This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog 'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's blog. This time the word prompt is 'LIES'
- Start once, just see how many thoughts want to be the first! You seem to be
indecisive. There are too many? Too complicated? Too different? Stop thinking
about their importance for others. Everyone gathers the ideas as they need,
depending on their own path...
- You know that I rewatched some sequences from the Matrix movie. It was created
more than 20 years ago and now I realize that...
- Do you have the feeling that you are like acting in it? Now, during these days?
- Something like that! Obviously, the scenario is modified, but the feeling remains.
And it's very bitter.
- I understand that you accepted the 'red pill'?
- I swear I don't know when you gave it to me!
- I?
- Obviously, only You are the Connection...
- You use a lot of metaphors. You didn't learn this from me... Say what you have
to say once and stop boring the audience! 😊
- I want to point out that I see a huge web of lies in the surrounding space, written,
spoken, subliminal, slipped into fractured or incomplete truths, and the effects are
terrible. I don't see it edge on my level. And I do not understand in fact the essential.
Why does it exist? Why was it created? Who was it created by?
Why are we extras-participants in this scene?
- So, what are you waiting for now? Shall I answer you? You know very well that you
have the methods at your disposal to find out the answers. All humans were created
this way. Why don't they remember - understand that, it's another story.
They prefer to look outside of themselves and get stuck in... the web. The ideal would
be to look inside them. That's where the answers come from! And stop lying to
That it is good, when in fact it is bad. As it must, when on the contrary, you
don't have to... When you lie to yourself, everything happens like in those negatives
that you show.
White becomes black and vice versa. External lies are interpreted as truths and
hence the 'terrible effects' you were talking about.
When you look at a negative, you instantly realize that the original is different.
Try to decipher the emotion of the feeling of knowing and imagine it amplified long
enough for the truth or true image to be revealed to you. It's an interesting exercise...
It's like looking at a point through a microscope and increasing it, you shout:
... I would not have imagined such a thing!
- 'The emotion of knowing'! I really wouldn't have thought of such an approach,
but now that you said it, it's really a special and strong feeling. I think would be in
our benefit in many ways succeeding to amplify it.
Even more with certain ideas, repeated over time, have been transformed or were
transformed into 'truths' only through repetition and hiding the starting point.
With them it will be the hardest.
- For a lie transformed over time into a 'truth' you have to work moreover, you are right.
But you know what is the hardest? To reach that interior revelation. Only then you start
looking for the evidences. And you will definitely find them, because that's how the
mechanism is made. Just be extremely attentive to what clues you will receive.
– To be careful... I admit that I don't even know where to start!
Thanks a lot for the idea. I really needed another approach...!
- Incepe odata, doar vezi cate ganduri vor sa fie primele! Pari a fi nehotarata.
Sunt prea multe? Prea complicate? Prea altfel? Nu te mai gandi la importanta
lor pentru ceilalti. Fiecare isi culege ideile dupa cum are nevoie, functie de
propriul parcurs...
- Stii ca am revazut cateva secvente din filmul Matrix. A fost facut acum mai
bine de 20 de ani si constat acum ca...
- Ai senzatia ca faci figuratie in el? Acum, in zilele astea?
- Cam asa ceva! Evident ca scenariul este modificat, dar senzatia ramane.
Si e tare amara.
- Inteleg ca ai acceptat 'pastila rosie'?
- Pe cuvant daca stiu cand mi-ai dat-o!
- Eu?
- Evident, ca doar Tu esti Conexiunea...
- Cam multe metafore folosesti. Astea nu le-ai invatat de la mine...
Spune odata ce ai de spus si nu mai plictisi audienta.😊
- Vreau sa punctez ca vad o imensa plasa de minciuni in spatiul inconjurator,
scrise, vorbite, subliminale, strecurate in adevaruri fracturate sau incomplete,
iar efectele sunt cumplite. Nu-i vad marginea pe palierul meu. Si nu inteleg
de fapt esentialul. De ce exista? De ce a fost creata? De cine a fost creata?
De ce suntem figuranti-participanti in acest decor?
- Si, la ce te astepti acum? Sa-ti raspund? Stii bine ca ai la dispozitie metodele
de a afla raspunsurile. Toti oamenii au fost creati astfel. De ce nu isi amintesc-
inteleg asta, este o alta poveste. Prefera sa priveasca in afara lor si se inpotmolesc
in... plasa. Ideal ar fi sa priveasca inauntrul lor. De acolo izvorasc raspunsurile!
