marți, 30 august 2022

Miercurea fara cuvinte (327) -
Siluete - Silhouettes

A venit randul meu sa gazduiesc  jocul "Miercurea fara cuvinte", preluat de la  Zina si
initiat de
Carmen.  Un schimb de idei - imagini care ne coloreaza ziua si imaginatia!
   Postarea participa si la WW:
pe blogul 'Image-in-ing';
pe blogul 'Bethere2day';
pe blogul 'Myworldthrumycameralens';
pe blogul 'Comedy-plus';
pe blogul 'My Holidays photos';
pe blogul 'RamblinwithAm';
pe blogul
'Cats-astropic Events'
pe blogul 'Katheworsley';
pe blogul 'Brianshome'
pe blogul 'Meeyauw';
pe blogul
'Jaipur Gardening';

The table will be created on Tuesday evening.
Just be aware that I'll update the links to your posts till the end of  Wednesday.

Colectia ce urmeaza apartine artistei Tatyana Markovtseva si are ca liant
ideea 'Simte linia'.
The following collection belongs to the artist Tatyana Markovtseva and has
as a binder the ideea of 'Feel the line'.

(Sursa imaginilor)

Happy WW!

MFC (326)

duminică, 28 august 2022

#Fiction Monday (97)
Stem connections - Conexiuni 'stem'

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'STEM'

I reloaded an idea from the game 80. The first words that came to mind, I put them on
paper and now I'm curious to see what it will be the result, or if any...

I showed you the stem of my lily that had started to make cups with four flowers.
Now I realize how many things I have been talking about. And how the connections
were formed. And they keep growing and branching...
It's good, because will be more games!

The stem cells sounded a bit strange to me when I first heard about them, but
I saw them as something extremely miraculous in our body. I always discover
something fabulous about how we were created, but in this life which lives us,
we always forget to look inside ourselves, because here there are the most special
discoveries. What is really unique is that these cells can transform themselves,
depending on the environment and this should make us deepen the topic...

I didn't know there is an acronym in English under this name, STEM - science,
technology, engineering, mathematics - the Romanian equivalent being STIM
(WE KNOW). That, if there were... An interesting matrix and certainly there are
more others like it, which maybe we will discover on other occasions.

I don't know medical English and it has a special dictionary. But on this occasion
I rediscovered the brain stem with its shape of the trunk of a cone and with a lot of
functions. And we still get to our wonderful body!

It was impossible not to find something musical: MindStem Beats performing a
hip hop, for those who prefer the style.

Even the Universe could not avoid the association with this word: 'STEM Universe'
seems to be a network-community full of knowledge. I admit that I have not explored
it, but I leave it here, even it's far away from me.

If I had to conclude this text, I would say that it does not actually exist endings,
only new beginnings, and I somehow interpret this word as  their metaphor,
precisely because the stem cells can transform themselves in what we need...

Back to the idea of seed thoughts or... stem thoughts? It depends on us in what we
transform them, so that we can enjoy their transformation!

Reiau o idee din jocul 80.  Primele cuvinte ce au rasarit in minte, le-am pus pe
hartie si acum sunt curioasa sa vad care va fi urmarea, sau daca va fi una...

V-am aratat tulpina crinului meu ce  incepuse sa faca cupe cu patru flori.
Acum realizez despre cate lucruri am tot povestit. Si cum s-au format conexiunile.
Si tot cresc si se ramifica... E bine, ca mai sunt jocuri!

Celulele stem mi-au sunat cam ciudat cand am auzit prima data despre ele, insa
le-am vazut ca pe ceva extrem de miraculos in corpul nostru.
Mereu mai descopar cate ceva fabulos despre cum am fost creati, insa in viata
asta care ne traieste mereu, uitam sa  privim in noi, ca acolo sunt cele mai
speciale descoperiri. Ceea ce este cu adevarat special este ca aceste celule
se pot transforma in functie de mediu si asta ar trebui sa ne faca sa
adancim subiectul...

Nu stiam ca exista un acronim in engleza sub acest nume, STEM -
tehnologie, inginerie, matematica -
echivalentul  romanesc posibil fiind
STIM . Asta daca ar exista... O matrice interesanta si cu siguranta ca mai
exista si altele asemenea, pe care poate le vom descoperi cu alte ocazii.

Engleza medicala nu o cunosc si are un dictionar special. Insa cu aceasta ocazie
mi-am reamintit de trunchiului cerebral cu forma lui de trunchi de con si cu o
multime de functii. Si tot la corpul nostru minunat ajungem.

Era imposibil sa nu gasesc si ceva muzical:  MindStem Beats interpretand un
hip hop, pentru cine prefera stilul.

Nici Universul nu putea fi ocolit de asocierea cu acest cuvant:
'STEM Universe' pare a fi o comunitate-retea plina de cunostinte.
Recunosc ca nu am explorat-o, insa o las doar ca o informatie destul
de departe de mine.

