marți, 28 februarie 2023

Miercurea fara cuvinte (349) -
Arta fotografica - Photographic art

A venit randul meu sa gazduiesc  jocul "Miercurea fara cuvinte", preluat de la  Zina si
initiat de
Carmen.  Un schimb de idei - imagini care ne coloreaza ziua si imaginatia!
   Postarea participa si la WW:
pe blogul 'Image-in-ing';
pe blogul 'Bethere2day';
pe blogul 'Myworldthrumycameralens';
pe blogul 'Comedy-plus';
pe blogul 'My Holidays photos';
pe blogul 'RamblinwithAm'
pe blogul
'Cats-astropic Events'
pe blogul 'Katheworsley'
pe blogul 'Brianshome'
pe blogul
'Jaipur Gardening';

The new game will be on 14.03.2023 and the table will be open for two weeks,
so you can enter your posts also next week.
Urmatorul  joc va fi pe 14.03.2023 si tabelul va fi deschis pentru doua
saptamani, asa ca puteti introduce postarile pe care le aveti si saptamana viitoare.

Imaginile urmatoare au fost create de Christine Ellger - o arta fotografica surprinzatoare.
The following images were created by Christine Ellger -  a surprisingly photographic art.

(Sursa imaginilor)


Happy Twice WW!

MFC (348)

De maine incepe primavara! Sa va fie linistita, inspirata, cu sanatate, bucurii si pace!
Sa aveti grija de voi!
Spring starts tomorrow! May it be serene, inspired, with health, joy and peace!
Take care of yourselves!

sâmbătă, 25 februarie 2023

#Fiction Monday (122) -
Perspectives - Perspective

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'DUST'.

"Traim pe un fir de praf suspendat intr-o raza de soare"

What do you feel when you look at a starry sky? At a particular sparkle?
Do you think is it possible that exactly then, somewhere in the Universe, another
soul will look at the same target, or at least the same area of the sky?
It's a bit difficult to relate to infinity, but that's the only way we could understand
how microscopic we are. I wonder if understanding perspectives could also give us
solutions to the problems of the 'Blue Dot', as Carl Sagan called the planet Earth...

"Cosmosul este in noi. Suntem creati din praf  de stele.
Suntem calea prin care Universul se cunoaste pe sine."

Ce simtiti cand va uitati la un cer instelat? La o anume licarire? Credeti ca este posibil
ca exact atunci, undeva in Univers, un alt suflet sa priveasca aceeasi tinta, sau macar
aceeasi bucatica de cer?
Cam greu sa ne raportam la infinit, insa doar asa am putea  intelege cat suntem de
microscopici. Ma intreb daca intelegerea perspectivelor ne-ar putea da si solutii
pentru problemele  'Punctului Albastru', cum numea Carl Sagan, planeta Pamant...

#Fiction Monday (121) - Hindering and solutions

marți, 21 februarie 2023

Miercurea fara cuvinte (348) -
Tablouri cu margele
Paintings with beads

A venit randul meu sa gazduiesc  jocul "Miercurea fara cuvinte", preluat de la  Zina si
initiat de
Carmen.  Un schimb de idei - imagini care ne coloreaza ziua si imaginatia!
   Postarea participa si la WW:
pe blogul 'Image-in-ing';
pe blogul 'Bethere2day';
pe blogul 'Myworldthrumycameralens';
pe blogul 'Comedy-plus';
pe blogul 'My Holidays photos'
pe blogul 'RamblinwithAm';
pe blogul
'Cats-astropic Events';
pe blogul 'Katheworsley';
pe blogul 'Brianshome'
pe blogul
'Jaipur Gardening';

The table will be created on Tuesday evening.
Just be aware that I'll update the links to your posts till the end of  Wednesday.

Am ramas in zona margelelor si am descoperit creatiile artistei Sofia Goldberg.
I remained in the space of beads and I discovered the creations of Sofia Goldberg.
(Sursa imaginilor)

Happy WW!

MFC (347)

vineri, 17 februarie 2023

#Fiction Monday (121) -
Hindering and solutions
Obstacole si solutii

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'HINDER'.

'Sa stii ca  nimic nu te poate impiedica decat
tu insuti. Daca tu crezi ca poti, poti.'

At every post, no matter how I think and twist the ideas, I end up with the
same ones conclusions. Everything is quite simple. How I evolve depends on me.
Any hinder is due to me, even the mind does not agree with this conclusion
and finds mitigating circumstances.

