This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'PAUSE'.
How many times have I heard: 'I need a pause', 'I'm tired', 'I need to rest,
'I worked too
much', 'I can't wait to go on vacation to recharge my batteries', 'I want
to stay a while
and do nothing', I want to sleep and recover', etc.
Of course, I had also such thoughts! 😊
But I started to reconsider these approaches, simply because in a certain
moment I
understood that I was simply posing the problem incorrectly and a large part of the
fatigue came from the dislike of 'duty'...
The art of transforming this displeasure into the joy of the present moment is learned
on our own, but once discovered and mastered, we will not give it up this
approach that transforms us!
I discovered a little bit too late, I must admit, that the only really useful pauses
are those
creative and meditative. And a truly restful sleep recharges us perfect energy!
So that, let's enjoy our dear pauses, in which we unleash our imagination
and our dreams...
De cate ori am auzit: 'am nevoie de o pauza', 'sunt obosit(a), 'trebuie sa ma odihnesc,
'am muncit prea mult', 'abia astept sa plec in vacanta sa-mi reincarc bateriile', 'vreau
sa stau putin si sa nu fac nimic', sa dorm si sa ma refac', etc.
Bineinteles ca nici pe mine nu m-au ocolit astfel de ganduri! 😊
Insa am inceput sa reconsider aceste abordari, pur si simplu pentru ca intr-un anume
moment am inteles ca pur si simplu puneam problema incorect si ca o mare parte
a oboselii provenea din neplacerea... 'trebuitului'.
Arta tranformarii acestei neplaceri in bucuria momentului prezent se invata cam pe
cont propriu, insa odata descoperita si stapanita, nu vom mai renunta la aceasta
abordare ce ne transforma!
Am descoperit, un picut cam tarziu, trebuie sa recunosc, ca singurele pauze cu adevarat
utile sunt cele creative si cele meditative. Si un somn cu adevarat odihnitor ne incarca
energetic perfect!
Asa ca sa ne bucuram de pauzele noastre dragi, in care ne descatusam imaginatia si
#Fiction Monday (104) - A special wait...