facut si la ce vrei sa faci, Suzana draga.
Iti doresc sa ai o saptamana minunata! <3
Chiar foarte migalos nu a fost. Noroc cu perforatoarele!
ȘtergereAdevarul este ca daca ti-ai propune sa intri intr-un magazin destinat acestor produse, e imposibil sa nu iti vina idei si sa mai cumperi cate ceva! :D
Multumesc, draga Diana. Tare mult as vrea sa pot lungi timpul...
O saptamana dupa dorinta! <3
:) eu am albi in gradina! :)
RăspundețiȘtergereSa le faci poze! :)
ȘtergereZile frumoase, draga Ioana!
Love the doily you have made with your multi-shaper punch and the two intricate hearts! Thanks for playing in the Butterfly Challenge #59!
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you! I love these shapes. The effects are quite beautiful.
ȘtergereHave a nice day!
I love the richness of these two colours together. The multi shaper punch looks awesome. Thank you for fluttering by my challenge where your card will be entered twice. Hugs Mrs A.
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you, Valery!
ȘtergereI love these colors. And I was very happy when I dicovered the stickers with butterflies. I hope I'll use them again for your challenges.
Have a nice day!
Very pretty card - the cut outs are perfect on this card. Thanks so much for joining us this time at the Craftyhazelnut's Patterned Paper challenge, Elizabeth (DT)
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you, Elizabeth! I'm glad you liked my card.
ȘtergereAnd thank you for your challenges!
Have a nice day!