
Pagini sinteza

marți, 23 noiembrie 2021

Miercurea fara cuvinte (291) -
Jocuri si fractali- Games and fractals

A venit randul meu sa gazduiesc  jocul "Miercurea fara cuvinte", preluat de la  Zina si
initiat de
Carmen.  Un schimb de idei - imagini care ne coloreaza ziua si imaginatia!
   Postarea participa si la WW:
pe blogul 'Natasha Musing'
pe blogul 'Image-in-ing';
pe blogul 'Bethere2day';
pe blogul 'Myworldthrumycameralens';
pe blogul 'Comedy-plus';
pe blogul 'My Holidays photos';
pe blogul 'RamblinwithAm';
pe blogul
'Cats-astropic Events';
pe blogul 'Katheworsley';
pe blogul 'Brianshome'
pe blogul
'Jaipur Gardening';
pe blogul 'Abooksandmore';

Just be aware that I'll update the links to your posts till the end of  Wednesday.
The table will be created on Tuesday evening. If you have problems with the signing up,
I'll introduce your post for you, just tell me in the comment your link.

Pentru azi am impletit imagini de fractali descoperite pe un site ce contine
si un soft ce poate fi preluat, prin care se pot crea astfel de geometrii si imagini
fractale din viata reala. 
For today I weaved images of fractals discovered on a site that contains also a software
that can be downloaded, for creating them and fractal images from the real life.

(Source 1 -created fractals)
(Source 2 - fractals in the real life)

Adaug o descoperire pe un blog prieten, a unui program cu puzzle-uri, simpatic foc!
I add a discovery on a friend blog: 'Cats-astropic Events', about a program with puzzles
very cute! I share the image from the above link!

And thank you for this fabulous game!

JoJo Caturday Art

O zi de miercuri plina de alte descoperiri!
A fine Wednesday full of other discoveries!
Happy WW!


MFC (290)

40 de comentarii:

  1. These are fab nice mix of colours too :-)

    Have an artistictastic week Suzana 👍

    1. If I am look for colors it's impossible not to find them everywhere around us!
      Thank you Steve and Happy WW! A fabulous week!

  2. Buenos contenidos y aportaciones hoy nos ofreces en tu blog.

    Que tengas un maravillos día.

    1. I love this kind of images and I am glad I discovered that program. I'll explore it!
      Thank you Antonia! Have a nice day!

  3. Floarea soarelui este cea mai normală...

    1. Mie mi se par perfect normale cele naturale! Asa sunt ele...

      Happy WW!

  4. Woow, cât de interesante sunt toate! De data asta chiar nu por alege, fiecare are ceva special!
    Seară frumoasă, Suzana!

    1. Poti alege oricand sau le poti crea tu cand ai chef!
      Multumesc draga Potecuta! Si mai ales pentru minunile
      de la tine!

  5. Hermosas flores y fotos.Sabia la naturaleza diseñando. Maravilla de entrada Suzana.
    Buena noche.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Obvious, Nature is the perfect designer and an endless source of inspiration.
      Thank you, Laura! If you want to participate with your photos, you are welcome.

  6. Those are all amazing photos! Hello sweet Jo Jo!

    1. I've always thought this about fractals! The subject is fabulous! Like the art of JoJo!
      Thank you, Brian!
      Happy WW!

  7. Beautiful shapes, beautiful colors and we visit JoJo too. Did you know that I love Marvelous Marv? You do now.

    Thank you for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Suzana. ♥

    1. Sandee, I'm so glad I discovered deeper you and all your friends with so nice blogs, a beautiful world that I did not know!
      Grateful for this!
      Thank you a lot!
      Happy WW!

  8. Love the vibrant colors.

    Happy Weds, Suzana.

    1. Yes, me too. I realized that I am addicted of colors...
      Thank you, Veronica!
      Happy WW!

  9. Complexitate si frumusete.
    O zi minunata! ❤️

    1. Doar ma stii deja!
      Astfel de imagini sunt pe gustul meu...
      Happy WW, draga Nima! O zi frumoasa!

  10. Beautiful, both the ones from nature and the man made ones.

    1. I look forward to discover that program. I'm curious what is in fact!
      From my side, those natural images have a beautiful equilibrium.
      Thank you, Alana!
      Happy WW!

  11. They are all beautiful. The real life fractals are my favourites though because they show how amazing nature is.

    1. Exactly, we resonate about this. All the time I say: nature is incredible!
      Happy WW and a fine week!

  12. Interesante și atrăgătoare, imaginile cu fractali! Stimulează imaginația.

    Happy WW, dragă Suzana! ♥

    1. Chiar asa! Mintea noastra trebuie sa zbarnaie...🙂
      Imi plac la nebunie astfel de geometrii.
      Happy WW, draga Zina! Toate cele frumoase!

  13. I LOVE fractals! You have found some really terrific ones. I can't remember when I last created any. Way back a zillion years ago, I did them at art school using rulers, compasses, tape and paint! Computers are much faster. Thanks so much for the shout out and using the Digital art I did of Jo Jo as the link! You ROCK!
    Today, I think I shall create some fractals!

    1. Your puzzle program is ROCK! I'll start from December with the trying. Now I made cards for Christmas. The fractals are a fabulous subject and is deeper than I thought. It's just a feeling...🙂
      Thank you a lot and Happy WW! I love the 'zillion' unit! It sounds perfect!

  14. Răspunsuri
    1. Si mie mi s-a parut la fel!
      Multumesc mult, Daurel!
      Happy WW!

  15. Incep sa inteleg ce sunt fractalii.
    Happy WW!

    1. Pai e de bine asta, cred! Matematica lor mi-ar placea sa o scormonesc sa vad daca mi-a mai ramas ceva in amintire.
      Happy WW!🙂

  16. Răspunsuri
    1. Thank you, Lydia for your presence in the game with such beauties! For me it's a fabulous subject.
      Happy WW!

  17. M-ai lăsat fără cuvinte. :)
    O săptămână frumoasă în continuare!

    1. Ha, ha! Sincer, cand am descoperit ce am descoperit si eu am cam ramas pe aspiratie...
      Multumesc frumos, draga Vero!
      O saptamana minunata!❤️

  18. Răspunsuri
    1. I love fractals. They are like... miracles.
      Thank you and a beautiful weekend!

  19. Beautiful images, I am really impressed with the art pattern inside that Red cabbage . Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

    1. Sometimes we do not observe because we cut it in small pieces, but indeed is a so beautiful design.
      Thank you, Arun!
      All the best in the first month of winter!

  20. jocuri minunate de culori, lumini si geometrie! :)

    1. Imi plac mult de tot. Sunt minunat de vii!
      Multumesc, Cristi. Am fost absenta de la auditii, ca a fost luna felicitarilor...
      La Multi Ani de 1 Decembrie!
