
Pagini sinteza

luni, 26 aprilie 2021

#Fiction Monday (30) -
A strange dream - Un vis ciudat

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the word prompt is 'FROWN'.


Silvian suddenly woke up and frowned, trying to remember the last sequences
from the dream he had. Something very strange:

He was looking at a large, cubic box, without the top, which appear suspended
by a kind of twisted cables, fixed on the corners. He couldn't see exactly
where they were going, because the area showed blurred, as if it had entered
in a cloud. But he was puzzled by what he saw in the box.

It seemed to be filled with a kind of wooden mannequins, those used by sculptors
to study different positions of the human body. They were crowded and he could
see their rounded heads. The box began to sway, but he did not understand how
the movement was formed.

At a time, one of the heads started to detach from the rest of the group.
Little by little the mannequin became clearer and clearer. As  he stood up,
his head started to take on human features and moved…

The dream was falling apart. Silvian tried  to remember for not loosing it.
Strange and interesting! A special beginning of several possible metaphors…

Silvian se trezi brusc si se incrunta, incercand sa-si amintinteasca ultimile
secvente din visul avut. Ceva foarte ciudat:

Privea spre o cutie mare, cubica, fara partea superioara, ce parea suspendata
de un fel de cabluri rasucite si fixate pe colturi. Nu putea sa vada exact unde duceau, pentru ca zona parea blurata, ca si cum ar fi intrat intr-un nor.
Era nedumerit insa de ceea ce vedea in cutie.

Parea umpluta cu un fel de manechine de lemn, din acelea utilizate de sculptori
pentru a studia diferite pozitii ale corpului uman. Stateau inghesuite si le putea
vedea capetele rotunjite. Cutia incepu sa se legene, insa nu intelegea cum se
forma miscarea.

La un moment dat unul din capete incepu sa se detaseze de restul
grupului. Putin cate putin manechinul se vazu din ce in ce mai clar. Pe masura
ce se ridica, capul incepu sa capete trasaturi omenesti si sa se miste…

Visul se destrama. Silvian incerca sa-l recompuna pentru a si-l aminti mai bine!
Ciudat si interesant. Un inceput aparte al mai multor metafore posibile…

#Fiction Monday (29) - Just a thought

8 comentarii:

  1. Cutia se legăna din cauza curentului. :D

  2. That's definitely a strange dream. It's hard to make sense oof such strange dreams, but there are many possible interpretations too.
    Thank you for participating in #FictionMonday, Suzana.:)

    1. Many dreams are strange. Probably the future shows eventually an interpretations. But I suppose many of them are related with daily events or watched movies...😊
      Thank you Vinitha for the #Fiction Monday! Have a beautiful week ahead!

  3. Zâna buna a suflat viata peste manechinul din lemn care si-a dorit sa fie om. Ce naiv! 😊 Spera sa scape de manipularea papusarilor?

    Seara frumoasa iti doresc, Suzana draga! ❤️ Pupici! 😘

    1. Daaa! Ii urez succes. Poate reuseste, cine stie...😊
      Uneori se mai intampla si minuni!

      Multumesc, Diana draga! Pupici si noapte buna!❤️ 😘

  4. Răspunsuri
    1. Ooo! Ce surpriza placuta!
      Chiar asa, daca ni le mai amintim...
      Toate cele bune, draga Marta! O saptamana cu bucurii!
