
Pagini sinteza

duminică, 31 octombrie 2021

#Fiction Monday (56) -
Feelings and opinions based on 'fire'
Sentimente si opinii bazate pe 'foc'

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'FIRE'
and the image bellow.


There were a few moments of panic thinking there were too many ideas I would like to
know but the life and its time follows a different agenda, in conflict with my mind.

Now, this approach has softened its fire, when I realized that I do not have to know,
but to UNDERSTAND what happens to me and especially inside me.
To turn into a conscientious observer of my inner space can be infinitely more valuable
than reading cubic meters of books without a certain rule.
If you don't understand these words, that's fine, because they are weird and I don't
know where they are taken me either. 

I know only that I want to know, but I know that in reality I will know only a very
small drop... But that drop is definitely part of the Cosmic Library, which is fascinating,
but I guess I can't have a subscription there ... Maybe just a Divine invitation...
And this is complicated, but only because we complicate things, with our limitations that sometimes we don't even know about. I think starting with identifying them would be
a good start. That’s a perfect inner discovery! And obviously extending or even canceling
them, if they do not fit on our path.
But to understand the meaning of the idea that every personal atom is more space than
matter, it can be a terrible click. How were we shaped by the creator?
By what mechanisms He created our body and the fields around it?
These kinds of questions I admit that they rekindle the fire ...
How many lives will it take until I understand something...?
But I don't panic anymore. Because I know that panic is good for nothing.
So I take step by step on the path...

Au fost cateva momente de panica, gandind ca sunt prea multe idei pe care as vrea sa le stiu
dar viata si timpul ei se deruleaza dupa o alta agenda, in conflict cu mintea mea.

Acum, aceasta abordare si-a domolit focul, cand am realizat ca nu trebuie sa stiu ci sa
INTELEG ce se petrece cu mine si mai ales in mine.
A ma transforma intr-un observator constiincios al spatiului interior poate fi infinit mai
valoros decat a citi metri cubi de carti fara o regula anume.
Daca nu intelegeti prea bine aceste cuvinte este in regula, pentru ca se astern ciudat si nici
eu nu stiu unde voi ajunge.

Stiu insa ca vreau sa stiu, dar stiu ca in realitate voi sti doar un strop si acela micut...
Insa cu siguranta acel strop face parte din Libraria Cosmica ceea ce este fascinant, insa
banuiesc ca nu pot avea un abonament acolo... Poate doar o invitatie Divina.
Si asta e complicat, insa doar noi complicam lucrurile, noi cu limitarile noastre pe care
uneori nici nu le cunoastem.
Cred ca a incepe cu identificarea lor ar fi un start bun. Asta da descoperire interioara!
Si evident extinderea sau chiar anularea lor, daca nu se potrivesc drumului nostru.
Insa a intelege sensul ideii ca fiecare atom personal este mai mult spatiu decat materie,
poate fi un declic teribil. Oare cum am fost modelati de creator?
Prin ce mecanisme ne-a creat trupul si campurile care-l inconjoara?
Acest gen de intrebari recunosc ca reaprind focul...
Oare cate vieti se vor derula pana voi pricepe ceva?
Insa nu mai ma panichez. Pentru ca stiu ca panica nu este buna.
Asa ca fac pasi mici pe carare...

Another approach about fire...
O alta abordare privind focul...

"Wellness- Wheel"
(Roata sanatatii)



#Fiction Monday (55) - Dare to create after a dream

6 comentarii:

  1. Răspunsuri
    1. 😊De maine intr-o luna chiar incepe, indiferent de pasi!

  2. Creo que sabemos mucho del mundo exterior, pero desconocemos bastante lo que hay en nuestro interior...por lo pronto, has dado los primeros pasos, que te pueden conducir bien lejos.

    1. Indeed and there are thousands of information that could change our lives in better, but these ideas are so diluted and are so difficult to find them... Especially in this period!
      But it's always a way, definitely!
      I wish you a fabulous November, Antonia! With many useful answers!

  3. Wow! This was deep, Suzana. I will definitely read it again to get a better grasp of your thoughts. Thank you for joining #FictionMonday. Have a lovely week!

    1. Vinitha, sometimes I am not sure how is my English. I hope I do not make big mistakes...
      Thank you a lot dear friend!
      Have a lovely week also!
