
Pagini sinteza

miercuri, 30 octombrie 2024

Miercurea fara cuvinte (424)
Arta minimalista digitala
Minimalist digital art

Jocul de miercuri este din nou  gazduit de Carmen.
Un schimb de idei - imagini care ne coloreaza ziua si imaginatia!
       Postarea participa si la WW:
pe blogul 'Image-in-ing';
pe blogul 'Bethere2day';

pe blogul 'Myworldthrumycameralens';
pe blogul 'Comedy-plus';
pe blogul 'My Holidays photos'
pe blogul 'RamblinwithAm';
pe blogul
'Cats-astropic Events'
pe blogul 'Brianshome';
pe blogul
'Jaipur Gardening';
pe blogul 'Catsynth';
pe blogul 'Roentare.zenfolio';

(Sursa - digital art of Dirk Fleischmann)

Happy WW!

MFC (423)


duminică, 27 octombrie 2024

#Fiction Monday (193) -
Understand the rejection...
Intelegand respingerea...

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'REJECT'.

'Rejection' painting by Bob Salo

I wonder if people have a list of subjects that they automatically reject?
And if so, for what reason does this happen? It could be about personal experiences
or deeply rooted beliefs, some maybe even unknown, but which set different selection
criteria. Or the influence of the opinions of the people whose way of thinking and being
we respect. Or maybe they are much too fantastic for everyday life, seeming to have come
from science fiction books. It is obvious that when a conclusion is based on some experiences -
personal experiments, that prove to me: 'not so', I give them more credit, even if there are
a few vigilant neurons that are impossible not to talk about 'disturbing factors', whatever
they are, depending on the context.😊
It took some time for me to realize the effects of thoughts that lead nowhere. Especially
those loaded with sadness and resignation regarding my own limits. There were lessons discovered in books, but filtered carefully, often intuitively, I realized their importance and started to apply the necessary corrections, thinking that it is never too late to start anything.
The hardest thing to work on, I think, are the rejections that come from beliefs or old
programs, which are part of us and which we somehow consider non-negotiable. They are incredibly powerful in making us reject certain subjects, as if we were the keepers of an
absolute truth, which could also be a wrong idea, repeated too many times!
Two magnets that repel each other seems to me a good pretext for the subject.
It is enough to twist one of them to reverse the phenomenon. Sometimes observing another
side of the rejected subject can lead us to other hypotheses. Even if the idea is maximally simplified, I found that many of the rejections were based on impressions and not on reality. Starting from this observation, an honest assessment and freed from the net of our own
beliefs, it can certainly lead to other conclusions. I think that a gate must be kept open for
other interpretations
. And when we discover an information that our instinct suggests could
be important, it's worth noting where it fits into our puzzle...

'Rejection' painting by Dietrich Moravec

Ma intreb daca oamenii au vreo lista de subiecte pe care le resping automat?
Si daca da, din ce motiv se intampla acest fapt?
Ar putea fi vorba de experiente personale sau de credinte adanc inradacinate, unele
poate chiar necunoscute, insa care au setat diferite criterii de selectie.
Sau de influenta parerilor unor oameni carora le respectam modul de a gandi si de a fi. 
Sau poate sunt mult prea fanteziste pentru obisnuitul cotidian, parand izvorate din carti SF.
Este evident ca atunci cand o concluzie este setata pe baza unor experiente - experimente
personale ce imi demonstreaza: 'asa nu', le acord mai mult credit, chiar daca sunt cativa
neuroni vigilenti care este imposibil sa nu trancaneasca despre 'factorii perturbatori',
oricare ar fi aia, functie de context.😊

A trebuit sa treaca ceva timp ca sa imi dau seama de efectele unor ganduri ce nu duc
nicaieri. Mai ales cele incarcate de tristeti si resemnari privind propriile limite.
Au fost lectii descoperite in carti, insa filtrate atent, de multe ori intuitiv, am realizat 
importanta lor si am inceput sa aplic corectiile necesare, gandind ca niciodata nu e
prea tarziu sa incep ceva.

Cel mai greu de lucrat insa cred ca sunt respingerile ce izvorasc din credintele -
programele vechi, ce fac parte din noi si pe care le consideram cumva nenegociabile.
Sunt incredibil de puternice in a ne face sa respingem anumite subiecte, de parca am
fi pastratorii unui adevar absolut, ce ar putea fi insa si o idee gresita, repetata de prea 
multe ori!
Doi magneti care se resping mi se par un bun pretext pentru subiect. Este suficient sa
rasucesc unul din ei pentru a inversa fenomenul.
Uneori a observa o alta latura a subiectului respins, ne poate conduce spre alte ipoteze.
Chiar daca ideea este maxim simplificata, am constatat ca multe din respingeri s-au
bazat pe impresii si nu pe realitati
. Pornind de la aceasta observatie, o evaluare onesta
si eliberata de plasa credintelor proprii, cu siguranta poate conduce la alte concluzii.
Cred ca trebuie  pastrata o poarta deschisa si pentru alte interpretari. Si atunci cand
descoperim o informatie despre care instinctul ne sugereaza ca ar putea fi importanta,
merita sa observam unde se potriveste in puzzle-ul nostru.

