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duminică, 7 noiembrie 2021

#Fiction Monday (57) -
A new friend - O noua prietena

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'WARM'
and the image bellow.


Ramsy had never a cat before. But a friend had begged her to host her fluffy for two
weeks, because… Simply the game of chance. Do you believe in it…?
She gave her everything, explaining as much detail as possible, even made her a list
started with the veterinarian’s phone …
For her part, Ramsy began to document herself conscientiously for several days and
as she learns things, she oscillates between fear and the emotion of a new experience.
She kept the last one considering it much more useful.

She received her guest with a great curiosity. A cute kitten with big eyes.
Ramsy had a strange sensation, managing to hold her gaze for a few seconds.
She felt the warm and the cold intertwine in an almost whirlwind way, as if she dived
in another reality, unknown to her. The sensation lasted extremely little, but the
beginning seemed promising.
She started to ‘show’ to her new friend the dedicated spaces: the place where she will sleep,
eat, the litter place and the playground.
In her naivety Ramsy thought that a perimeter with toys and a received support dedicated
to the climbs will be sufficient. It was a big mistake…
Right from the start, Pufy - that was the kitten's name - began on its own, the great
exploration … She did not avoid any space where she could hide. The girl followed her more
and more amazed and had to admit that she was a little bit worried about some wavy motions next to some fragile things that she had forgotten to hide…
Pufy bypassed the plants, but perhaps the time to explore them had not come yet.
Two interesting weeks will follow. A special holiday and definitely an unforgettable one! 


Ramsy nu avusese pana atunci vreo pisica. Insa o prietena o implorase sa-i gazduiasca
pufoasa doua saptamani, pentru ca… Pur si simplu jocul intamplarii! Voi credeti in el...?
Ii daduse de toate, ii explicase cat mai in detaliu, ii facuse chiar si o lista pe care o incepuse
cu telefonul doctorului veterinar…
La randul ei, Ramsy incepuse sa se documenteze constiincios de cateva zile si pe masura ce
afla lucruri, oscila intre teama si emotia unei noi experiente.
O pastra pe ultima considerand-o mult mai utila.

Isi primi musafira cu multa curiozitate. O pisicuta dragalasa, cu ochii mari. Ramsy avu o
senzatie ciudata, reusind sa-i sustina privirea cateva secunde. Simti cum se impletesc caldura si raceala intr-un fel aproape turbionar, plonjand parca intr-o alta realitate, necunoscuta ei.
Dura extrem de putin senzatia, insa inceputul i se paru promitator.
Incepu sa-i ‘arate’ noii prietene spatiile dedicate : locul unde va dormi, va manca,
locul litierei si locul de joaca.
In naivitatea ei Ramsy credea ca un perimetru amenajat cu jucarii si un suport dedicat
cataraturilor, pe care i-l daduse prietena ei va fi suficient. A fost o mare eroare…
Chiar din primul moment, Pufy – asta era numele pisicutei- incepu pe cont propriu marea explorare… Nu ocoli nici un spatiu in care se putea ascunde  Fata o urmari din ce in ce mai
uimita si  usor ingrijorata de niste unduiri pe langa cateva obiecte fragile pe care uitase sa le ascunda… Ocolise totusi plantele, insa poate ca nu sosise timpul lor de explorat.
Urmau doua saptamani interesante. O vacanta mai aparte si cu siguranta de neuitat...!

#Fiction Monday (56) - Feelings and opinions based on 'fire'




10 comentarii:

  1. Awww, time with a kitty is never wasted. I really enjoyed that video, that was fun!!!

    1. I like those instruments. They produce so special sounds!
      I do not have a cat, I think I told this before, but I like to observe them when I can. And I continue to be amazed.
      I had some post with this subject and even there are only in Romanian, I let them here, as a collection:

      Thank you Brian! Be well and full of joy in this new week of November!

  2. Alte două săptămâni de vacanță? 🙂

    1. De ce nu? Ce alt pretext puteam avea pentru ca acest personaj
      sa aiba grija de pisicuta unei prietene? Asa a venit inspiratia! 🙂

  3. Es precioso. Cuando pasen las dos semanas lo echará de menos porque se enamorará de él.
    Buena noche Suzana.
    Un abrazo.

    1. I suppose this subject will continue, because the character is from another game. I started to intertwined them...🙂
      And a sweet kitty is such a beautiful subject, even I have no experience about that...
      Thank you, Laura! All the best!
      Un abrazo!

  4. He leíto atentamente tu retrato. Relato que has descrito con brillantez y lo único que puede hacer ahora es comentar.

    Me ha gustado tu aportación y ya cierro mi ordenador, para descansar.


    1. 🙂 You are very kind, Antonia! I wanted so much to continue the story with this character. So, a cute fluffy was perfect!
      All the best to you and new beautiful photos!

  5. Aww! That's a cute story!
    Thank you joining Fiction Monday, Suzana! :)

    1. This was my inspiration for this week...🙂
      Thank you, Vinitha for the opportunity of playing these game!
      All the best and inspiration!
