
Pagini sinteza

duminică, 10 iulie 2022

#Fiction Monday (91)
A dissapearance... O disparitie...

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'MAGIC'.

A couple was walking in front of her. They suddenly caught her eyes, as it sometimes
happened. She wasn't sure why. They had something harmonious in the way they
walked almost synchronously, holding hands, looking at each other from time to time.
She admired their blouses with a kind of colorful mosaic print. Strings of tiny squares
waved because of the movement of their bodies. She focused on a reddish metallic
square, trying not to lose sight of it. She played like this for a few tens of seconds,
until… She knew she was looking in the right direction because she had been following
the small spot of color that she liked very much. She tried to memorize it, to paint it
on canvas. However, as crazy as it seemed, the square changed color in a strange way.
She realized that it was not really a change but a disappearance. A breach had formed
in the place of the square through which the zone from the front of the body could be
seen. In the next seconds the process accelerates and both bodies, like in an animation
process, simply disappeared. What had the two been? A hologram? She looked
around the area to see if there were devices that could have generated something like
that. Was she the only one who have seen the phenomenon? She did not observed
amazed looks. There must have been an explanation, but she hadn't figured it out.
Could be a miracle, a magic, a special technology? After all, the last two are related
in a way. But a miracle like this seems to be out of the question, at least from her
point of view. It could have been a teleportation?
She took out a notebook to write down some ideas, which she would explore later…

In fata mergea o pereche. Ii atrase privirea brusc, asa cum se mai intampla uneori.
Nu era sigura de ce. Aveau ceva armonios in modul cum mergeau aproape sincron,
tinandu-se de maini, privindu-se cand si cand. Le admira bluzele avand ca imprimeu
un fel de mozaic colorat. Siruri de patratele minuscule se unduiau din cauza miscarii
trupurilor. Isi concentra privirea pe un patratel de culoare rosiatic metalizat, incercand
sa nu-l scape din ochi. Se juca astfel cateva zeci de secunde, pana cand… Stia ca privea
in directia corecta pentru ca urmarise constiincios mica pata de culoare ce ii placuse
nespus de mult.
Incerca sa o memoreze pentru a o reda pe panza. Totusi, oricat de nebunesc i se parea,
patratelul isi schimba culoarea intr-un mod ciudat. Realiza ca de fapt nu era o schimbare
ci o disparitie. In locul patratelului se formase o bresa prin care se vedea planul din fata
corpului. In urmatoarele secunde procesul se accelera si ambele trupuri ca intr-un
proces de animatie, pur si simplu disparura. Ce fusesera cei doi? O holograma?
Se uita atent prin zona sa vada daca exista vreun aparat ce ar fi putut genera asa ceva.
Oare doar ea vazuse fenomenul? Nu observa priviri mirate. Cu certitudine trebuia sa
existe o explicatie, insa nu o dibuise. Putea fi un miracol, o magie, o tehnologie speciala?
La urma urmei ultimile doua sunt legate intr-un fel. Dar un miracol de genul acesta
parca era cam fara miza, cel putin din punctul ei de vedere. Ar fi putut fi vorba si de
o teleportare. Isi scoase un carnetel sa-si noteze cateva idei principale, pe care sa
le exploreze ulterior… 

 #Fiction Monday (90) - Seeking in the flow




8 comentarii:

  1. Răspunsuri
    1. Thanks, Brian! This was an idea from my
      short holiday.... So it ends in a fiction post!😄
      Have a nice day with all the mysteries solved!

  2. Buen relato nos has ofrecido. Me ha encantado.
    Feliz semana. Besos.

    1. It was a strange idea. Due to a blouse of a girl!😊
      Thank you for your words, Antonia!
      Have a beautiful week!

  3. Hmm, ce interesant! Să fie magie? Orice-ar fi, e de analizat :)
    Zi bună, Suzana!

    1. 😊 Asa ma gandeam si eu. Optez totusi pentru teleportare...
      Seara frumoasa, draga Potecuta!

  4. Razele soarelui au fost "blocate" de-un nor si ingerii proiectati au disparut. 😊
    Interesanta intamplare.
    Saptamana frumoasa iti doresc, Suzana draga! ❤️ Pupici! 😘

    1. 😊Interesanta abordarea! Nu ma gandisem la o astfel de varianta. Se strang destule posibilitati!
      Multumesc, draga mea. Acum, ca ai terminat evantaiul, poate fi si cald...
      Pupici! 😘❤️
