Blogul entuziast al experientelor interesante!
Charles Kingsley: "...tot ce ne trebuie pentru a fi fericiti este sa fim entuziasmati de ceva. /
...all we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about."
This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'BEGIN'.
We have very little left until the beginning of a new year. I want to tell you so many..!
But as the ideas stir, I realize that everything must be simplified. And the idea
I think it's worth reinterpreting it. Because every lived moment is at the beginning of
the next one. In every moment, the beginning of a new idea can germinate. To cultivate what resonate with our soul, with our goal, it's like creating a daily milestone.
... That's all. I simplified as much as I could. Everything else is blowing in the wind...
The first image has the beginning here! Prima imagine are inceputul aici!
Mai avem foarte putin pana la inceputul unui nou an. Vreau sa va spun atat de multe! Insa pe masura ce ideile se agita, realizez ca totul trebuie simplificat. Si aceasta idee cred ca merita sa o reinterpretez. Pentru ca fiecare clipa traita este la inceputul urmatoarei. In fiecare moment poate germina un inceput al unei noi idei. A le cultiva pe cele ce rezoneaza cu sufletul nostru, cu telul nostru, e ca si cum am crea o borna zilnica. ... Doar atat. Am simplificat cat am putut. Orice altceva este doar suflare in vant...
Urmatorul joc va fi peste doua saptamani, pe data de 10.01.2023 si tabelul va fi deschis respectand aceasta perioada, daca vreti sa participati. The next game will be in two weeks, on 10.01.2023 and the table will be opened accordingly, if you want to participate.
Am descoperit creatiile cusute ale artistei Maryana Zolotova, in tehnica 'patchwork si quilt'. Un special - complicat minunat! I discovered the sewn creations of the artist Maryana Zolotova, using the technique 'patchwork and quilt'. A wonderful special - complicate. (Sursa imaginilor)
This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'MUSE'.
I don't know how you feel about the idea of the muse. I can only talk about how I feel.
First of all, it definitely exists, trickling through inspirations.
Their triggering seemed to me apparently random at first. But as long as my attention
on the reality was amplified, I noticed that it was not like that at all. The inspirations came
when I needed them. Whether it was an idea for a small creation, for
the text of a game, but even when I had to take a small or big decision, it does not matter what. The important thing was a small spark-click preceding the decision.
Kind of like: 'Aha! This is what I have to do!' Although it sounds simplistic, that's how it happens
the things. What seems really important to me is to manage to align my attention with the intention of what I want to achieve. This is how to intuit the muse's solution.
Otherwise, I risk walking right past it and losing what I don't have: time...😊
And because we are surrounded by the special atmosphere of Christmas, let us enjoy its magic. It's so important to our inner child!
Nu stiu cum simtiti voi ideea de muza. Pot doar sa vorbesc despre cum o simt eu. In primul rand categoric ea exista, prelingandu-se prin inspiratii. Declansarea lor mi se parea aparent aleatoare la inceput. Insa pe masura ce atentia asupra realitatii s-a amplificat, am observat ca nu era deloc asa. Inspiratiile veneau cand aveam nevoie de ele. Fie ca era vorba de o idee pentru o mica creatie, pentru textul unui joc, dar si cand trebuia sa iau o decizie mica sau mare, nu avea importanta. Importanta era o mica scanteie-declic premergatoare deciziei. Un fel de: 'Aha! Asta trebuie sa fac!' Desi suna simplist, cam asa se intampla lucrurile. Ceea ce mi se pare cu adevarat important este sa reusesc sa-mi aliniez atentia cu intentia spre ceea ce vreau sa obtin. Asta pentru a intui solutia muzei. Altfel risc sa trec razant pe langa ea si sa pierd ceea ce nu am: timp...😊
Si pentru ca suntem inconjurati de atmosfera speciala a Craciunului, sa ne bucuram de magia ei. Mi se pare atat de important pentru copilul nostru interior!
This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'HEAL'.
What could I add to such a theme? There are rivers of books, studies,
articles, comments about books, studies, articles, made by professionals but also by amateurs. Streams of opinions on all topics possibly connected to
healing, to heal.
When something hurts, we tend to delegate decisions
to resolve the situation, to the professionals.
However, in the moments when nothing hurts, it is worth exploring our own healing powers. There are special people who say that we have them. To discover those,
it seems to me not only exceptional, but it would be like a safety net for our life goal, whatever this goal is. Because we could travel without getting stuck in the pains that can jam or stop us, or without getting stuck in our own fears...
Oare ce as putea adauga unui astfel de subiect? Sunt fluvii de carti, studii, articole, comentarii despre carti, studii, articole, realizate de profesionisti dar si de amatori. Fluvii de pareri despre toate subiectele posibil conectate la vindecare, la a vindeca. Cand ne doare ceva avem tendinta de a delega deciziile pentru rezolvarea situatiei, profesionistilor. Totusi, in momentele cand nu ne doare nimic, merita sa exploram puterile noastre vindecatoare. Sunt oameni deosebiti care spun ca le avem. A le descoperi mi se pare nu doar exceptional, insa ar fi ca o plasa de siguranta pentru tinta vietii noastre, oricare ar fi aceasta tinta. Pentru ca am putea calatori fara sa ne inpotmolim in durerile ce ne pot bruia sau opri, sau fara sa ne impotmolim in propriile frici...