Daca ar fi sa fac o incheiere a acestei postari, as spune ca defapt nu exista
incheieri, doar noi incepuri, iar acest cuvant il interpretez cumva ca o
metafora a  acestora, tocmai pentru ca celule stem se pot transforma
in ceea ce avem nevoie...

Revin la ideea gandurilor seminte... sau ganduri stem? Depinde de noi in ce
le transformam, pentru a ne putea bucura de transformarea acestora!


marți, 23 august 2022

Miercurea fara cuvinte (326) -
Curburile unor bijuterii -
The curves of some jewelry

A venit randul meu sa gazduiesc  jocul "Miercurea fara cuvinte", preluat de la  Zina si
initiat de
Carmen.  Un schimb de idei - imagini care ne coloreaza ziua si imaginatia!
   Postarea participa si la WW:
pe blogul 'Image-in-ing';
pe blogul 'Bethere2day';
pe blogul 'Myworldthrumycameralens';
pe blogul 'Comedy-plus';
pe blogul 'My Holidays photos';
pe blogul 'RamblinwithAm';
pe blogul
'Cats-astropic Events'
pe blogul 'Katheworsley';
pe blogul 'Brianshome'
pe blogul 'Meeyauw';
pe blogul
'Jaipur Gardening';

The table will be created on Tuesday evening.
Just be aware that I'll update the links to your posts till the end of  Wednesday.

Am ramas in zona bijuteriilor, depasind faza schitelor!
I stayed in the jewelry area, going beyond the sketches faze!
(Sursa imaginilor)

Happy WW!

MFC (325)

"The lost art and science of breath" 
"Arta pierduta si stiinta respiratiei"

duminică, 21 august 2022

#Fiction Monday (96)
Ideas from the past -
Idei din trecut

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'PRAYER'

"Walk in Beauty: Prayer from the Navajo people"

When I want to simplify the main ideas, then it's as if they all get along and generate
a fabric whose end seems to disappear as if by magic...
It's normal that this happens!
In this game I wrote about so many ideas, so many beginnings of stories, of searches,
of essences... Something commanded me to search, to discover, to tell you, to tell me,
to be here, not to forget. What end? Is there an end? Is there a beginning? Certainly yes.
Of this life? I have no idea. Why do I know so little? Will that be the rule of the game?
To keep gathering bits of knowledge throughout many existences?

There are few certainties around us, but one of them for sure it is the force of beauty.
I heard this words association in a lecture of Gregg Braden, who talked about certain
codes of wisdom. One of them belongs to the Navajo people. It is a special prayer,
'Walking in beauty'. It is reproduced in full in the first link. In the presentation, in a narrow form: -the beauty that  I live with, that I live by, on which I base my life-.
A thought that would be perfect to be associated with the mind-heart connection!

There are many ideas that have found ways to cross the ages to reach us.
Finding and deciphering them can be a key to understanding the present, overcoming
our fears and finding the way to ourselves.

"Gregg Braden: The Feeling is the prayer"

Cand vreau sa simplific ideile principale, atunci parca se imbrancesc cu toatele
si genereaza o tesatura al carei capat parca dispare ca prin farmec...
Normal ca se intampla asta! 
In acest joc am scris despre atatea idei, atatea inceputuri de povesti, de cautari,
de esente... M-a manat ceva sa caut, sa descopar, sa va spun, sa imi spun, sa fie aici,
sa nu uit. Ce capat?  Exista vreun capat? Exista vreun inceput?
Cu siguranta ca da.  Al acestei vieti? Habar nu am. De ce stiu atat de putin?
Asa o fi regula jocului? Ca sa tot adun stropi de cunoastere pe parcursul mai
multor existente?

Sunt putine certitudini prin preajma noastra, insa una dintre ele cu siguranta
este forta frumusetii.  Am auzit aceasta asociere de cuvinte la o prelegere
a lui Gregg Braden, care vorbea despre anumite coduri ale intelepciunii.
Unul dintre ele apartine poporului Navajo. Este vorba de o rugaciune speciala,
'Mergand in frumusete'. In primul link este redata integral.
In prezentare,  intr-o formulare restransa:
-frumusetea cu care traiesc, dupa care traiesc, pe care imi bazez viata-.
Un gand ce ar fi perfect sa fie asociat  conexiunii minte-inima!

Sunt multe idei ce au gasit cai de a strabate vremurile pentru a ajunge la noi.
A le regasi si descifra poate fi o cheie a intelegerii  prezentului, a ne depasi fricile
si a gasi drumul spre noi insine.

A special natural connection
O conexiune naturala speciala

#Fiction Monday (95) - Seeds and consequences.

marți, 16 august 2022

Miercurea fara cuvinte (325) -
Arta schitelor de bijuterii
Jewelry sketch art

A venit randul meu sa gazduiesc  jocul "Miercurea fara cuvinte", preluat de la  Zina si
initiat de
Carmen.  Un schimb de idei - imagini care ne coloreaza ziua si imaginatia!
   Postarea participa si la WW:
pe blogul 'Image-in-ing';
pe blogul 'Bethere2day';
pe blogul 'Myworldthrumycameralens';
pe blogul 'Comedy-plus';
pe blogul 'My Holidays photos';
pe blogul 'RamblinwithAm';
pe blogul
'Cats-astropic Events'
pe blogul 'Katheworsley';
pe blogul 'Brianshome'
pe blogul 'Meeyauw';
pe blogul
'Jaipur Gardening';

The table will be created on Tuesday evening.
Just be aware that I'll update the links to your posts till the end of  Wednesday.

