
Pagini sinteza

sâmbătă, 1 ianuarie 2022

#Fiction Monday (65)
12 + 1

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'GOAL'.

For a few weeks a kind of goal started to manifest: to use  in a text the first 12
words for which I was not present in this game. I know it's odd, but
during taking
a stroll
  I 'heard'  this suggestion from my inner self . I am not sure if this thought
was a sign or only an innocent decision taken at this special window of time between
years. In this special season
full of bright  literally, metaphorically and practically,
that many people are fond of.
...We just started a new year.  And even if this text is a faint exercise and not
what I initially wanted to do, I started to ask myself if there is a possibility,
at least a soft one, if I can not do better, to beware about what is illogical or
false in my reality. I am not sure if the meditation in a mirror could
improve something, but it's worth trying!

And now, after I used all the words, I want to wish you for this new year
health, strength and enough courage to face the unknown, thinking that
behind any 'unknown' it's the truth waiting to be discovered and that we
have to discover...

De cateva saptamani a aparut un fel de tel: sa folosesc intr-un text primele 12 cuvinte
la care nu am fost prezenta in acest joc. Stiu ca suna ciudat, dar in timpul unei plimbari
am 'auzit' aceasta sugestie din interior. Nu sunt sigura daca acest gand a fost un semn
sau doar o decizie nevinovata, luata in aceasta fereastra speciala de timp, intre ani.
In acest sezon deosebit, plin de stralucire, la propriu, metaforic si practic, pe care multa
lume il place.
...Tocmai am inceput un nou an. Si chiar daca acest text este un exercitiu slab si nu e
ceea ce am vrut initial sa fac, am inceput sa ma intreb daca exista o posibilitate,
chiar si una modesta, daca nu se poate mai mult, sa ma feresc de ceea ce este  ilogic
sau fals in realitatea mea. Nu sunt sigura daca meditatia in oglinda ar putea imbunatati
ceva, dar merita incercat!

Si acum, dupa ce am folosit toate cuvintele, vreau sa va urez pentru acest nou
sanatate, putere si suficient curaj pentru a face fata necunoscutului, gandind ca in
spatele oricarui 'necunoscut' se afla adevarul care asteapta sa fie descoperit si pe
care noi trebuie sa-l descoperim...

#Fiction Monday (64) - Be present...

14 comentarii:

  1. Cât de multe haine are adevărul...

    1. Doar nu credeai ca e simplu de descoperit?
      Ar fi si culmea!

  2. Facing the unknown is usually scary, until it's known, then no big deal. Happy New Year from all of us!

    1. All the time what you say seems so easy! And in fact we are those who complicate things. I found an interesting quote: “There are things known and there are things unknown and in between are the doors.” — Jim Morrison
      Maybe if we transform an unknown in a challenge will find that doors and then "no big deal"! 😊
      Happy New Year to all of you!

  3. Multă sănătate în noul an și numai surprize agreabile!

    1. Oooo! Ce surpriza mai mult decat placuta!
      La Multi Ani draga Marta! Un nou an cu sanatate, bucurii si cat mai multe lucruri realizate pentru sufletul tau!♥️

  4. Wow, that was impressive, Suzana. Including all those previous prompt words in one go was a superb effort.
    Wish you a spectacular 2022!

    1. I wanted to close somehow the circle. I liked the idea, so I tried.
      Thank you, Vinitha! I hope the New Year will bring you health and joy.

  5. Iti multumesc, Suzana draga! ❤️ La multi ani! Sanatate si multe adevaruri revelate!
    Necunoscutul e mereu o provocare! Cred ca nu reactionez intotdeauna bine la provocari. 😊
    Numai de bine! Seara frumoasa, noapte buna, zi frumoasa, saptamana frumoasa, luna frumoasa, an frumos! 😊 Pupici! 😘 💕

    1. Oare cine rezista bine la provocari? La nesteptat? La adevarul 'revelat', cum frumos ai spus?
      Uneori ma intreb cum ar trebui sa ne 'exersam' pentru asa ceva?
      Numai frumos si la tine, Diana draga. Azi si mereu!
      Azi am reusit sa fac primul meu pas in WP. Te las sa descoperi... Pup. 😘 💕

  6. Te deseo un buen 2022 Suzana. Esperemos que sea mejor que el que se fue. Vamos a seguir caminando adelante y siempre en positivo.

    1. Happy New Year, dear Laura! I hope will be better for the whole world!
      Be well and positive and make things that you love!

  7. Mulțumesc! 😘 💕 La mulți ani binecuvântați!

    1. Multumesc si eu, draga Nima! La Multi Ani binecuvantati!
      Tie si tuturor, ca asa e frumos! 😘 💕