The holidays are approaching very fast, so I wish you to enjoy the Christmas holiday magic,together with your family and friends! Sarbatorile se apropie cu pasi repezi, asa ca va urez sa va bucurati impreuna cu familia si prietenii de magia Sarbatorii de Craciun!
Urmatoarele doua jocuri vor fi la interval de doua saptamani si tabelele vor fi deschise respectand aceste perioade, daca vreti sa participati. Mai exact datele vor fi: 27.12.2022; 10.01.2023. The next two games will have the table open for two weeks, so you can enter your posts. The dates are 27.12.20022; 10.01.2023.
Alegerea pentru azi au fost acuarelele realizate de Jan Van Tassell. The choice for today was the watercolors created b Jan van Tassell. (Sursa imaginilor)
I always learn from these games. Until now I thought of ink as
a new technique that I want to try. The subject is on my agenda!😊
Only now I rediscovered something I had forgotten. The meaning of 'letter' and 'to write'.
And no matter how much I practice my memory, nothing it compares to note down a few main points about a topic. And I admit that I liked this way of working starting with the fifth grade. During the summer, on a notebook used for theses,
I wrote down the important formulas and definitions learned until then, beautiful outlined and colorful. It happened that the teacher saw this unasked notebook by no one. He carefully went through everything I wrote, he checked the notions
and without any hesitation he gave me the highest mark. Simply.
For me, this meant the validation of a method that I kept for the future.
Nothing new and yet something new for a child!
Mereu invat din aceste jocuri. Pana acum ma gandeam la cerneala ca la o noua tehnica pe care mi-o doresc a o incerca. E pe agenda subiectul!😊 Doar ca acum am redescoperit ceva ce uitasem. Sensul de slova, de a scri. Si oricat mi-as exersa memoria, nimic nu se compara cu a nota cateva idei principale despre un subiect. Si recunosc ca acest mod de lucru mi-a intrat in creier in clasa a cincea. In perioada de vara, pe un caiet din acela de teze, mi-am notat formulele si definitiile importante invatate pana atunci. Subliniate frumos si colorate. S-a intamplat ca profesorul a vazut acest caietel necerut de nimeni. A parcurs atent tot ceea ce am scris, a verificat notiunile si fara nicio ezitare mi-a dat nota maxima. Pur si simplu. Pentru mine asta a insemnat validarea unei metode pastrate si pe mai departe. Nimic nou si totusi ceva nou pentru un copil!
"Cea mai palida cerneala este mai buna decat cea mai buna memorie. Studiaza cu stiloul in mana" - (Adrian Rogers)
Ii voi spune "Jocul de luni". A fost gazduit deZinnaida, a aparut sub impulsul citatelor din carti postate de Ella si acum a venit randul meu sa-l preiau. Participarea consta in redarea unor citate preferate. ”Click&Comment Monday”: Un schimb de idei, buchete de ganduri, inspiratie si poate descoperirea esentei pe care o tot cautam si inca nu am gasit-o! (Tabelul este la finalul postarii.)
Chiar daca aveam multe subiecte pe agenda, acest cuvant s-a prelins intr-un comentariu al lui Rux, asa ca l-am lasat in colectie...
"Libertatea nu inseamna lene si nepasare. Libertatea este responsabilitate. Daca nu-ti asumi responsabilitatea, o face altcineva pentru tine. Asa devii sclav."
"Libertatea inseamna raspundere, de aceea majoritatea oamenilor se tem de ea."
"Cea mai mare responsbilitate a noastra este aceea de a deveni buni stramosi."
"Fiecare este responsabil de felul cum se intrebuinteaza in aceasta viata."
"Exista o linie fina intre cenzura, bun gust si responsabilitate morala."
"Este mult mai usor sa culpabilizezi decat sa-ti asumi responsabilitatea faptelor tale."
"Responsabilitatea gaseste o cale. Iresponsabilitatea gaseste scuze!"
"Trebuie sa-ti asumi responsabilitatea. Nu poti schimba circumstantele, anotimpurile sau vantul, dar poti sa te schimbi pe tine."
"Maturitatea incepe in ziua in care acceptam responsabilitatea propriilor actiuni."
"Accepta responsabilitatea pentru viata ta stiind ca tu vei fi acela care te va duce unde vrei sa ajungi si nimeni altcineva."
"Cand te plangi, te transformi in victima. Paraseste situatia, schimb-o sau accept-o. Orice altceva este nebunie."
"Fii responsabil la un nivel mai inalt decat ceilalti se asteapta de la tine. Nu-ti gasi niciodata scuze."
"Nici un singur strop de apa nu gandeste ca este responsabil de o inundatie."
