This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'PRAYER'
When I want to simplify the main ideas, then it's as if they all get along and generate
a fabric whose end seems to disappear as if by magic...
It's normal that this happens!
In this game I wrote about so many ideas, so many beginnings of stories, of searches,
of essences... Something commanded me to search, to discover, to tell you, to tell me,
to be here, not to forget. What end? Is there an end? Is there a beginning? Certainly yes.
Of this life? I have no idea. Why do I know so little? Will that be the rule of the game?
To keep gathering bits of knowledge throughout many existences?
There are few certainties around us, but one of them for sure it is the force of beauty.
I heard this words association in a lecture of Gregg Braden, who talked about certain
codes of wisdom. One of them belongs to the Navajo people. It is a special prayer,
'Walking in beauty'. It is reproduced in full in the first link. In the presentation, in a narrow form: -the beauty that I live with, that I live by, on which I base my life-.
A thought that would be perfect to be associated with the mind-heart connection!
There are many ideas that have found ways to cross the ages to reach us.
Finding and deciphering them can be a key to understanding the present, overcoming
our fears and finding the way to ourselves.
Cand vreau sa simplific ideile principale, atunci parca se imbrancesc cu toatele
si genereaza o tesatura al carei capat parca dispare ca prin farmec...
Normal ca se intampla asta!
In acest joc am scris despre atatea idei, atatea inceputuri de povesti, de cautari,
de esente... M-a manat ceva sa caut, sa descopar, sa va spun, sa imi spun, sa fie aici,
sa nu uit. Ce capat? Exista vreun capat? Exista vreun inceput?
Cu siguranta ca da. Al acestei vieti? Habar nu am. De ce stiu atat de putin?
Asa o fi regula jocului? Ca sa tot adun stropi de cunoastere pe parcursul mai
multor existente?
Sunt putine certitudini prin preajma noastra, insa una dintre ele cu siguranta
este forta frumusetii. Am auzit aceasta asociere de cuvinte la o prelegere
a lui Gregg Braden, care vorbea despre anumite coduri ale intelepciunii.
Unul dintre ele apartine poporului Navajo. Este vorba de o rugaciune speciala,
'Mergand in frumusete'. In primul link este redata integral.
In prezentare, intr-o formulare restransa:
-frumusetea cu care traiesc, dupa care traiesc, pe care imi bazez viata-.
Un gand ce ar fi perfect sa fie asociat conexiunii minte-inima!
Sunt multe idei ce au gasit cai de a strabate vremurile pentru a ajunge la noi.
A le regasi si descifra poate fi o cheie a intelegerii prezentului, a ne depasi fricile
si a gasi drumul spre noi insine.
A special natural connection O conexiune naturala speciala
#Fiction Monday (95) - Seeds and consequences.