Because I recently discovered the agreements of Don Miguel Ruiz, I learned that
I should not take anything personally and I do not make unnecessary assumptions.
Nor could I have guessed how easily reasoning can be clarified in this way
and my road to become much smoother!

'The four agreements'  - pdf

'Frica de a repeta greseli trecute poate opri
credinta necesara pentru a avansa'

La fiecare joc, oricum ma gandesc si rasucesc ideile, ajung la aceleasi
concluzii. Totul se reduce la ceva simplu. De mine depinde cum evoluez.
Orice oprire mi se datoreaza, chiar daca mintea nu este de acord cu aceasta
concluzie si gaseste circumstante atenuante.

Pentru ca am descoperit recent legamintele lui Don Miguel Ruiz, am invatat
ca nu trebuie sa iau nimic la modul personal si sa nu fac presupuneri inutile.
Nici ca puteam banui cat de usor se pot limpezi  rationamentele in felul acesta
iar drumul meu sa devina mult mai neted!

#Fiction Monday (120) - The bouquet of emotions

marți, 14 februarie 2023

Miercurea fara cuvinte (347) -
Creatii florale din margele -
Floral creations from beads

A venit randul meu sa gazduiesc  jocul "Miercurea fara cuvinte", preluat de la  Zina si
initiat de
Carmen.  Un schimb de idei - imagini care ne coloreaza ziua si imaginatia!
   Postarea participa si la WW:
pe blogul 'Image-in-ing';
pe blogul 'Bethere2day';
pe blogul 'Myworldthrumycameralens';
pe blogul 'Comedy-plus';
pe blogul 'My Holidays photos';
pe blogul 'RamblinwithAm'
pe blogul
'Cats-astropic Events';
pe blogul 'Katheworsley';
pe blogul 'Brianshome'
pe blogul
'Jaipur Gardening';

The table will be created on Tuesday evening.
Just be aware that I'll update the links to your posts till the end of  Wednesday.

Alegerea pentru azi au fost creatiile cu margelute ale artistei Svetlana Kosheleva.
The choice for today was the creations with beads by the artist Svetlana Kosheleva.

(Sursa imaginilor)

Happy WW!

MFC (346)

                                                      'Crochet stitch flower'

sâmbătă, 11 februarie 2023

#Fiction Monday (120)
The bouquet of emotions -
Buchetul emotiilor

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'CRY'.

It is a word that leads me to a bouquet of emotions. That was my first thought.
So I go in this direction. I don't want to refer to those inevitable
serious moments,
during the journey through our life, which generate the feeling that we are staying
broken, incomplete, abandoned and which bring a cry in our soul and
in our eyes. The truth is that we are never sufficiently prepared for such
moments. However, I am convinced that they can be passed differently,
if we find a way of being  closer to our essence.

But I felt other tear-generating emotions I want to speak about.
There is no particular order of ideas, I let them flow as they wanted:

- Certain pages from special books. Special means that their subjects resonated
with what I was looking for, or I was going to look for and only then  I
discovered this. Certain paragraphs had a fantastic energy charge,
generating emotions.
- Or the lectures of people who you felt were speaking from their heart, people
with a good soul and whose intentions were to spread the light over other people.
- The audition of a concert whose music made you vibrate deeply and as if it
released the inner fogs...
- Images from nature, whose beauty are overwhelming, that overwhelming
so hard to put into words, sometimes impossible!
- The emotion of people who call their playful children, all with sparkling eyes,
some because of the discoveries, the others with love for their kids!

- But now I really feel like crying, because I can't find something I need for
a project. That means I have to organize my personal chaos.
Or maybe I've received one last idea for my text...! 😊

It is so important to feel the difference between emotions...
Some of them block us, preventing us from moving forward and thinking.
Others trigger new inspirations and paths! But I think all of them are lessons
which we need on our way...
Just we have to remember that the emotions that  block us, affect also
our health, so it is important how we manage them...

PS. This morning I found what I was looking for last night.
       Instead of getting angry, it's worth concentrating...

Este un cuvant ce ma conduce pe drumul unui bilant. Asta a fost primul gand,
asa ca merg in aceasta directie. Nu vreau sa ma refer la acele momente inevitabile
grave, din timpul calatoriei prin viata si care  genereaza senzatia ca ramanem
franti, incompleti, abandonati si care ne aduc un strigat in suflet si in ochi
lacrimi amare. Adevarul este ca niciodata nu suntem suficient de pregatiti pentru
astfel de momente. M-am convins insa ca pot fi trecute diferit, daca ne propunem
un fel de a fi care sa ne apropie de esenta noastra.

