This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'BELIEVE'.
This text was written almost five years ago. I translated it because I felt
that I must do this and I started to believe my instincts...
Thoughts to Him...
I find that thoughts are faster than words.
Anyway, I think You already know them.
You know everything!
And You know us all. Because You created us.
I don't know how You handle with our
pell-mell thoughts. I assume that
You have a system, but still, how do You hear us?
I would really like to know ...
I haven't told You until today how I see You.
You are like a flower of life from which
infinitely colorful spirals spring up.
No, no one told me!
But I like the idea and it's enough for me.
That's how I believe You get anywhere, anytime,
to everyone who thinks of You!
I confess that I don't like to ask for anything.
I'm trying to handle myself.
But I realize it was never just me.
I understood this a little late. But it's good this way too.
Thank you for all the thoughts
You send
to me when I need them.
Now I pay more attention to Your signs.
Please, if You can, teach me to see them more clearly.
That sometimes You encrypt them too hard!
I realize you're doing this so I can
Your lessons for my own good.
But strange as it may seem, sometimes
I don't know exactly what my good is.
So, please enlighten me a little more in this life,
even You know that we have an eternity at our disposal!
And if I don't have access to my previous memories,
that means I always have to rediscover
the same answers I had once.
Don't You think that if I already knew them,
I would gain some
precious time for discovering new ones?
I may be wrong. You must have a reason!
But please tell me too. More understandably.
Thank you for all Your help.
And please forgive me if sometimes I don't understand
how You proceed,
but I know for sure You're watching ...

Acest text a fost scris acum aproape cinci ani. L-am tradus pentru ca am simtit nevoia
sa fac asta si am inceput sa ma incred in instinct.
Ganduri catre El...
Constat ca gandurile sunt mai iuti decat cuvintele.
Oricum cred ca deja le stii. Tu le stii pe toate!
Si ne stii pe toti. Ca doar Tu ne-ai creat.
Nu stiu cum Te mai descurci in fuioarele
noastre de ganduri alandala. Banuiesc ca
ai un sistem, dar totusi, cum ne auzi?
Tare as vrea sa stiu...
Nu ti-am spus pana azi cum Te vad eu.
Esti ca o floare a vietii din care izvorasc
infinit de multe spirale colorate.
Nu, nu mi-a spus nimeni!
Dar imi place ideea si e suficient pentru mine.
Asa cred ca ajungi oriunde, oricand,
la oricine se gandeste la Tine!
Iti marturisesc ca nu prea imi place sa cer ceva.
Incerc sa ma descurc singura.
Dar imi dau seama ca niciodata nu am fost doar eu.
Am inteles asta cam tarziu. Dar e bine si asa.
Iti multumesc pentru toate gandurile pe care
mi le trimiti cand am nevoie de ele.
Acum sunt mai atenta la semnele Tale.
Te rog, daca poti, sa ma inveti sa le vad mai limpede.
Ca uneori tare le incifrezi!
Imi dau seama ca o faci pentru ca sa pot
experimenta lectiile Tale spre binele meu.
Dar, oricat ar parea de ciudat, uneori
nici eu nu stiu exact care este binele meu.
Asa ca te rog sa ma mai luminezi putin in viata asta,
chiar daca Tu stii ca avem la dispozitie o eternitate!
Si daca nu am acces la amintirile mele anterioare,
asta inseamna ca mereu trebuie sa redescopar
aceleasi raspunsuri pe care le-am avut candva.
Nu crezi ca daca le-as sti deja, as castiga un timp
pretios pentru descoperirea altora noi?
Poate gresesc. Trebuie sa ai Tu un motiv!
Dar te rog frumos sa mi-l spui si mie.
Asa, mai pe inteles.
Iti multumesc pentru tot ajutorul Tau.
Si te rog sa ma ierti daca uneori nu inteleg cum
procedezi, dar stiu sigur ca veghezi...

#Fiction Monday (50) - The power of change