Si sa nu se mai minta singuri. Ca e bine, cand de fapt e rau. Ca trebuie, cand
dimpotriva, nu trebuie...
Cand te minti chiar pe tine, totul se petrece ca in acele negative pe care le tot
arati. Albul devine negru si invers. Minciunile exterioare sunt interpretate ca
adevaruri si de aici acel 'cumplit' de care vorbeai.
Cand privesti un negativ iti dai seama instantaneu ca originalul este altul.
Incearca sa descifrezi emotia senzatiei de a sti si imagineazati-o amplificata
suficient de mult pentru a ti se revela adevarul sau adevarata imagine.
Este un exercitiu interesant... Ca si cum ai privi prin microscop un punct
si marindu-l, strigi: ... nu mi-as fi imaginat asa ceva!
- 'Emotia senzatiei de a sti'! Chiar nu m-as fi gandit la o astfel de abordare,
dar acum ca ai zis-o, este chiar un sentiment special si puternic.
Cred ca ne-ar folosi in multe sensuri sa reusim sa-l amplificam.
Cu atat mai mult cu cat anumite idei, repetate de-a lungul timpului, s-au
transformat sau au fost transformate in 'adevaruri' doar prin repetitie
si ascunderea punctului de plecare. Cu ele va fi cel mai greu.
- Pentru o minciuna transformata in timp intr-un 'adevar' trebuie muncit
mai mult, ai dreptate. Insa stii ce este cel mai greu? Sa ajungi la acea revelare
interioara. De abia atunci incepi sa cauti dovezile. Si le vei gasi cu siguranta,
pentru ca asa e mecanismul facut. Doar sa fii extrem de atenta la ce indicii
vei primi.
- Sa fiu atenta... Recunosc ca nici nu stiu cu ce sa incep! Multumesc mult
pentru idee. Chiar aveam nevoie de o alta abordare...!
#Fiction Monday (98) - Information sprinkles
I never made it past a few minutes of the Matrix, I thought it was pretty confusing. Maybe I should try it again.
RăspundețiȘtergereFor the first view of this movie, I interpreted it like a SF subject. Now, I interpret it differently. Of course... I grew old!
ȘtergereI wish you a fine week ahead, full of normality!
Cred ca ar trebui sa revad "The Matrix", ca-mi amintesc vag (plus ca "partile" 3 si 4 nu le-am vazut; 2 mi-a placut mai putin decat 1).
RăspundețiȘtergereSa privim "spre inauntru"... Toti de-am privi spre propriul "interior" cred ca am descoperi... altceva (ceva puncte comune, poate).
Imi plac "ilustratiile"! Prima imagine pare a fi "lumina de la... capatul gaurii negre", a doua pare un hau deschis pe un teren extra-arid, iar ultima... vartejul in care, poate, suntem.
Multumesc pentru idei, Suzana draga! ❤ Duminica frumoasa iti doresc! Pupici! 😘
Nici eu nu imi amintex chiar tot. Am revazut niste secvente, pentru ca nu urmaresc nimic anume, dar s-a intamplat sa fie reluat. Si acum chiar il vad prin alte chei.😊 Poate si asta e aiurea cumva, insa suprapunerile sunt cumva instinctive.
ȘtergerePoza originala este protectia unui ventilator pe care il mai pun sa ajut frigiderul cand e prea cald! 😊
Seara buna, Diana draga! Pupici si o saptamana usoara!❤️😘
Desgraciadamente hay muchas noticias falsas. Hay que miras con lo lupa lo que se lee, para ver si hay alguna verdad en lo que se publica.
Unfortunately what you said is a common situation everywhere. It's incredible how perfect they are aligned to... I do not know what!
ȘtergereLet's hope, Antonia to a better situation...
All the best and a fine week and Autumn! ❤️😘
Aforism: Dacă nu vrei să fii mințită întreba. :)
RăspundețiȘtergereTe-ai gandit mult? Reformulez. Cred ca te-ai gandit mult la aforismul asta.
ȘtergereDaca ar fi mai multi oameni care ar intreba, ce bine ar fi!
Awesome article
Thank you. If it would be useful,, would be great!