'Uneori respingerea in viata este o redirectionare'.

#Fiction Monday (192) - A shift from a tool to an ideal


miercuri, 23 octombrie 2024

Miercurea fara cuvinte (423)
Un alt stil de a picta
Another style of painting

Jocul de miercuri este din nou  gazduit de Carmen.
Un schimb de idei - imagini care ne coloreaza ziua si imaginatia!
       Postarea participa si la WW:
pe blogul 'Image-in-ing';
pe blogul 'Bethere2day';

pe blogul 'Myworldthrumycameralens';
pe blogul 'Comedy-plus';
pe blogul 'My Holidays photos';
pe blogul 'RamblinwithAm';
pe blogul
'Cats-astropic Events'
pe blogul 'Brianshome';
pe blogul
'Jaipur Gardening';
pe blogul 'Catsynth';

(Sursa - The painting technique Khokhloma)

Happy WW!

MFC (422)


duminică, 20 octombrie 2024

#Fiction Monday (192) -
A shift from a tool to an ideal
O trecere de la o unealta la un ideal

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'LAW'.

'Nu confunda legea cu justitia. Justitia este un
ideal si legea este un instrument.'

For several days, all kinds of thoughts about this word have been circulating.
They appear, disappear quickly and again, all in a kind of loop.
But nothing seems to settle into an essence, as I like, from which I can decant solutions.
The law systems are somewhat old. But when you are not part of the process of making
them, it is difficult to truly understand the mechanisms by which they become alive,
that is, applicable.
I have always wondered, when some of them seem strange, as they come out the cuts on my projects, what caused the weirdness?
Partial knowledge of the subject? The impossibility of evaluating the consequences of the application? An indifference and lack of respect towards one's own work and towards the
other people? A certain kind of premeditation, thinking through the prism of interest in a
certain type of effects? Or even a little bit of everything, generating a missed recipe!

Anyway, looking around and looking even further, there seem to be many 'projects' cut crookedly. And yet looking closely at nature, whose laws are so clear and effective, generating
the balance of life, I wonder why so little has been learned from here?
Certainly such a study was not part of the bibliography. I'm starting to wonder if there
are explicit laws of thoughts. As here there is definitely room for improvement.
With a crooked way of thinking, it's hard to come up with fair laws.

'Legea vietii este legea credintei'.

De cateva zile se invart tot felul de ganduri despre acest cuvant. Apar, dispar repede
si iarasi, totul intr-un fel de bucla. Insa nimic nu pare sa se aseze intr-o esenta, asa
cum imi place, din care sa pot decanta si solutii.
Sistemele de legi au ceva vechime. Insa atunci cand nu faci parte din procesul de
realizare a lor, e greu sa intelegi cu adevarat mecanismele prin care devin vii, adica
aplicabile. Mereu m-am intrebat, atunci cand unele par strambe, asa cum imi ies
mie taieturile pe proiecte, ce cauza a generat strambatatea? Cunoasterea partiala
a subiectului? Imposibilitatea evaluarii consecintelor aplicarii? O indiferenta si o lipsa
de respect fata de propria munca si fata de semeni? Un anumit gen de premeditari,
gandite prin prisma interesului fata de un anumit tip de efecte?
Sau chiar din toate cate putin, generand o reteta ratata!

Oricum, uitandu-ma prin preajma si mergand si mai departe cu privirea, par sa fie
multe 'proiecte' taiate stramb. Si totusi privind atent natura, ale carei legi sunt atat de
clare si eficiente, generand  echilibrul vietii,  ma intreb de ce s-a invatat atat de putin
de la ea? Cu siguranta nu  facea parte din bibliografie o astfel de invatatura.  
Incep sa ma intreb daca or exista explicit niste legi ale gandirii. Ca aici cu siguranta
mai este loc pentru imbunatatiri.
Cu o gandire stramba, cam greu sa iasa niste legi drepte!

'Oamenii buni nu au nevoie de legi care sa le spuna sa
actioneze in mod responsabil, in timp ce oamenii rai
vor gasi o cale de a ocoli legile.'