Insa m-am mai intalnit  si cu altfel de emotii generatoare de lacrimi, pe care
vreau sa le amintesc. Nu exista o ordine a ideilor, le-am lasat sa se insire
cum au vrut ele.
- Anumite pagini din carti deosebite. Deosebit insemna ca subiectele lor rezonau
cu ceea ce cautam, sau urma sa caut si abia atunci descopeream acest lucru.
Anumite paragrafe aveau o incarcatura energetica fantastica, generatoare de
- Sau prelegerile unor oameni pe care ii simteai ca vorbesc din inima, oameni
cu suflet bun si a caror intentie era sa imprastie lumina peste semenii lor.
- Auditia unui concert a carui muzica te facea sa vibrezi profund si parca
elibera negurile interioare...
- Imagini din natura, a caror frumusete este coplesitoare, acel coplesitor
atat de greu de redat in cuvinte, uneori imposibil!
- Emotia oamenilor care isi striga copii jucausi, toti cu ochii scanteind, unii
din cauza descoperirilor, ceilalti cu dragoste pentru prunci!

Insa acum chiar imi vine sa tip pentru ca nu gasesc ceva de care aveam
nevoie pentru un proiect. Adica e musai sa-mi organizez haosul personal...
Sau poate ca tocmai mi s-a oferit o ultima idee...!😊

Este atat de important sa simtim diferenta dintre emotii... Unele ne
blocheaza, impiedicandu-ne sa inaintam si sa gandim. Altele
declanseaza inspiratii si carari noi! Toate insa cred ca sunt lectii
de care avem nevoie pentru a ne parcurge drumul...
Doar sa nu uitam ca 'blocantele' ne afecteaza la propriu si
sanatatea, asa ca e de luat aminte la cum le gestionam.

PS. Astazi de dimineata am gasit ceea ce cautam aseara.
       In loc sa ma enervez, merita sa ma concentrez... 


Fiction Monday (119) - Less is much better

marți, 7 februarie 2023

Miercurea fara cuvinte (346) -
De aceasta data sunt pene! -
This time there are feathers!

A venit randul meu sa gazduiesc  jocul "Miercurea fara cuvinte", preluat de la  Zina si
initiat de
Carmen.  Un schimb de idei - imagini care ne coloreaza ziua si imaginatia!
   Postarea participa si la WW:
pe blogul 'Image-in-ing';
pe blogul 'Bethere2day';
pe blogul 'Myworldthrumycameralens';
pe blogul 'Comedy-plus';
pe blogul 'My Holidays photos';
pe blogul 'RamblinwithAm';
pe blogul
'Cats-astropic Events';
pe blogul 'Katheworsley';
pe blogul 'Brianshome'
pe blogul
'Jaipur Gardening';

The table will be created on Tuesday evening.
Just be aware that I'll update the links to your posts till the end of  Wednesday.

Source 1-'Feather cutting art by Chris Maynard' (3 images)
Source 2- 'Feather painting by Jamie Homeister' (3 images)
Source 3- ' Feather sculpture by Emily Valentine (3 images)

Happy WW!

MFC (345)

Daca va place matematica!  / If you like math!

sâmbătă, 4 februarie 2023

#Fiction Monday (119)
Less is much better -
Mai putin este mult mai bine

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'MYRIAD'.

What does myriad mean? Is it much?
How many drops of water are in the ocean?
How many grains of sand are there on the beach?
How many stars are in the sky?
Do these questions make any sense?
Maybe none!

How many thoughts go through my mind?
I think that makes sense.
There are myriad...
It is important to select them,
only the meaningful ones.

Less is much better...!

Ce inseamna nenumarat? E mult?
Cate picaturi de apa sunt in ocean?
Cate fire de nisip sunt pe plaja?
Cate stele sunt pe cer?
Au vreun sens aceste intrebari?
Poate ca niciunul!

Cate ganduri imi trec prin cap?
Asta cred ca are sens.
Sunt nenumarate...
E important sa le selectez
doar pe cele cu sens.

Mai putine e mult mai bine...!


#Fiction Monday (118) - The surprize of the freezia

"The Secret of Five" - The hidden knowledge of vibration