
Pagini sinteza

vineri, 1 octombrie 2021

#Fiction Monday (52) -
Just a question
Doar o intrebare

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'STRUGGLE'.

Can it really be said that mankind has evolved from the level of the primitive commune?
Because the struggle seems to be the common denominator even now.
It is everywhere and for everything.
Nature has always shown us the importance of the balance on any branch of the food chain
and yet mankind has learned nothing.
How many thousands of years does humanity need to learn?

Oare chiar se poate spune ca omenirea a evoluat fata de nivelul comunei primitive?
Pentru ca lupta pare numitorul comun si acum.
Este peste tot si pentru orice.
Natura ne-a aratat permanent importanta echilibrului pe orice ramificatie a lantului
trofic si totusi omenirea nu a invatat nimic.
Oare cate mii de ani ii mai trebuie?

#Fiction Monday (51) - Thoughts to Him...

20 de comentarii:

  1. Por eso se ha dicho que le hombre es el animal, que tropieza dos veces en la misma piedra.


    1. I did not know this tale. Thank you for the completion, Antonia!
      Have a beautiful Sunday and a fine October!

  2. Si seguimos sin evolucionar no vamos a extinguir o a destruir el planeta lo que sea más rápido. Te mando un beso

    1. It's so strange that humanity could destroy our Planet with the whole humane race on it.Even it's unthinkable the danger is close...
      Thank you and all the best in your world.

  3. Sometimes I think humans are regressing, but maybe it's only in our neck of the woods!

    1. I did not now the expression! If we sum all our neck of the woods, I suppose we will obtain... something huge, like the Planet!
      Thank you, Brian, have a beautiful Sunday!

  4. În 10 ani...lumea nu va mai fi așa ca acum...

    1. Cu certitudine! Singura problema este ca lucrurile se schimba de la o zi la alta, asa ca expresia aia cu nu aduce anul ce aduce ceasul, parca are alte semnificatii...
      O duminica placuta!

  5. A evoluat tehnologia, au evoluat multe altele. Dar noi... mi-e greu să o spun.
    Weekend frumos, Suzana!

    1. Tehnologia a evoluat urias, insa este o mica - mare inadvertenta intre scopul ei si scopul nostru! Asa ca ar merita sa fim mai atenti...
      Weekend frumos si tie, draga Potecuta!❤️

  6. Interesting post.
    Did we really ever evolved as a human being
    in its true sense?


    1. From my perspective, we evolved but not as a whole entity.
      I am not sure we understand correct the idea of being part of Whole, together with Mother Earth.
      Thank you for the visit and comment. All the best to you!

  7. The pandemic has certainly made me think about the world and our place in it.
    And I believe the majority of people want what’s best for the planet and the world.
    We just need visionary people in power to get it done.
    Thank you for the link. From it the clouds I took a photo of look like a form of Nori Cirrus.
    Have a lovely week…

    1. The pandemic definitely makes us think about a lot of ideas. I can not argue that there are people who want and make things for our Planet. But I am not sure they are sufficient enough. Visionary people in a good way must lead. But unfortunately this is not quite happening... But I am an optimist person.
      I'm glad that you explore my links. There are the most important types, even for the relevant images we have to dig...😊
      Have an inspired week also!

  8. Perhaps the pandemic has made people more aware of how venerable we all are.
    I believe that most people want the best for the planet. And many people are working on extraordinary innovations to set things right.
    Now, we need visionary leaders who can make the best of what's right a reality.
    Enjoy the week...

    1. Continuing the ideas from above, we have to discover our native powers of healing. Because we are created with them and I think the holistic medicine is not spread enough. These times are challenging us in a very powerful way.
      Thank you, Dixie!
      Enjoy the week too! And a lot of inspiration in your creations!

  9. E defect genetic, nu dispare! ☺

    Săptămână excelentă!

    1. 😊 Nu ma gandisem chiar asa! Ar fi prea... drastic si fara speranta...

      Multumesc, draga Zina! O saptamana excelenta si tie.

  10. A valid and valuable thought, Suzana. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Unfortunately, I may add. But as I told you, I am an optimist person!
      Thank you Vinitha for your beautiful game.
      All the best in your world!