#Fiction Monday (191) - A memory and a conclusion


miercuri, 16 octombrie 2024

Miercurea fara cuvinte (422)
O pictura speciala pe lemn
A special painting on wood

Jocul de miercuri este din nou  gazduit de Carmen.
Un schimb de idei - imagini care ne coloreaza ziua si imaginatia!
       Postarea participa si la WW:
pe blogul 'Image-in-ing';
pe blogul 'Bethere2day';

pe blogul 'Myworldthrumycameralens';
pe blogul 'Comedy-plus';
pe blogul 'My Holidays photos';
pe blogul 'RamblinwithAm';
pe blogul
'Cats-astropic Events'
pe blogul 'Brianshome';
pe blogul
'Jaipur Gardening';
pe blogul 'Catsynth';

(Sursa - Traditional Norwegian painting Rosemaling)

'The story of Norwegian Rosemaling'

Happy WW!

MFC (421)


duminică, 13 octombrie 2024

#Fiction Monday (191) -
A memory and a conclusion
O amintire si o concluzie

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'LUCK'.

'Norocul este sa crezi
ca esti norocos'.

This word resonated with a memory from faculty, related to the math exam.
Although I didn't understand what I did wrong in the thesis, the teacher told me that
I passed the exam only because he knew that I had studied, that he had listened to me
at every seminar, for a whole year! The day I had my first lesson, I was wearing a neon
green skirt, which I think visually annoyed him a bit. I was able to bet that this was
the reason why he took me to the board then. The problem was that throughout the year,
he took me to the blackboard every time. And this generated my luck in the exam.
So things sometimes turn out extremely strange when we talk about luck.

Sometimes I have the feeling that the luck is like a special state of mind. Even if sometimes
they seem to be just lucky events, they happen on a certain chain of events, possibly forgotten.
I see luck more as an answer to what concerns me, an 'apparently' surprising revelation
and with the meaning of clarifying some confusions.
And when certain events actually happen according to some wishes or plans, I don't
think about luck, but only that my intention towards them was strong enough, no matter
how bizarre it sounds this thought...😊

Perhaps there is more to say, but it is quite clear to me that luck is a kind of alchemy
of good thoughts and positive emotions, which have the role of fertilizing our inner
garden. By persevering, we will see the results...

'Tu iti faci propriul noroc'.

Acest cuvant a rezonat cu o amintire din facultate, legata de examenul la
matematica. Desi nu intelegeam ce am gresit in teza, profesorul mi-a spus
ca am trecut examenul doar pentru ca stia ca invatasem, ca ma ascultase la
fiecare seminar, un an intreg! In ziua in care avusesem prima ora, purtam
o fusta verde neon, ce cred ca l-a cam enervat vizual. Eram in stare sa
pariez ca asta a fost motivul pentru care m-a scos la tabla atunci.
Problema a fost ca pe tot parcursul anului ma scotea la tabla de fiecare data.
Si asta a generat norocul meu la examen.
Asa ca lucrurile se deruleaza uneori extrem de ciudat cand vorbim de noroc.

Uneori am senzatia ca norocul este ca o stare de spirit speciala. Chiar daca
par uneori sa fie doar intamplari norocoase, ele se petrec pe un anumit lant
de evenimente, posibil uitate...
Vad norocul mai mult ca un raspuns la ceea ce ma preocupa, o devoalare
'aparent' surprinzatoare si cu sens de clarificare a unor nedumeriri.
Iar cand anumite evenimente chiar se petrec conform unor dorinte sau planificari,
nu ma gandesc la noroc, ci doar ca intentia mea spre ele a fost suficient de puternica,
oricat de bizar ar suna acest lucru...😊

Poate ca mai sunt multe de spus, insa mi-e destul de limpede ca  norocul este
un fel de alchimizare a  gandurilor  bune si a emotiilor pozitive, care au rolul de a
fertiliza gradina noastra interioara. Perseverand, vom vedea si rezultatele...

'Nu renunta niciodata si
norocul te va gasi'.

#Fiction Monday (190) - Thoughts about stages


miercuri, 9 octombrie 2024

Miercurea fara cuvinte (421)
Culori vibrante pictate -
Painted vibrant colors

Jocul de miercuri este din nou  gazduit de Carmen.
Un schimb de idei - imagini care ne coloreaza ziua si imaginatia!
       Postarea participa si la WW:
pe blogul 'Image-in-ing';
pe blogul 'Bethere2day';

pe blogul 'Myworldthrumycameralens';
pe blogul 'Comedy-plus';
pe blogul 'My Holidays photos';
pe blogul 'RamblinwithAm';
pe blogul
'Cats-astropic Events'
pe blogul 'Brianshome';
pe blogul
'Jaipur Gardening';
pe blogul 'Catsynth';

(Sursa - artist Floriano Buccigrossi)

Happy WW!

MFC (420)


Bine de stiut / Good to know!