Pentru ca acesta este ultimul joc al citatelor cu tabel din acest an, inchei spunand sa aveti un decembrie cu Sarbatori frumoase impreuna cu dragii vostri. Sa ne reauzim cu bucurie in noul an, cu pace, liniste si inspiratii de tot felul. Si va multumesc din suflet ca sunteti aproape in aceste calatorii ale ideilor.
This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'TRUE'.
What a word and how many questions it triggers!
Are we really true seekers of the truth? And what kind of truths are we looking for?
When there is something we are passionate about and we want to know everything about the subject,
how much effort do we make for this knowledge?
How many sources do we explore until we stop searching and declare for ourselves: that it is true!
However, it should be taken into account that even this decision - that we have reached our destination -it was done through the filter of our own beliefs, experiences, emotions.
Have we come to know that what interests us is true?
Are we sure or do we still have a grain of doubt? Because if there is
doubt, the search path is not completely covered.
I know that the journeys are always fascinating, only that there are certain subjects about which
the truth must be known, because it is possible that our existence depends on them. Forming our own filters to find vital topics that can change our existence if we don't really understand them, it seems to me
a priority.
Everything else depends on our own passions and even if we don't manage to decipher them
completely, maybe this is not even necessary, because entering into the game
our own personality, we certainly bring new additions, which other people will take them over, adding them to their own ideas - truths.
But improving our observational spirit regarding the reality is extremely useful
to discover what kind of truths are served to us, to observe the 'butterfly effects'
or synchronicities.
Obviously, life often lives us, so the events can take us
by surprise, and they actually do many times, so only by appealing to our intuitions
is possible to discover the false curtains thrown at us, obviously only if
our own naiveness do not block their view.
I also want to add in conclusion, that a true idea may be spoken by one person and not necessarily by a crowd. And that person be right.
Giordano Bruno is the most classic example in this sense...
Ce cuvant si cate intrebari declanseaza! Suntem cu adevarat cautatori de adevar? Si ce fel de adevaruri cautam? Atunci cand exista ceva ce ne pasioneaza si vrem sa aflam totul despre subiect, cat efort facem pentru aceasta cunoastere? Cate surse scormonim pana cand ne oprim din cautari si declaram pentru noi insine: asta este adevarat! Totusi este de luat in calcul faptul ca si aceasta decizie - ca am ajuns la destinatie - s-a facut prin filtrul propriilor credinte, experiente, emotii. Am ajuns sa stim ca ce ne interesa este adevarat? Suntem siguri sau mai avem vreun sambure de indoiala? Pentru ca daca exista indoiala, drumul cautarilor nu este parcurs complet. Stiu ca mereu calatoriile sunt fascinante, doar ca sunt anumite tinte al caror adevar trebuie cunoscut, pentru ca e posibil ca de el sa depinda, la propriu, drumul existentei noastre. A ne forma propriile filtre pentru a gasi subiectele vitale ce ne pot modifica existenta daca nu le intelegem cu adevarat, mi se pare o prioritate. Orice altceva depinde de pasiunile proprii si chiar daca nu ajungem sa le descifram complet, poate nici nu este necesar acest lucru, pentru ca introducand in ecuatie personalitatea proprie, cu siguranta aducem completari inedite, pe care alti oameni le vor prelua, completandu-si propriile idei - adevaruri. Insa a ne imbunatati spiritul de observatie privind realitatea este extrem de util, pentru a descoperi ce fel de adevaruri ne sunt servite, pentru a observa 'efectele de fluture' sau sincronicitatile. Evident ca viata este cea care de multe ori ne traieste, asa ca evenimentele ne pot lua prin surpindere si chiar o fac de multe ori, doar ca apeland la intuitiile noastre este posibil sa descoperim fumigenele aruncate asupra noastra, evident doar daca propriile naivitatile nu ne blocheaza vederea lor. Mai vreau sa adaug in incheiere, ca o idee adevarata poate fi rostita doar de un singur om si nu neaparat de o multime. Si el sa aiba dreptate. Giordano Bruno este cel mai clasic exemplu in acest sens...
Urmatoarele trei jocuri vor fi la interval de doua saptamani si tabelele vor fi deschise respectand aceste perioade, daca vreti sa participati. Mai exact datele vor fi: 13.12.2022; 27.12.2022; 10.01.2023. The next three games will have the table open for two weeks, so you can enter your posts. The dates are 13.12.2022; 27.12.20022; 10.01.2023.
De aceasta data Niko ne-a oferit surse de inspiratie despre fructe cu coaja tare si am continuat si eu cautarile! Sursele sunt la imagini. This time Niko offered us some sources of inspiration with fruits with hard shells,
so I continue the researches! The sources are at the images.
Inchei aceasta serie de idei creatoare ce a inceput cu flori, apoi au urmat fructele si crengile. M-as bucura daca v-au oferit carari - idei noi pentru inspiratiile voastre de orice natura ar fi acestea! I end this series of creative ideas that started with flowers, then followed
by the fruits and branches. I would be happy if they offered you paths - new ideas for
whatever your inspirations may be!