
Pagini sinteza

duminică, 24 octombrie 2021

#Fiction Monday (55) -
Dare to create after a dream
Indrazneste sa creezi dupa un vis

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'DREAM'.

"If you can dream it, you can do it". I liked this  Walt Disney's thought which
in a way is connected with the idea of materialization.

 And it's easier to dream than to write about this, but writing I can understand more… 😊

Honestly, I don't like to look up their meanings in a dreams book because I can’t
render them coherently or completely. But the idea is that I'm not attracted to these books. Because I can be impregnated with negative programs, on one hand. On the other hand,
it is very unclear to me how were formed the conclusions. By what mechanism the authors formulated the equivalents with the dreamed images or actions. I found more interesting
the idea of making our own correspondence, writing about nocturnal ‘events’ and then
observing the real life. I think that following this way, the useful consequence would be an enhanced attention on our actions, in order to generate connections between dream images
and events. The major difficulty I see is that our memory 'buffer' is not sufficient to be able
to analyze for a longer time these connections, so a diary seems necessary.
There are so many paths related to this subject, but the most fabulous I feel is our Spirit’s
night journey.  I don't know what it's like to be aware of its course, but certainly the
permission key could be our degree of spirituality.
And it's great if, for example, before we go to bed, we think we need the answer to a
problem that bothers us and we receive it through a dream or as the first thought
of the morning.
But going back to the first idea, I allow myself to say that dreaming with open eyes to what
we can do is really wonderful. And it somehow contains a miracle core. But what seems
important to me is to dream how to understand our own inner power, healing and creative,
with which we were born. To understand that we are interconnected, belonging to a Whole
whose balance depends on us, even if the mechanisms of this balance seem to surpass our imagination and knowledge.
I end with another Walt Disney's idea: "Think, believe, dream and dare."

Don't be afraid to dream

"Daca poti visa un lucru inseamna ca poti sa-l faci". Mi-a placut acest gand a lui
Walt Disney, ce intr-un fel este conectat cu ideea de materializare.
Si este mai simplu sa visez decat sa scriu despre asta, insa scriind poate inteleg mai mult…

Sincer, nu imi place sa caut intr-o carte de vise semnificatiile acestora, pentru ca nu le pot reda coerent sau complet. Insa ideea este ca nu ma atrag aceste carti. Pe de o parte pentru ca ma pot impregna cu programe negative. Pe de alta parte mi-e foarte neclar cum s-au format concluziile scrise. Prin ce mecanism autorii au formulat echivalentele cu imaginile sau actiunile visate.
Mi s-a parut mai interesanta ideea ca noi insine sa ne facem propriile corespondente, scriind
despre ‘intamplarile’ nocturne si apoi observand viata reala. Cred ca urmarind acest fir,
consecinta utila ar fi o atentie sporita asupra actiunilor noastre pentru a putea genera
conexiuni intre imaginile din vis si evenimente. Dificultatea majora pe care o vad este ca
‘bufferul’ nostru de memorie nu este atat de mare pentru a putea analiza pe un timp mai lung
aceste conexiuni, asa ca un jurnal pare a fi necesar.
Sunt atatea carari legate de acest subiect, insa cel mai fabulous il simt ca fiind calatoria
nocturna a Spiritului nostru. Nu stiu cum ar fi sa-i constientizam parcursul, insa cu
siguranta gradul nostru de spiritualitate ar putea fi cheia permisiunii.
Si este minunat daca de exemplu inainte de a ne culca, ne gandim ca avem nevoie de un
raspuns la o problema care ne framanta si primim prin vis sau ca prim gand al diminetii
solutia cautata. Revenind insa la prima idee, imi permit sa spun ca a visa cu ochii deschisi la ce putem infaptui este chiar minunat. Si contine cumva un sambure de miracol.
Insa ceea ce mie imi pare important este sa visam cum sa ne intelegem propria putere
interioara, vindecatoare si creatoare , cu care ne-am nascut. Sa intelegem ca suntem
interconectati, apartinind unui Intreg al carui echilibru depinde de noi, chiar daca
mecanismele acestui echilibru pare sa ne depaseasca imaginatia si cunoasterea.
Inchei tot cu o idee a lui  Walt Disney: "Gandeste, crede, viseaza si îndrazneste".

The book .pdf

14 comentarii:

  1. Răspunsuri
    1. O consider calea normala. Asa ca nu putea sa lipseasca.
      Orice alta stare de spirit negativa nu face bine, asa ca...

      O saptamana cu poze frumoase!

  2. I tend to fall asleep on the couch at night and then I dream about what is ever on the television. It can be darn weird at times.

    1. For a few years I am very careful not to watch or to listen all sort of lies or horrors. Most of the time I succed this. 😊

      I wish you, Brian, that this week of October to be full of joy!

  3. Răspunsuri
    1. Thank you for the visit and comment!
      All the best and a beautiful week!

  4. Muchos sueños con los ojos abiertos, han logrado crear grandes inventos.

    Que tengas una buena semana.


    1. Exactly! These are facts from what we can learn.

      A beautiful week to you also, Antonia!

  5. De multe ori ratiunea ne limiteaza visarea...
    O săptămâna rodnică!

    1. Sunt totusi oameni care ne invata cum sa ne depasim
      limitele. Ca simt ca am cam multe...
      O saptamana rodnica si tie, Daurel!

  6. I don't go looking for the meaning of dreams. If I have a bad dream I change the meaning of it to something good in my mind. It suits me better that way. "If you can dream it, you can do it". That's a beautiful quote you shared, Suzana and I agree, if we can dream it, we can do it too. :)
    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us. Have a beautiful day!

    1. Dear friend, I'm so glad I discovered your 'reflections', and I have the possibility to write a few words about things I have in mind. I'm so grateful for that.
      Have a beautiful day and week too, Vinitha!

  7. A fost o vreme cînd visam benefic şi noaptea dar şi ziua cu ochii deschişi. O vreme a speranţelor aproape nelimitate. Totul părea că funcţionează perfect în acord cu universul.
    Şi gata, s-a stricat jucăria. Ce mai pot spera acum decît un sfîrşit rapid...

    1. Stii cum se spune. Cand alegem o solutie, practic ne e lene sa mai gandim alte variante. Iar perfectiunea am cam invatat ca este cumva o metafora, o fata morgana, de neatins. E doar parerea mea, dar abordarile dramatice nu cred ca folosesc, chiar daca sunt reale...
      Iti urez sa gasesti resurse mai optimiste pentru speranta.
      O saptamana linistita!
