
Pagini sinteza

duminică, 14 noiembrie 2021

#Fiction Monday (58) -
Are we really focus? -
Ne concentram cu adevarat?

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'FOCUS'

There is a special flow of the words in this game. I do not know why or if
it is so. Maybe it's only a feeling of a ' download' with a certain purpose.
What is 'focus' about? We practice it every day, knowing or not knowing.

We focus on a specific image using a camera, to see it better, to see it closer.
We have to be concentrated on our hands movements to catch a clear picture.
The researchers  focus on the images from their microscopes discovering the
micro universe from their samples.
We focus on a conversation with another person, trying to pay attention, when
our own thoughts want to be released and spread into the space. And if we
can't, at least we have to apologize to our inner self, because we don't say what
is important to be expressed... due to a lot of reasons.

We think we focus on what we are doing in our home, but sometimes we fail
and we boil over the coffee,  we burn the cake, or we break our favorite cup.
The masters explain about the present moment  about we have to be aware
and focus.
But sometimes simple ideas are complicated because we are very clever in
complicate things!


Exista un flux special de cuvinte in acest joc. Nu stiu de ce sau daca este asa.
Poate ca este doar o senzatie de 'descarcare' cu un anumit scop.
Ce inseamna 'concentrarea'? O practicam in fiecare zi, stiind sau nestiind.

Ne concentram pe o anumita imagine folosind o camera, pentru a o vedea mai bine,
pentru a o vedea mai aproape. Trebuie sa fim concentrati asupra miscarilor mâinilor
pentru a o obtine mai clar.
Cercetatorii se concentreaza pe imaginile de la microscoapele lor  descoperind micro
universul  din mostrele lor.
Ne concentram pe o conversatie cu o alta persoana, incercând sa fim atenti, pe cand
propriile noastre ganduri vor sa fie eliberate si raspândite in spatiu. Si daca nu putem,
macar trebuie sa ne cerem scuze eului nostru interior, pentru ca nu spunem ceea  ce
este important sa fie exprimat... din multe motive.

Credem ca ne concentram pe ceea ce facem in casa noastra, dar uneori esuam si dam
cafeaua in foc, ardem prajitura sau spargem cana preferata.
Maestrii explica despre momentul prezent de care trebuie sa fim constienti si
asupra caruia trebuie sa ne concentram.
Dar uneori ideile simple sunt complicate pentru ca suntem foarte destepti in a
complica lucrurile!

#Fiction Monday (57) - A new friend


12 comentarii:

  1. Very interesting, that does take a lot of focus!

    1. I suppose this word is more important as I thought before.
      Even sometimes I forget...
      Thank you, Brian! Have a nice evening!
      'Hear' you soon!

  2. Răspunsuri
    1. Chiar asa! O biserica speciala!
      Imi place ideea. Este o alta viziune!

      Seara buna!

  3. Răspunsuri
    1. 🙂 Imi pare bine ca te reaud, Exergy!
      Geniala? Nu stiu. Eu am vazut chestia asta peste tot.
      Chiar si la mine, asa ca e musai sa fiu mai atenta! 🙂
      Toate cele bune sa fie la tine!

  4. Concentrarnos... Si está bien que lo hagamos, pero hay días que la mente va a su aire y nos cuesta más hacerlo. Menos mal que solo nos pasa a veces. Parece la imagen de un caleidoscopio.
    Buena noche Suzana
    Un abrazo.

    1. Sometimes? Great for you, dear friend! You are on the path!
      And indeed the image is from a kaleidoscope. I did the images for this post:

      Thank you, Laura! Have a beautiful week!

  5. To stay focussed is very difficult for me these days. There are so many distractions around. Even while reading a book the mind wanders to other places. Glad to read your thoughts, Suzana.
    Thank you for joining Fiction Monday!

    1. Not only for you, Vinitha! We have to trained ourselves to
      really focus on what we are doing. If we do this, definitely whatever we do will be better and faster done.
      Thank you a lot for this chance of sharing my ideas in your game
      All the best and a fine week!

  6. Loved this line
    simple ideas are complicated because we are very clever in
    complicate things!

    We focus more on complicated things and mess up simple things.

    1. Yes, we have a gift in complicate everything. I do not know why we don't trust our instinct that gives us the simple ways of doing... But we'll learn...
      Thank you for the visit. Have a beautiful week!