Am descoperit o colectie de imagini ce au precedat realizarea unor bijuterii.
Mi s-au parut deosebite, asa ca sunt acum parte a jocului nostru.
I discovered a collection of images that preceded the making of some jewelry.
They seemed special to me, so they are now part of our game.

(Sursa imaginilor)

Happy WW!

MFC (324)

vineri, 12 august 2022

#Fiction Monday (95)
Seeds and consequences
Seminte si consecinte

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'SEED'
and from the last  game, 'SPARKLE'.

I like to take care of the plants on the balcony. Some of them have flowers, others
are just decorative. But they are a perpetual occasion of joy, new photos, ideas for
the blog, experiences, observations, amazement and even generate a way to truly
understand the idea of the present moment.
Last year I found some seeds of the flower called the 'queen of the night'. They were
incredibly small. I put them in a pot, more of curiosity. A few plants appeared,
they started to grow rapidly and made some long stems, at the end of which extremely
fragile flowers appeared. They fell before forming seeds.
I kept them though, for new observations...
When I see such desired but still unexpected blossoms, I feel the sparkle in my eyes.
I know that waiting was worth it. And I was glad that I decided to try.
Without this decision, I wouldn’t have a new and aromatic experience.

I am thinking for a new approach: the metaphor of seeds-thoughts scattered in the
'garden of the mind'. We know that we will pick up what we seed in the ground.
But when it comes to our mind, what approaches do we have? What thoughts do we
plant so that our achievements make our eyes to sparkle with joy, pride, gratitude?

I recently had the surprise of seeing a mother teaching her baby-boy to hug a tree.
I wondered if he was hearing what we can no longer hear.
Maybe yes, because his eyes sparkled too much...

Imi place sa ma ocup de plantele din balcon. Unele au flori, altele sunt doar decorative.
Sunt insa un perpetuu prilej de bucurie, de poze noi, de idei pentru blog, de experiente,
de observatii, de uimiri si chiar genereaza un mod de a pricepe cu adevarat ideea
momentului  prezent! Anul trecut am gasit  niste seminte de regina noptii. Erau
incredibil de mici. Le-am pus intr-un ghiveci, asa, mai mult de curiozitate.
Au aparut cateva plantute, au inceput sa creasca repejor si au facut niste tije lungi,
la capatul carora au aparut florile extrem de fragile. Au cazut inainte de a forma seminte.
Le-am pastrat totusi, pentru noi observatii...
Cand vad astfel de infloriri dorite insa totusi neasteptate, imi simt licarirea din ochi.
Stiu ca asteptarea a meritat. Si m-a bucurat ideea ca m-am decis sa incerc. Fara aceasta
decizie nu as fi avut parte de o noua experienta si aromata pe deasupra.

Ma gandesc la o noua abordare: metafora semintelor-ganduri imprastiate in
'gradina mintii'. Stim ca vom culege ceea ce semanam in pamant.
Dar cand e vorba de mintea noastra, ce abordari avem?
Ce ganduri plantam pentru ca realizarile noastre sa ne faca ochii sa scanteieze
de bucurie, mandrie, recunostinta?

Am avut recent  surpriza sa vad o mamica invatandu-si copilasul sa imbratiseze
un copac. M-am intrebat daca el auzea ceea ce noi nu mai putem auzi.
Poate ca da, ca prea ii sclipeau ochisorii...


A Fiction Game / a Game for Fiction

#Fiction Monday (94) - The alchemy of colors and emotions


marți, 9 august 2022

Miercurea fara cuvinte (324) -
Uimitoarea Natura...
The amazing Nature...

A venit randul meu sa gazduiesc  jocul "Miercurea fara cuvinte", preluat de la  Zina si
initiat de
Carmen.  Un schimb de idei - imagini care ne coloreaza ziua si imaginatia!
   Postarea participa si la WW:
pe blogul 'Image-in-ing';
pe blogul 'Bethere2day';
pe blogul 'Myworldthrumycameralens';
pe blogul 'Comedy-plus';
pe blogul 'My Holidays photos';
pe blogul 'RamblinwithAm';
pe blogul
'Cats-astropic Events'
pe blogul 'Katheworsley'
pe blogul 'Brianshome'
pe blogul
'Jaipur Gardening';

The table will be created on Tuesday evening.
Just be aware that I'll update the links to your posts till the end of  Wednesday.

Christina Rollo si fotografiile ei au fost descoperirea mea pentru jocul de azi.
Christina Rollo and her photos were my discovery for today's game.

(Sursa imaginilor)

Happy WW!
O saptamana plina de descoperiri frumoase.
A week full of beautiful discoveries.

MFC (323)